沪江博客- 桃子在努力学习。 - Mapping the Way to a Better Soybean (2)


Genes are organised organized along chromosomes. These contain molucus molecules of DNA, the building blocks of life.

The researches researchers found that the sets of chromosomes in soybeans have copied themselves at least twice. It happened almost 60,000,000 years ago . And and again , 13,000,000 years ago.

Over time, genes develop changes, known as newtationsmutations. Scientists can tell when these changes happendhappened. The number of newtations mutations over time help helped the team estimate when the diplications duplications in soybeans took place.

The genome could help genetic engineers develop soybeans that are processed better by farm animals. Soybeans contain chemicals called phytates. This prevents These prevent the absorbtion absorption of phosphorus in the diet.

Pigs and chickens especially are affected. Undigested phosphorus in their waste can pollute water supplies.

Genetic engineering has already reduce reduced phytates in soybeans. Now , with the gene map , there could be further reductions.

The genome cold could also help farmers avoid Asian soybean rust disease--a disease, a highly destructive fungus spread by the wind. The researchers say , they found a gene for resistence resistance to the this disease. Now , the they have to find a way to use it. And that's the VOA Special English Agriculture Report, written by Jerilyn Watson. You can find transcripts, mp3s and captioned videos of our reports at voaspecialenglish. com. I'm Bob Doughty.

organize NAmE  organise BrE
chromosome  染色体
molecule  分子
mutation  突变,异变
happened happened happened happened
duplication  复制
absorption  absorption absorption absorption
phosphorus  磷
phytate 植酸盐
resistance resistance resistance resistance
fungus  xx;霉
soybean rust disease : 大豆锈病

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