三个月的宝宝能吃希舒美吗« BABY宝宝百科


xxx该用的时候就要用,比如得了肺炎,不用不行啊,{zh0}弄清是xx感染还是病毒感染,如果是xx感染,还要做xx培养和药敏试验,只要用起xxx才能有用,6个月以下的宝宝在病毒感染后容易合并xx感染,要用xxx做预防xx。我想你大概没有弄懂抗体的意思,抗体(antibody): 机体在抗原物质刺激下,由B细胞分化成的浆细胞所产生的、可与相应抗原发生特异性结合反应的免疫球蛋白。比如你打了水痘疫苗后,身体就会产生一种免疫球蛋白来抵抗再次侵入人体的水痘病毒,就不会起水痘。获得抗体的3种途径:

baby was sick and I had more than 20 days do not eat a lot of useful drugs, today went to hospitals, doctors opened to Zithromax, I have read are manuals, such as antibiotics, baby food the latter will be on the no antibody, and we are artificially fed, there will be after the other drug is not effective to eat, I hope to understand the mothers in this regard to the responses. Thank you!

The use of antibiotics should be used when, for example, had pneumonia, do not, ah, the best is to clarify the virus infection or bacterial infection, if it is bacterial infection, but also a culture and sensitivity test, as long as the use of antibiotics can be useful since, 6 months following virus infection in the baby after the merger easier to bacterial infection, so prevention and treatment of antibiotic use. I think you probably did not understand the meaning of antibody, antibody (antibody): the body of material in the stimulation of antigen by B cells to differentiate into plasma cells generated can occur with the corresponding antigen-specific immunoglobulin binding. For example, you play the chicken pox vaccine, the body produces an immune globulin to resist re-invasion of the varicella-zoster virus in human, it is not from chicken pox. Access to means of three kinds of antibodies:
1: from genetic, including access from the mother.
2: vaccination.
3: disease. antibody
has nothing to do with antibiotics, antibiotic resistance will be, a long-term application of high-dose antibiotics, pathogenic bacteria will develop resistance, when resistance to invasion of human pathogens in the use of the same antibiotics will have little effect . So do not frequent replacement of antibiotics, if bacteria are to all the antibiotics have had a resistance, it will be harder to heal the sick.

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