
  Columbia(哥伦比亚)品牌创立于1938年,她的名字起源于美国波特兰Columbia(哥伦比亚) River,当时的俄勒冈州经常下雨,所以早年的Columbia(哥伦比亚)是以生产雨衣、雨帽起家,时至今日经过不断发展各类户外运动服装及研究高科技布料已经发展成为全球{zd0}的户外服装品牌,其{zy1}的产品品质超越考验,得到世界人们的认同。
1948年之后是哥伦比亚真正的开始。 哥伦比亚是利用防水的/ 透气的织物做成夹克并且销售量成为{dy}。

  在 1998 公司产品主要为大众用品,但哥伦比亚在活跃的户外衣服工业中再次成为{ldz}。
  Columbia品牌创立于1938年,最初以制造雨衣、雨帽为主,其后不断发展多元化产品及研究高科技布料,其中{dj2}研发{zz1}经典专利布料 – Omni-Tech(防风防水透气布料)、Omni-Dry(速干布料),先后通过严格的品质技术测试(Tested Tough), 加之出色的立体裁剪设计、Interchange System?三合一设计,xx切合个人需要,提供{zj0}的方便灵活性。时至今日,Columbia的产品系列已由最初的雨具、雨衣扩展到户外夹克、多功能裤、T恤、恤衫、背包及户外运动鞋等全天候户外服饰,深得户外活动发烧友拥戴之余,更大受美国、日本、香港等世界各地潮流人士欢迎,更为Columbia奠下户外服装品牌先驱的地位。
  Columbia的名字起源于美国波特兰洲Columbia River,1938年扎根于俄勒冈州,此地经常下雨,故早年的Columbia是以生产雨衣、雨帽起家。1964-1970年由现董事会主席Gertrude Boyle的丈夫Neal正式成为集团领导人,但是于1970年Neal因心脏病去世,而原是家庭主妇的Gertrude Boyle上任主持大局。凭着Gertrude的一骨干劲及决心,终令濒临绝境的Columbia Sportswear起死会生转亏为盈 ,加之“坚毅不屈、勇于挑战”的品牌发展理念,并亲自代言Columbia广告形象,充分表现出坚毅硬朗、不屈不饶、勇于挑战的品牌本色,公众尊称其“Ma Boyle”不但是3个子女之母,更是Columbia Sportswear的母亲。现年79岁Ma Boyle一生获奖无数,继荣获《Working Woman》美国头50位杰出女商人的荣誉后,又被《Business Week》杂志选为其中一位Best Manager,成就杰出的她,始终是大众心中最尊崇爱戴的Columbia Tough Mother。
  1982年 Columbia(哥伦比亚)率先提出Interchange System®三合一新概念,开发了外套的内里可以拆卸的新颖设计,不但获得业界的认同,同时还获得市场的巨大反响,差不多现在所有的户外品牌都采用了这一实用设计理念,而Columbia(哥伦比亚)在当年推出的Bugaboo Parka外套成为了公司发展的转折点,Bugaboo Parka三合一外套取得了举世瞩目的销售成绩,至1993年公司已经售出了超过100万件。时至今日,全世界已售出500万套,成绩斐然。
  1984年 Columbia创下1290万美元营业额的佳绩,同年,董事会主席Gertrude Boyle开始兼任产品代言人。1989年Columbia成为领导全美的{dy}户外品牌。1993年 Columbia创出买售超过100万件Bugaboo Parka?多功能户外夹克的纪录,成绩斐然!

Columbia's Histroy

If it's true that experience brings wisdom, then Columbia Sportswear’s more than 70 years in business should mean we know a thing or two about making great outdoor gear. We like to think so.

We enjoy the outdoors as much as you do, which means we know what you need. We know that being cold and wet is no fun. Blue eyes may be sexy, but blue lips aren't. And, while a sunny day is excellent, sunburn sucks. That's why we make high-quality performance products that keep you comfortable and protected, no matter where your excursions take you.

The outdoors isn't all about remote expeditions or climbing the world's highest mountains. Anyone can enjoy the outdoors. It's easy. Just open the door and go outside. When everyone participates, the great outdoors becomes the Greater Outdoors, a democracy where anyone can pursue his or her passion, no matter how large or small. Welcome to Columbia's Greater Outdoors, where we strive to make the outdoors fun for everyone. From the mountain peak to the neighborhood park, from the glacier to the garden, and from the Tour de France to training wheels, Columbia helps you enjoy your outdoor adventure anywhere you like to play.

We're a family business gone global. Chairman Gert Boyle's parents — German nationals who fled Nazi Germany in 1938 — purchased a small hat company upon their arrival in Portland and named it Columbia Hat Company, after the river that inspired their new home. This humble beginning was of huge significance to the family, marking new found freedom and a fresh start. Her husband later took over, and after he died Gert ran the show, going from housewife to executive overnight. Today, her son Tim Boyle is our longtime president and CEO. The family — like our business — has experienced its ups and downs, but enjoying the outdoors together has always been an inseparable part of the program.

Columbia is made up of real people who are as passionate about the outdoors as you are. And, while our products are available around the world, we're based in the great Pacific Northwest, where majestic forests frame volcanic mountains and a rugged coast. This is where we hike, ride, fish, hunt, climb, camp, golf, paddle, run, and just enjoy fresh air with friends.

From front yard to forest, Columbia keeps you comfortable and protected so you can stay out longer. Welcome to Columbia's Greater Outdoors.

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