1、该资料是寻找俄罗斯买家、研究俄罗斯进口商进口价格、进口频率、进口规模等交易行为的最真实、最快捷的手段。 2、该资料真正来自俄罗斯海关的{zx1}海关数据,包括日期、俄罗斯进口商名称、俄罗斯进口商地址、国外出口商名称、国外出口商地址、来源国、起运国、币种、产品描述、制造商名称、产品海关编码、总重、净重、金额、统计金额等 3、提供俄文版。按照海关编码提供。 The Russian buyer directory (customs data) of glass fibres The russian buyer directory comes from the Russia customs data,includes Name of the Russian receiver(Russian buyer or Russia importer),Address of the Russian sender(Russian supplier or Russia exporter),Name of the foreign partner,Address of the foreign partner,Name of the customs pplicant,Type of transport on border,Surname of the customs broker,Phone number of the customs broker,Date of issue of cargo from customs,Description and the goods characteristic,Name of firm of the manufacturer,Trade mark,Quantity of the goods in an additional unit of measure,Gross weight (kg),Customs cost of the goods in roubles,etc. You can find the real Russian buyer(Russian importer),and find their real trade partner,the import price and quantity,date etc.