热油泵的使用事项- gemobeng的日志- 网易博客


2010-02-05 14:14:06 阅读6 评论0 字号:

为保证热油泵的性能充分发挥和延长使用年限,在使用热油泵时,应该注意以下几个方面: 1、打开相关仪表的开关; 2、接通电源,当泵达到正常转速,且仪表显示出相当压力后,逐渐打开输出管路上的闸阀,并调节到需要工况。在输出管路上的闸阀关闭的情况下,泵连续工作不能超过3分钟; 3、刚开始运行时,把生产流程中的设备缓缓加热到100-130度,热油泵并且保持在该温度下继续运行,脱水脱气到导热油中的水份xx蒸发,才把设备加热到操作温度; 4、在运行中的前3-4小时,把设备加热到操作温度之后关掉油泵,检查泵轴和电机轴联轴器的同轴度,泵轴和电机轴偏差应控制在允许范围内,泵轴用手转动应轻便灵活和无振动旋转,热油泵如达不到上述要求,应重新进行调整; 5、开机过程中,要时时注意电动机的功率读数及振动情况,振动值不超过0.6毫米,如有异常应停车检查; 6、每个球轴承在运行3000小时之后,必须拆下用柴油清洗干净后,检查是否损坏,如有损坏,必须换新的轴承; 7、靠叶轮侧的球轴承安装时,热油泵有防尘盖的一侧要朝向叶轮安装,开车前注入导热油润滑; 8、靠联轴器侧的球轴承,用复合钙基高温润滑脂,该轴承重新安装时,热油泵有防尘盖的一侧同样要朝向叶轮侧安装,安装时充填润滑脂。

“ The use of hot oil pump issues”是由提供的国际水泵新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国隔膜泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

In order to ensure the performance of heat pumps into full play and to extend the useful life in the use of heat pumps, they should note the following aspects: 1, open the relevant meter switch; 2, connected to power, when the pump reaches the normal speed, and the meter shows that, after considerable pressure, and gradually open the valve on the pipe output, and adjust to the needs of working conditions. In the output pipe of the valve closure of the road, the pumps working continuously for no more than 3 minutes; 3, just started running into the production process of the device slowly heated to 100-130 degrees, heat pump, and maintained at that temperature continues to run, dehydration to heat-conducting oil degassing in the water completely evaporated, and only then heating equipment to the operating temperature; 4, in operation the first 3-4 hours, the device operating temperature after heating to turn off the pump, check the pump shaft and motor shaft coupling of the coaxial degree, pump shaft and motor shaft bias should be controlled within the allowable range, hand pump shaft rotation should be light and flexible and non-vibration rotation, heat pumps, such as not meet the above requirements should be re-adjusted; 5, the boot process, we must constantly watch for motor power readings and vibration, the vibration value is not more than 0.6 millimeters, if an exception should stop checks; 6, each ball bearing running 3,000 hours, you must remove the diesel clean, check for damage, if damaged, must be new ones bearing; 7, depend on the impeller side of the ball bearing installation, heat pump with dust cover one side of the impeller to move towards the installation, before driving into the heat-conducting oil lubrication; 8, by coupling side of the ball bearings, high temperature grease with calcium-based compound, the bearing re-installation, heat pump with dust cover one side of the impeller towards the same side should be installed, installing grease filling.

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