
The San Diego Union - Tribune - San Diego, Calif. Author: BRUCE V. BIGELOW Abstract (Document Summary) "The problem with an earthquake valve is it will close even if there is no damage to the piping system," said Alan Stewart, SDG&E's manager of gas engineering. "You don't want to shut off natural gas to a customer's home unless the iping is damaged." "Roughly speaking, SDG&E repairs about 1,500 leaks a year, but most of those are due to small corrosion leaks or leaks around the meter," Stewart said. Of the 1,500 leaks last year, Stewart said excess flow valves would have been helpful in only about five cases. Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction or distribution is prohibited without permission.
原文来自: http://pqasb.pqarchiver.com/sandiego/access/1242065131.html?dids=1242065131:1242065131&FMT=ABS&FMTS=ABS:FT&type=current&date=Jan+19%2C+1994&author=BRUCE+V.+BIGELOW&pub=The+San+Diego+Union+-+Tribune&desc=Quake+fuels+debate+over+shut-off+valve+to+snuff+home+fires&pqatl=google

Quake fuels debate over shut-off valve to snuff home fires ;是由 提供的阀门新闻,中文译文仅供参考(上海天阀实业有限公司还生产 及水封截止阀,复合式排气阀,活塞式快开排泥阀,暗杆软密封闸阀,膜片式快开排泥阀,欢迎您的选购。)

与地震阀的问题是,将关闭,即使没有对管道系统的损害,”斯图尔特说,艾伦,首长级高级&E公司的天然气工程经理。 “你不想关闭天然气客户的家里,除非该管道被破坏。” 一场大规模的停电将是昂贵和费时的,因为公用事业工人必须恢复每个客户的天然气服务和重新点燃他们的设备。斯图尔特表示,停电影响超过5000级高级急症客户可以延长服务损失超过{yt},留在没有暖气的家庭没有热水,无法做饭许多客户。首长级高级&E有大约680,000客户。 “粗略地说,首长级高级急症维修泄漏约1500年,但其中大部分是由于小的腐蚀泄漏或周围米泄漏,”斯图尔特说。泄漏的1500年,斯图尔特说,限流阀将在大约只有5起案件有帮助。 转载与著作权人许可。进一步复制或发行未经允许不得。


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