
  1. 使用性能规格表选泵型 水泵厂在产品目录中都提供了这种表格,表中每一个型号的性能都有三行数据,究竟以哪一行为准呢?一般设计流量和设计扬程应与性能表列出的中间一行的数值相一致,或是相接近,而又必须落在上、下两行的范围内,因为这个范围是水泵运转的高效率区域,这个型号的水泵就认为是符合实际需要的,水泵算是选定了。
  2. 使用选型表选泵型 根据确定的设计扬程和设计流量,在选型表中,横表头查找出与设计扬程相符合或相接近的扬程数值;再在纵表头找出与设计流量相一致或相接近的流量数值,纵横相交于小方块,它标出了水泵的型号,初步选出泵型。但有时会出现两种泵型都满足设计要求,此时,可把这两种泵型作方案比较,进行技术经济分析,然后选定其中一个合适的泵型。这种选择水泵的方法比较简便而又快捷。
  3. 使用水泵性能综合型谱图选泵型 将离心泵、轴流泵、混流泵的工作区域全部综合画在同一张图上,这就构成了农用水泵系列综合型谱图,该图绘制比较复杂,但使用比较方便。

To determine the design of the pump station design flow and head, you can use the technical charts for pumps models and specifications to determine the method is as follows:
1. The use of performance specifications table pump pump pump plant selection in the catalog are available in this form, the table of the performance of each model has three lines of data, which acts in exactly applicable? General design flow and design of lift tables and performance should be listed in the middle of his values in line, or close to, and must fall on the upper and lower two lines of the framework, because the scope of the operation of efficient water pump region, This type of pump is deemed to meet the actual needs, water is selected.
2. The use of pumps Pump Selection Table according to the election to determine the design head and design flow, in the selection table, cross-table to find out and design of the first lift with the lift or similar values; again the first to find out in the vertical table with the the design flow line or flow close to the values, and vertical and horizontal intersect at a small box, it marked the pump model, pump Shortlisted. But sometimes there are two types of pump to meet the design requirements, at this time can be for these two programs pump compared to the techno-economic analysis, and then selected one of the appropriate type of pump. Such a choice of methods pumps easy and fast.
3. The use of pump performance of integrated spectra of the election will be centrifugal pump, axial flow pump, mixed-flow pump all of the work area integrated with a map drawn on, which constitute a series of comprehensive agricultural pump spectrum, the comparative mapping complex, but more convenient to use.
In accordance with the established design flow and design of lift in the type spectrum, the first ordinate in order to design the head to find out the requirements in line with the head, while the flow ranging from a few pumps, and then in the abscissa in order to design the flow to determine the selection of What kind of pump. If the design flow of large, single-pump did not meet the requirements of multi-machine operation could be considered, it should be noted that as far as possible the same types of pumps in order to facilitate the construction of the installation, management and maintenance.

郑重声明:资讯 【确定扬程后如何选择ISG、IRG立式管道泵的型号和规格_泵浦资讯网_百度空间】由 发布,版权归原作者及其所在单位,其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经(企业库qiyeku.com)证实,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若本文有侵犯到您的版权, 请你提供相关证明及申请并与我们联系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在线投诉】,我们审核后将会尽快处理。
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