濮阳市重点项目完成居全省第七排涝泵站改扩建正在建设中- 自吸磁力泵的 ...

濮阳市重点项目完成居全省第七 排涝泵站改扩建正在建设中

2010-02-02 15:45:53 阅读2 评论0 字号:

1月28日,濮阳市13个省定重点项目全年完成投资18.79亿元,其中非线性工程完成投资14.49亿元,占年度计划的129.59%,位居全省第七位,被省政府表彰为2009年度全省重点项目建设投资目标先进单位。 2009年,为有效应对金融危机,深 入实施“以工兴市”战略,发挥重点项目的支撑带动作用,我市出台了联动推进重点项目建设等一系列政策措施,加大招商引资力度,建立重点项目联审联批机制,加强外部环境整治力度,优化要素资源配置,组织开展全市重点项目巡回观摩点评活动,强力推进重点项目建设。截至去年年底,全市140个重点项目完成投资104.37亿元,占年度计划的115.7%。其中,中石化榆济天然气管道工程濮阳段、林氏化工5万吨聚异戊二烯乳液、武汉力诺40万台太阳能热水器、省{zd0}的排涝泵站——金堤河张庄提排站改扩建、19.5万人农村安全饮水等105个项目建成投用,黄河标准化堤防工程、国家大型商品粮基地、大广高速豫冀省界至南乐段、濮范高速等20个项目正在建设中。

“ Puyang City, ranking the province's seventh focus of the project is completed drainage pump station renovation and expansion is under construction”是由提供的国际水泵新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国磁力泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

January 28, Puyang City, 13 provincial key projects scheduled for the year was invested 1.879 billion yuan, of which 1.449 billion yuan investment in non-linear works are completed, accounting for 129.59% of the annual plan, the province ranked seventh, was the provincial government in recognition of the province's key projects for the 2009 construction of an advanced unit of investment objectives. In 2009, in order to effectively deal with the financial crisis, in-depth implementation of the "work Prospering City" strategy to play a leading role supporting key projects, the city issued a linkage key projects to promote a series of policies and measures to increase the Investment and set up a focus the project examine and approve together mechanisms to strengthen the external environment improvement efforts, optimizing the elements of the allocation of resources, and organized tours to observe the city's key projects Comments activities, strongly promoting the key projects. End of last year, the city's 140 key projects completed investment 10.437 billion yuan, accounting for 115.7% of the annual plan. Among them, Sinopec Yu Ji-gas pipeline project Puyang Duan, Lin Chemical 50,000 tons polyisoprene latex, Wuhan LINUO 400,000 solar-powered water heaters, the largest province of drainage pumping stations - jindi he Zhangzhuang mention Pumping Station renovation and expansion, 19.5 million people in 105 rural safe drinking water projects put into use, the Yellow River dike works standardized, national large grain production bases, large wide high-speed Henan Hebei provincial boundary to the southern Le Duan, Pu Fan speed and other 20 projects are under construction.

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