鏂囦腑绉帮細鏃㈠線瀵圭敤鑳跺甫绮樻媺楂岄鐨勪綔鐢ㄧ爺绌舵湁鍐茬獊銆傚洜涓烘湁鐮旂┒鍙戠幇杩愬姩浼氭姷娑堟帀鑳跺甫绮樻媺楂岄鐨勬鎬т綔鐢ㄣ€傝繖椤圭爺绌剁洰鐨勬槸杩愮敤瓒呭0鍐嶆鏌ヨ兌甯︾矘鎷夐珜楠ㄥ楂岄浣嶇疆鐨勫奖鍝嶃€傞€夊彇12浣嶈啙鍏宠妭姝e父鐨勫彈璇曞璞★紙6鐢枫€?濂筹紙骞撮緞20.4 +/− 1.2宀侊級锛夈€傚垎鍒湪鑳跺甫绮樻媺楂岄鍓嶃€佽兌甯︾矘鎷夐珜楠ㄥ悗銆佽兌甯︾矘鎷夐珜楠ㄥ悗杩愬姩锛堟姮鑵?5娆★級鍚庤繘琛岄珜楠ㄤ綅缃殑妫€鏌ャ€傚钩鍧囬珜楠ㄤ綅缃紙楂岄澶栫紭鍒拌偂楠ㄥ渚ч珌澶栫紭璺濈锛夊湪浣跨敤绮樻媺鑳跺甫鍓嶆槸6.2 +/− 1.3 姣背锛屽湪浣跨敤绮樻媺鑳跺甫鍚庢槸7.9 +/− 1.7姣背锛屼綅缃彉鍖栧叿鏈夌粺璁″鎰忎箟(p = 0.003)銆傝繍鍔ㄥ悗楂岄浣嶇疆鏄?.6 +/− 1.7姣背锛岃繖鍜岃兌甯︾矘鎷夊悗杩愬姩涔嬪墠鐨勪綅缃叿鏈夌粺璁″鎰忎箟鐨勬槑鏄惧噺灏?p = 0.001)銆備絾杩欎釜鍊间粛鐒舵瘮浣跨敤绮樻媺鑳跺甫鍓嶈澶?p = 0.006)銆傛湰鐮旂┒鍙戠幇浣跨敤绮樻媺鑳跺甫鍚庯紝楂岄浣嶇疆浼氬彂鐢熸槑鏄惧彉鍖栥€傝繘涓€姝ヨ锛岀爺绌跺彂鐜帮紝铏界劧浣庡己搴﹁繍鍔ㄥ鑷翠簡姣旀柦鍔犺兌甯﹀悗杩愬姩鍓嶇殑浣嶇疆鏄庢樉鍑忓皯锛屼絾杩欑鍙樺寲鍙兘鏄敱浜庨殢鏈烘満浼氭垨娴嬮噺璇樊瀵艰嚧鐨勩€?/font>
Previous research into the effect of patellar taping has found conflicting results and when studies have found positive findings these effects appear to be negated by exercise. 鏃㈠線瀵圭敤鑳跺甫绮樻媺楂岄鐨勪綔鐢ㄧ爺绌舵湁鍐茬獊銆傚洜涓烘湁鐮旂┒鍙戠幇杩愬姩浼氭姷娑堟帀鑳跺甫绮樻媺楂岄鐨勬鎬т綔鐢ㄣ€俆he purpose of this study was to re-examine the effect of patellar taping on patellar position using ultrasound scanning.杩欓」鐮旂┒鐩殑鏄繍鐢ㄨ秴澹板啀妫€鏌ヨ兌甯︾矘鎷夐珜楠ㄥ楂岄浣嶇疆鐨勫奖鍝嶃€?Twelve asymptomatic subjects (six males and six females (age 20.4 +/− 1.2 years)) had their patellar position examined, prior to and following the application of tape, and also following exercise (25 step ups).閫夊彇12浣嶈啙鍏宠妭姝e父鐨勫彈璇曞璞★紙6鐢枫€?濂筹紙骞撮緞20.4 +/− 1.2宀侊級锛夈€傚垎鍒湪鑳跺甫绮樻媺楂岄鍓嶃€佽兌甯︾矘鎷夐珜楠ㄥ悗銆佽兌甯︾矘鎷夐珜楠ㄥ悗杩愬姩锛堟姮鑵?5娆★級鍚庤繘琛岄珜楠ㄤ綅缃殑妫€鏌ャ€?Mean patellar position (distance border patella to edge lateral femoral condyle) prior to application of tape was 6.2 +/− 1.3 mm following the application of tape mean patellar position was 7.9 +/− 1.7 mm, this was a statistically significant change in position (p = 0.003). 骞冲潎楂岄浣嶇疆锛堥珜楠ㄥ缂樺埌鑲¢澶栦晶楂佸缂樿窛绂伙級鍦ㄤ娇鐢ㄧ矘鎷夎兌甯﹀墠鏄?.2 +/− 1.3 姣背锛屽湪浣跨敤绮樻媺鑳跺甫鍚庢槸7.9 +/− 1.7姣背锛屼綅缃彉鍖栧叿鏈夌粺璁″鎰忎箟(p = 0.003)銆侳ollowing exercise mean patellar position was 7.6 +/− 1.7 mm this was a significant reduction compared to the taped position prior to exercise (p = 0.001). 杩愬姩鍚庨珜楠ㄤ綅缃槸7.6 +/− 1.7姣背锛岃繖鍜岃兌甯︾矘鎷夊悗杩愬姩涔嬪墠鐨勪綅缃叿鏈夌粺璁″鎰忎箟鐨勬槑鏄惧噺灏?p = 0.001)銆俆his value was though still significantly greater than prior to the application of tape (p = 0.006). 浣嗚繖涓€间粛鐒舵瘮浣跨敤绮樻媺鑳跺甫鍓嶈澶?p = 0.006)銆俆his study found that patellar position was significantly changed following the application of tape. 鏈爺绌跺彂鐜颁娇鐢ㄧ矘鎷夎兌甯﹀悗锛岄珜楠ㄤ綅缃細鍙戠敓鏄庢樉鍙樺寲銆侳urthermore, the study found that though low intensity exercise resulted in a significant change in the patellar position compared to the taped position prior to exercise, that change was most likely to have occurred due to random chance or measurement error.杩涗竴姝ヨ锛岀爺绌跺彂鐜帮紝铏界劧浣庡己搴﹁繍鍔ㄥ鑷翠簡姣旀柦鍔犺兌甯﹀悗杩愬姩鍓嶇殑浣嶇疆鏄庢樉鍑忓皯锛屼絾杩欑鍙樺寲鍙兘鏄敱浜庨殢鏈烘満浼氭垨娴嬮噺璇樊瀵艰嚧鐨勩€?/font>