


Products & Suppliers   —-产品与供应商

Data Acquisition and Signal Conditioning  —-数据采集与信号调控
Analog I/O—-模拟输入/输出
Analog-to-Digital Converter Chips (ADC)—- 模数变换芯片(ADC)
Analog-to-Digital Converters—-模数变换器
Bridge Conditioners—-桥路调节器
Charge and Capacitive Signal Conditioning—-电荷电容信号调节
Charge Amplifiers and Charge Converters—-电荷放大、转换器
Chart Recorders and Strip Charts—-图案记录器和带状记录器
Chart Recording Paper and Consumables—-图案记录纸和消耗品
Computer Boards,Data Acquisition—-数据采集电脑主板
Counter and Timer Boards—-计算器、计时器主板
Current Loop Converters—-电流波腹转换器
Current-to-Voltage Converters—-电流电压转换器
Data Acquisition—-数据采集
Data Acquisition Input Modules—-数据采集输入模块
Data Acquisition Systems and Instruments—-数据采集系统与设备
Data Acquisition Output Modules—–数据采集输出模块
Data Collection Terminals—-数据收集终端设备
Data Input Devices—-数据输入装置
Data Loggers and Data Recorders—-数据记录仪表、仪器
Digital I/O—-数据输入/输出
Digital-to-Analog Converter Chips (DAC)—- 数模变换芯片(DAC)
Digital-to-Analog Converters—-数模变换器
Encoder and Resolver Signal Conditioners—-编码解算信号调节器
Frequency / Pulse Signal Conditioners—-频率/脉冲信号调节器
Frequency Converters and Translators—-变频器和译频器
Frequency-to-Current Converters—-频率-电流转换器
Frequency-to-Voltage Converters—-频率-电压转换器
I/O Modules,Data Acquisition—-数据采集输入输出模块
Instrumentation Amplifiers—-仪器用放大器
Isolation Amplifiers—-隔离放大器; 缓冲放大器
LVDT and RVDT Signal Conditioners
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Products—-光学字符识别产品
Sensor Multiplexers—-传感多路复用器
Sensor Transmitters—-传感变送器
Signal Amplifiers—-信号放大器
Signal Conditioning—-信号调理
Signal Converters—-信号转换器
Signal Filters—-信号过滤器
Signal Isolators—-信号隔离器
Signals Intelligence Systems—-智能信号系统
Spectrum Analyzers and Signal Analyzers—-光谱分析仪、信号分析仪
Telemetry Receivers and Telemetry Transmitters—-遥测接收器、遥测变送器
Temperature Signal Conditioning—-温度信号调理
Voltage and Current Signal Conditioners—-电压电流信号调节器
Voltage Converters and Voltage Inverters—-电压转换器与电压变极器
Voltage-to-Frequency Converter Chips—-电压-频率转换芯片
Voltage-to-Frequency Converters—-电压-频率转换器

Electrical and Electronic Components  —-电气电子元件

Bar Code Devices—-条形码装置
Batteries and Accessories—-电池及附件
Data Input Devices—-数据输入设备
Electrical and Electronics Fasteners and Hardware—-电气电子扣件部件
Electrical Distribution and Protection Equipment—-配电与保护设备
Electrical Testing Equipment—-电力测试设备
Fans and Electronic Cooling—-风扇电子散热
Industrial Counters and Timers—-工业计算器与计时器
Industrial Heaters and Heating Elements—-工业加热器与加热元件
Lighting Fixtures and Lamps—-灯具与照明固定设备
Meters, Readouts and Indicators —-仪表,读表,指示器
Passive Electronic Components—-无源电子元件
Power Generation and Storage—-发电与电力储存
Power Supplies and Conditioners—-电力供应与调节设备
Relays and Relay Accessories—-继电器与继电器附件
Surge Suppressors—-浪涌抑制器
Wires,Cables and Accessories  —-电线电缆及附件

Flow Control and Fluid Transfer  —-流量控制与流度转换
      Density and Specific Gravity Sensing—-密度和精密重力检测
      Flow Sensing—-流量检测
      Level Sensing—-水平检测
      Related Flow Transfer Products—-流度转换产品
      Valve Actuators and Positioners—-阀门启动与遥控装置
      Viscosity Sensing  —-粘度检测传感

Fluid Power Components  —-液压元件
     Hydraulic Equipment and Components—-水压设备与元件
     Pneumatic Equipment and Components  —-气动设备与元件

Imaging and Video Equipment  —-视频成像设备
     Bar Code Devices—-条形码装置
     Closed Circuit Television (CCTV)—-闭路电视
     Image Sensors—-影像感应器
     Machine Vision Equipment—-机器视觉设备
     Meters, Readouts and Indicators—-仪表,读表,指示器
     Video Cameras and Accessories—-录相机与附件
     Video Equipment  —-视频设备

Industrial and Engineering Software  —-工业与工程软件
     Bar Code Software—-条形码软件
     BPM Software (Business Process Management)—-商业程序管理软件
     Business Transaction and Personal Business Software—-商务事务与个人商务软件
     CAD / CAM Software—-CAD/CAM软件(计算机辅助设计/计算机辅助制造软件)
     Calibration Management Software—-计量器具校验管理软件
     Civil Engineering and Architectural Software—-土木工程、建筑软件
     Cluster Software / Tools—-群集软件/工具
     CMMS / EAM Software—-计算机维修管理系统/企业资产管理软件
     Code Analyzer Software / Tools—-代码xxxx/工具
     Communications Software—-通信软件
     Computational Fluid Dynamics Software (CFD)—- 计算流体力学软件
     CRM Software—-客户关系管理软件
     Data Acquisition and Analysis Software—-数据采集与xxxx
     Data Storage Management Software—-数据储存管理软件
     Document Management Software and ECM—-文件管理软件/企业目录管理软件
     EDA Software—-电子设计自动化软件
     Educational and Training Software—-教育学习软件
     Engineering Analysis Software—-工程xxxx
     ERP Software—-企业资源计划软件(企业管理软件)
     Finite Element Analysis Software—-有限元xxxx
     Fleet Management Software—-车队/船队管理软件
     Graphics Software—-制图软件
     Graphing and Visualization Software—-数据图表化软件
     HMI Software—-人机界面软件
     Image Analysis Software—-图像xxxx
     Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS)—-实验室信息管理系统软件
     Language Translation Software—-语言翻译软件
     Machine Control Software—-机械控制软件
     Manufacturing Execution System (MES) Software—-制造执行系统软件
     Manufacturing Support Software—-制造支持软件
     Math Calculation Software—-数学计算软件
     MCAD Software—-机械计算辅助设计软件
     Media and Presentation Software—-媒体发布软件
     Medical Software—-医学软件
     Microprocessor Compilers and Debuggers—-微处理器编绎器与调试器
     Middleware—-中间设备 (为特定用户的需要而剪裁的系统软件)
     Mobile / Wireless Software—-移动/无线软件
     Motion Control Software—-运动控制软件
     Network Monitoring Software—-网络监测软件
     PDM / PLM Software—-产品数据管理/产品生命周期管理软件
     Programming Languages and Database Tools Software—-程序语言与数据库工具软件
     Protocol Stack Software—-协议栈软件
     Quality Assurance, Inspection and Compliance Software—-质量保证、监督、验证软件
     RFID Software—-射频识别软件(电子标签软件)
     Scanning / OCR / Imaging Software—-扫描/光学字符识别/成像软件
     Scheduling and Productivity Software—-调度与工作效率软件
     Security Software—-安全软件
     Server & Operating System Software—-服务与操作系统软件
     Shipping, Mailing, and Logistics Software—-海运/邮递/物流软件
     Simulation Software—-模拟软件
     Software Drivers—-软件驱动
     Specialty Software—-专业软件
     Statistical Analysis Software—-统计xxxx
     Supply Chain Management Software (SCM)—-供应链管理软件
     Voice Recognition Software—-声音识别软件
     Warehouse Management Systems (WMS)  —-仓储管理软件

Industrial Computers and Embedded Systems  —-工业计算机与植入系统  
     Bus Systems—-总线系统
     Computer Peripherals—-计算机外围设备
     Data Acquisition—-数据采集
     Desktop Personal Computers—-桌面个人电脑
     Embedded Systems—-植入系统
     Industrial Computing—-工业计算
     Mobile Computing—-移动电脑
     RAID Products  —-射频识别产品

Laboratory Equipment and Scientific Instruments  —-实验设备与科学仪器  
     Analytical Instruments—-分析仪器
     Chromatography Instruments—-色谱仪器
     Clinical and Research Labware—-临床研究器具
     Environmental Instruments—-环境测试仪器
     Filtration and Separation Products—-过滤分离产品
     Imaging Equipment—-成像设备
     Dimensional Metrology—-度量衡仪器
     Lab and Test Equipment—-实验测试设备
     Laboratory Air Handling Equipment—-实验室空气处理设备
     Laboratory Safety Equipment—-实验室安全设备
     Laboratory Thermal Processing—-实验室热处理设备
     Labware Consumables—-实验室耗材
     Liquid Handling Equipment—-液体处理设备
     Recorders and Loggers—-数据记录仪器
     Sample Preparation and Wet Chemical Analysis—-样品准备与湿化学分析
     Separation Techniques—-分离技术
     Spectrometers and Analytical Photometers—-分光计和分析光度计
     Water Quality Instruments  —-水质检测设备

Manufacturing and Process Equipment  —-制造和处理设备
     Abrasives, Grinding and Finishing—-研磨剂,研磨修整设备
     Air Quality—-空气质量控制
     Building and Construction Equipment—-建筑工程设备
     Ceramics and Glass Materials—-陶瓷玻璃材料
     Cutting Tools—-切割工具
     Electronics and Microelectronics Manufacturing—-电子和微电子制造
     Environmental Instruments and Equipment—-环境仪器与设备
     Gas Handling Equipment—-气体处理设备
     Filtration and Separation Products—-过滤分离产品
     Heating and Cooling Equipment—-加热制冷设备
     Industrial Assembly—-工业装配
     Industrial Cleaning and Surface Preparation—-工业清洁和表面处理
     Industrial Heaters and Heating Elements—-工业加热器和加热元件
     Industrial Machine Safeguarding—-工业机械安全装置
     Inspection Tools and Instruments—-监测工具与仪器
     Machine Tools—-机械工具
     Machine Tool Accessories—-机械工具部件
     Materials Processing Equipment—-材料处理设备
     Pipe, Tubing, Hose Fittings and Accessories—-导管、管道、软管装置与部件
     Personal Protective Equipment—-人身保护设备
     Process Controllers—-过程控制器
     Safety Sensors and Switches—-保险传感器、保险开关
     Solids Processing and Bulk Material Handling—-固体处理和块状材料处理
     Specialty Manufacturing Products—-特殊制造产品
     Stock Fabricated Materials and Components—-常备加工材料与成份
     Surface Coating and Protection—-表面覆膜与保护
     Tanks and Vessels—-储罐与器皿
     Vacuum Equipment—-真空设备
     Web Handling and Processing Equipment  —-织物处理设备


Material Handling and Packaging Equipment  —-材料处理与包装设备
      Material Handling Equipment—-材料处理设备
      Packaging and Labeling Equipment—-包装标签设备
      Web Handling and Processing Equipment  —-织物处理设备

Materials, Chemicals and Adhesives  —-材料,化学制品和粘合剂
      Ceramics and Glass Materials—-陶瓷与玻璃材料
      Chemicals and Raw Materials—-化学品与原材料
      Composites, Textiles and Reinforcements—-合成物,纺织品,加强物
      Electrical, Optical, and Specialty Materials—-电气、光学和特别材料
      Industrial Adhesives—-工业粘合剂
      Industrial and Specialty Gases—-工业和特殊气体
      Industrial Coatings and Sealants—-工业覆膜和密封剂
      Industrial Oils and Fluids—-工业油类和液体
      Metals and Alloys—-金属和合金
      Plastics, Elastomers and Polymers—-塑料、橡胶聚、合物
      Stock Fabricated Materials and Components  —-常备加工材料与成份

Mechanical Components  —-机械部件
      Bearings and Bushings—-轴承和轴衬
      Belts and Pulleys—-履带和滑轮
      Brakes and Clutches—-刹车闸与离合器
      Chains and Sprockets—-链条与链轮齿
      Couplings, Collars and Universal Joints—-耦合,轴环,通用接头
      Fans and Electronic Cooling—-风扇与电子散热
      Gaging and Shop Tools—-手动修理工具
      Gears and Gearing—-齿轮和传动装置
      Industrial Hardware—-工业五金
      Industrial Heaters and Heating Elements—-工业加热器与加热元件
      Industrial Tools—-工业工具
      Limit Switches—-限位开关
      Mechanical Fasteners—-机械紧固件
      Power Transmission—-动力传送装置
      Pulleys and Belts—-滑轮和履带
      Shock and Vibration Control Products—-冲撞振动控制产品
      Switches  —-开关

Motion and Controls—-运动与控制
      Bearings and Bushings—-轴承和轴衬
      Clutches and Brakes—-刹车闸与离合器
      Drive Components—-驱动器元件
      Encoders and Resolvers—-编码器解码器
      Limit Switches—-限位开关
      Linear Actuators—-线性促动器
      Linear and Rotary Motion Components—-线性/旋转运动元件
      Linear Position Sensing—-线性定位传感
      Machine and Motion Controllers—-机械运动控制器
      Motor Controls and Drives—-电动机控制与驱动
      Operator Interfaces—-操作界面
      Orientation Position Sensing—-指向位置传感
      Piezoelectric Devices—-压电装置
      Pneumatics and Pneumatic Components—-气体力学与气动元件
      Positioning Stages, Slides & Guides—-定位台,滑座/滑板,引导器
      Power Transmission—-动力传送
      Shock and Vibration Control Products—-冲撞振动控制产品
      Slip Rings—-汇流环

Networking and Communication Equipment  —-网络与通信设备
      Networking Equipment—-网络设备
      RF, Microwave and Wireless Components—-射频,微波和无线电元件
      Communication Devices  —-通信装置

Optical Components and Optics  —-光学元件与光学产品
      Fiber Optics—-光纤
      Light Sources—-光源
      Optical Components—-光学元件
      Optical Assemblies  —-光学部件

Semiconductors  —-半导体
      Analog and Mixed Signals—-模拟与混合信号
      Audio, Video IC—-音频/视频集成电路
      Communication IC—-通讯集成电路
      IC Circuit Protection Devices—-集成电路保护装置
      IC Interface Devices—-集成电路界面装置
      IC Optoelectronics—-光电集成电路
      JTAG Products—-联合测试行动小组产品(国际标准测试协议产品)
      Memory Chips—-记忆芯片
      Microprocessors and Microcontrollers—-微处理器与微控制器
      Power and Power Management IC—-动力与动力管理集成电路
      Programmable Logic Devices—-可编程逻辑集成电路装置
      Sensor IC—-传感集成电路
      Timing Circuits  —-集成电路计时装置

Sensors, Transducers and Detectors  —-传感器,变频器,探测器
      Acceleration and Vibration Sensing—-加速与震动传感
      Acoustic and Audio Equipment—-音频视频设备
      Analytical Sensors—-分析传感器
      Density and Specific Gravity Sensing—-密度和精密重力传感
      Displacement Sensing—-移置传感
      Electrical and Electromagnetic Sensing—-电气电磁传感
      Encoders and Resolvers—-编码器解码器
      Environmental Sensors—-环境传感
      Flow Sensing—-流量传感
      Force Sensing—-夹紧力传感
      Gas Sensing—-气体传感
      Humidity and Moisture Sensing—-湿度传感
      Level Sensing—-水平传感
      Linear Position Sensing—-线性位置传感
      Orientation Position Sensing—-指向位置传感
      Pressure Sensing—-压力传感
      Proximity or Presence Sensing—-进程传感
      Rotary Position Sensing—-旋转位置传感
      Safety Sensors and Switches—-安全传感和开关
      Temperature Sensing—-温度传感
      Tension Sensing—-张力传感
      Tilt Sensing—-倾斜传感
      Torque Sensing—-扭矩传感
      Vacuum Sensing—-真空传感
      Velocity Sensing—-速度传感
      Vibration and Acceleration Sensing—-震动加速传感
      Viscosity Sensing—-粘度传感
      Vision Sensing—-视觉传感
      Weather Sensing—-天气传感

Test and Measurement Equipment  —-检测与测量仪器
      Analytical Instruments—-分析仪器
      Calibration Instruments, Standards and Reference Sources—-校准仪器,标准和参考来源
      Chromatography Instruments—-色谱仪器
       Dimensional Measurement—-空间测量仪器
       Electronic Test and Interconnect Accesories—-电子检测与连接配件
       Electrical Testing Equipment—-电气检测设备
       Environmental Instruments—-环境监测仪器
       Environmental Test Equipment—-环境检测设备
       Fiber Optic Test Equipment—-光纤检测设备
       Lab and Test Equipment—-实验检测设备
       Machine Vision Equipment—-机器视觉设备
       Meters, Readouts and Indicators—-仪表,读表,指示器
       Multimeters and Electrical Test Meters—-万用表和测电表
       Non-destructive Testing Equipment—-非破坏性检测设备
       Process Controllers—-过程控制器
       Product and Material Testing—-产品与材料测试
       Recorders and Loggers—-数据记录仪器
       Sample Preparation and Wet Chemical Analysis—-样品准备与湿化学分析
       Separation Techniques—-分离技术
       Sensing and Measurement Instruments—-感应和测量仪器
       Spectrometers and Analytical Photometers—-分光计和光度计
       Vibration Testing—-振动测试
       Water Quality Instruments  —-水质检测设备

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