鍦ㄤ竴绯诲垪璁烘枃涓紝鑻忔枃杈夋暀鎺堢殑鐮旂┒缁勫绉? 浠栦滑鐨勫疄楠岃瘉瀹為珮鑳芥満姊扮悆纾ㄨ兘浣?alpha;-鐭宠嫳杞彉鎴愭煰鐭宠嫳鐨勫帇鍔涘拰娓╁害澶уぇ闄嶄綆銆傜劧鑰岋紝璇︾粏鍦板皢浠栦滑鐨勫疄楠岀粨鏋滃拰鍓嶄汉闈欏帇瀹為獙鐨勭粨鏋?[渚嬪锛?font face="Times New Roman">Akella (1979)锛?/font>Bohlen and Boettcher (1982)锛?/font>Bose and Ganguly (1995)锛?/font>Gasparik (2003)锛?/span>Green (1972); Hemingway (1998)锛?/span>Kitahara and Kennedy (1964)锛?/span> Mirwald and Masone (1980)] 姣旇緝鍚庝笉闅惧彂鐜帮紝鑻忔枃杈夌爺绌剁粍鐨勫绉颁笌浜嬪疄涓嶇锛屾晠浠ヤ笂杩板绉颁负鍩虹鐨勭浉鍏崇粨璁轰害涓嶆垚绔嬨€備粬浠殑鍋囪瑙i噴涓嶄簡鏌煶鑻辩殑瀵勭敓宀╃煶——姒磋緣宀╃浉瓒呴珮鍘嬪彉璐ㄥ博鐨勬垚鍥狅紝杩欎簺宀╃煶涓熆鐗╂櫠绮掍箣闂村苟涓嶅瓨鍦ㄥ儚鍦ㄧ悆纾ㄧ綈閲岀煶鑻遍绮掍笌閽㈢悆涔嬮棿閭g鏉炬暎鐨勭┖闂村叧绯汇€佸法澶х殑娲诲姩绌洪棿浠ュ強闀挎椂涓嶆柇鍦板郊姝ら珮閫熺鎾炵殑鍓у姩杩囩▼銆傝縿浠婃病鏈変换浣曡瘉鎹瘉鏄庡湴闇囧寘鎷ぇ浜庢垨绛変簬8.0绾х壒澶у湴闇囪兘浣垮湴琛ㄥ博鐭冲鑺卞矖宀┿€佽姳宀楅棯闀垮博鍜岀爞宀╀腑鐨勭煶鑻辫浆鍙樻垚鏌煶鑻便€傚鏋滆鑻忔枃杈夌瓑鐨勭悆纾ㄨ繃绋嬫湁浠€涔堜綔鐢ㄧ殑璇濓紝閭d箞灏辨槸閫犳垚SiO2鏉愭枡鐨凢e姹℃煋锛岃繖鍙兘浼氳繜缂撳湪闈欓珮鍘嬫椂鏌煶鑻辩殑褰㈡垚銆傛澶栵紝鍓嶄汉[12]鏈夊叧“宸簲鍔涘拰楂樹綅閿欏瘑搴︾殑瀛樺湪浣垮緱α-鐭宠嫳鍚戞煰鐭宠嫳杞彉鐨勭浉杈圭晫鍚戜綆鍘嬭縼绉?rdquo;鐨勭粨璁轰篃闅炬垚绔嬨€?/span>
鍥?/span>1. 璇曟牱涓煰鐭宠嫳褰㈡垚鐨勬渶灏忓帇鍔?/span>(GPa)鍜屾俯搴?/span>(ºC) 鐨勫叧绯汇€?/span>闈欏帇鏉′欢涓嬶紝鑻忔枃杈夌爺绌剁粍鐨勫疄楠岀粨鏋?S05-09)涓庡墠浜哄疄楠岀粨鏋滅殑姣旇緝銆?/span>A79锛?/span> Akella (1979)锛?/span>BB82锛?/span>Bohlen and Boettcher (1982)锛?/span> BG95锛?/span>Bose and Ganguly (1995)锛?/span>Coes53锛?/span>Coes (1953)锛?/span>G03锛?/span> Gasparik (2003)锛?/span>G72: Green (1972); H98锛?/span>Hemingway (1998)锛?/span>HT94: Hirth and Tullis (1994); KK64锛?/span>Kitahara and Kennedy (1964)锛?/span> MM80锛?/span>Mirwald and Masone (1980)銆?/span>
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11. Hemingway, B.S., Bohlen, S.R., Hankins, W.B., Westrum, E.F., O. Kuskov, Heat capacity and thermodynamic properties for coesite and jadeite, reexamination of the quartz-coesite equilibrium boundary. Am. Mineral., 1998, 83: 409-418
鎵惧埌閭g瘒Phys Review鏂囩珷浜嗐€傚湴搴曚笅鏄笉鏄粬浠疄楠岄偅绉嶇(娉曞緢鎴愰棶棰樸€?br>
Effects of local mechanical collision with shear stress on the phase transformation from alpha-quartz to coesite induced by high static pressure
Author(s): Su WH, Liu SE, Xu DP, Wang WR, Yao B, Liu XM, Liu ZG, Zhong Z
Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 73 Issue: 14 Article Number: 144110 Published: APR 2006
Abstract: A laboratory method combining high-energy mechanical ball milling and high static pressure has been suggested for modeling synthesis of coesite in the Earths crust. The window of milling time, the mechanical-collision-induced intermediate phase of alpha-quartz, and its conditions for easily crystallizing into coesite induced by high static pressure 3.0 GPa (923 K, < 1.0 min) have been discovered. These are a much shorter synthesizing time and lower synthesizing critical pressure than obtained before. The Raman spectrum for the coesite synthesized by the present method has a larger number of peaks and includes the information of the natural and synthesized coesites reported before. Here we clarify the implications of the coesite synthesized by this method in geoscience, and suggest another possible formation mechanism of coesite in the Earths crust, which is different from the hypothesis of plate subduction-exhumation in the Earth that was based on coesite formation conditions under high static pressure in the laboratory.
浜嬪疄鏄紝鐗╃悊璇勮锛圥hysical Review锛?006骞翠互鏉ュ悇鏈熸悳涓嶅埌璁ㄨ鏌煶鑻憋紙coesite锛夌殑鏂囩珷銆傝兘鎼滃埌鐨勫彂琛ㄥ湪鍥藉鐨勬槸杩欑瘒锛?br>
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Volume 476, Issues 1-2, 12 May 2009, Pages L4-L7
Effect of Si鈥揙H on the transformation of amorphous SiO2 to coesite
Guang-Qiang Zhang, Da-Peng Xu*, Gen-Xin Song, Yan-Feng Xue, Liang Li, De-Yong Wang and Wen-Hui Su