如何护理颈部皮肤» 美容护肤_美容养颜- 百度美容网





















调节你的枕套 颈部健康有保证



如果脖子太劳累了,无法再灵活转动,我们还不妨采取这个办法:将盐水冻成冰块,裹在毛巾里,然后把它放在酸痛的部位,一边划小圈一边冷敷20—30 分钟。大约2—3天,你的脖颈就会转动自如了。


How to care for neck skin

The organizational structure of the neck is relatively weak, oil secretion of small, prone to drying phenomenon. Regular activities, but also for muscle relaxation and creating the conditions for the appearance of fine lines. If you pay attention to nursing, from the 25-year-old start neck will have noticeable wrinkles.

Usually in the teens neck wrinkles will appear, but they are not obvious. With the erosion of the years, this early aging wrinkles will gradually deepen. How do I maintain the neck, Xiao Bian for your Weapon through!

1. With Cleanser Clean neck

When you are accustomed to bathing in the bath liquid and soap clean neck do? Fast to stop it, it makes the neck skin to become dry, to accelerate the skin aging neck, Oh!

The correct approach is to use a mild Cleanser gently massage the neck, and then rinse with warm water. Only warm water washing is also OK, but the water temperature should not be too high, otherwise, would stimulate the skin, so that premature aging.

2. With facial scrub products

The best week for 1 or 2 times the neck scrub. Facial exfoliating product with the more moderate, the same can be used for the neck. Body Exfoliating products will have to be used in the neck with caution, because of its large particle size, easy to hurt the fragile neck, skin, particles can only be very subtle.

3. My neck, neck membrane Nursing

JM like to use a lot of post-deposition End Face Facial Mask and then deposited the neck, this is a wrong method of protecting neck. Facial Mask used on the nutrients have been absorbed by the skin of a large part of the face, the remaining number of nutrition in the air by oxidation and volatilization, the continued use of the neck skin simply can not meet the nutritional needs.

Want to neck full of nutrition, it should be a new mask Fuyu neck. Facial Mask due to the different size and neck, in order to avoid inconvenience, you can use washed or disposable mask. Neck, dry skin moisturizing facial mask can be deposited, muddy whitening mask that can be deposited, relaxation may be deposited or anti-aging collagen mask. Best not to use the deep cleansing mask in the neck, or neck skin will become dry.

4. Choose their own skin or lotion instead of the Shaping

Neck care products suitable for the active ingredients are orchid oil, fennel essence, ginseng essence and so on, they have anti-oxidant, moisturizing and revitalizing the role, but also easy to cause skin allergies. According to their own skin to choose the right Shaping, if instead of using cream, the best choice of water quality, using latex will do.

Neck protection tips:

The neck also need essence products, facial essence you can smear on the neck, especially the wrinkles essence.

Neck refused Body Lotion, because it contains a larger proportion of fat, neck, skin, difficult to absorb.

Sometimes with the Shaping will Cuochu “mud” Come on, this is not necessarily Shaping the problem, it could be neck scrub work has not been done, in the cleaning process has been softened keratin, or excessive smearing Shaping the neck can not be absorbed through skin.

Winter wear high-necked sweater, try wearing a cotton inside the high-collar shirt, the neck skin to avoid friction with the sweater.

Do not use hot water bath, so as not to stimulate the accelerated aging neck skin.

Adjust your pillow to ensure the health of the neck

Soft bed and mattress, sleeping up very comfortable, but our hips and back but it will because it was W-shaped soft subsidence, resulting in neck bone violently forward. And mattresses, like neck pain caused by the pillow is one of the reasons. For the back of the neck, the lying is the most natural, so big pillows are the most scientific. This will enable the formation of mountain-shaped curved neck. Some of the best pillows a little hard. The most appropriate height is 8 cm or so, placed in the neck of the depression.

Ice neck protection

If the neck is too tired, and no longer flexible and rotation, we may also wish to take this approach: the salt water frozen into ice, wrapped in a towel inside, and then put it on the site of pain, while the side draw a small circle cold 20-30 minutes. About 2-3 days, your neck will rotate freely in.



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