修正/增强: Updates the Intel Memory Reference Code to version 2.9. 升级Intel内存代码到2.9版 Updates the Computrace OPROM to support the next generation of Microsoft Windows Operating Systems. 升级SLIC2.1,增加对Win7的支持,能xxOEM 版Win7 Fixes an issue where a PCI-E Express card may not work in DOS mode. 修正PCI-E卡在DOS下可能无法工作的问题 Fixes an intermittent issue where the system stops responding (hangs) in DOS edit mode when a USB mouse is attached and a driver is loaded. 修正在DOS编辑模式下USB鼠标插入或驱动载入时系统不响应的问题 Fixes an intermittent issue where the system stops responding (hangs) when running the Futuremark 3DMark Software. 修正运行3DMark时系统不响应的问题 Fixes an intermittent issue where the system may not boot from a USB CD-ROM drive. 修正系统可能无法从USB 光驱启动的问题 适用机型:惠普dv3,CQ35全系列笔记本
已经修正的问题: Updates the Computrace OPROM to support the next generation of Microsoft Windows Operating Systems. 升级SLIC2.1,增加对Win7的支持,能自动xxOEM 版Win7 Fixes an intermittent issue where the following buttons do not respond (notebooks/laptops may have some or all of the buttons that follow): Skip Back/Rewind, Play/Pause, Skip Forward/Fast Forward, Stop. 修正了某些按键间歇性不响应的问题 Fixes an intermittent issue where the system stops responding (hangs) when booting to a Microsoft Windows Operating system. 修正Windows启动时间歇性不响应的问题 Fixes an intermittent issue where the system stops responding (hangs) in DOS edit mode when a USB mouse is attached and a driver is loaded. 修正在DOS编辑模式下USB鼠标插入或驱动载入时系统不响应的问题 Fixes an intermittent issue where the system stops responding (hangs) when running the Futuremark 3DMark Software. 修正运行3DMark时系统不响应的问题 Fixes an intermittent issue where the system may not boot from a USB CD-ROM drive. 修正系统可能无法从USB 光驱启动的问题 适用机型:惠普CQ45(intel处理器),dv4全系列笔记本
大小:3.69M 已经修正的问题: Updates the Chipset CIM-X code (per AMD recommendation) to improve compatibility and stability. 更新芯片组CIM-X 代码,增加笔记本的兼容性和稳定性 Updates the Video BIOS to improve compatibility. 更新显卡BIOS增强兼容性 Fixes an issue where the system is not able to boot from a USB CD/DVD-ROM drive. 修正系统无法从USB 光驱启动的问题 适用机型:惠普CQ40(AMD处理器)全系列笔记本