为sps站点添加区域模板(2003) - wudebinn - 博客园
sps站点默认的区域站点包括:"内容区域模板","主题区域模板","新闻区域模板","新闻主页区域模板","网站目录区域模板","SharePoint Portal Server BucketWeb Template","社区区域模板"(参见 C:\ProgramFiles\CommonFiles\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\60\TEMPLATE\2052\XML\WEBTEMPSPS.XML文件)。其对应的模板文件为C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\60\TEMPLATE\2052路径下的各文件夹。

To add a new template to the system

  1. Note the name of the new template folder (such as SPSTOPICMSW).
  2. In a text editor such as Notepad, open WEBTEMPSPS.XML located at \\FE_Server_name \c$\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\60\TEMPLATE\1033\XML.
  3. Within the <Templates> node, copy and then paste an existing <Template> node. For example:
    <Template Name="SPSNEWS" ID="32">
        <Configuration ID="0" Title="News area template" Type="0" Hidden="TRUE"
        ImageUrl="../images/spshome.gif" Description="Area Template."></Configuration>
  4. Replace the Name property with the name of the new template folder.
  5. Give the new template a unique ID.
  6. Replace the Title, ImageUrl, and Description properties as appropriate.
  7. Save the file, and then restart IIS.

    The template is now available as a new item in the Template menu on the Create Area form.

As mentioned earlier, a template essentially consists of a style sheet reference, registration of various components/controls to run on the page, standard HTML markup dictating layout, zones (containers for Web Parts), Web controls (for example, navigation elements) and in some cases, instances of Web Parts.

Modifying a template simply involves opening the template of choice in a text editor, making the desired changes, and saving the file. No IIS reset is required.

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