
     控制阀安装的注意事项应从易操作性、安全性和标准化等考虑。具体内容如下。   (1)控制阀安装位置和方位 按照设计图纸和设计文件的规定,安装位置应具有足够的操作空间,用于安装、操作和维护;其位置应避免安装在有振动、潮湿、易受机械损伤、有强电磁干扰、高温、温度变化剧烈和有腐蚀性气体的场所;安装应牢固、平整;安装方位应使控制阀的执行机构在调节机构上部,图6—8显示了直行程控制阀的各种安装方位。其中,位置   1.是{sx}的位置。   2.是次选的位置。如果安装场所没有足够空间,可选安装位置   3.和   4.必要时应有防止漏液的措施。尽量不选用位置   5.只有在垂直管道上安装控制阀时,才被采用,此时,应添加吊杆或支撑,如图6—9所示。角行程控制阀的阀轴应水平,使流体所含污物不会积沉到阀轴的转动轴承。为便于操作和维护,控制阀宜靠近地面或楼板安装。   (2)控制阀内流体的流向 控制阀内流体的流向应与控制阀阀体上标注的箭头一致。特殊情况下可不受本规定的限制。   (3)控制阀连接 控制阀的连接有螺纹连接、法兰连接和焊接连接等。螺纹连接用于小口径控制阀,安装螺纹连接的控制阀时,必须同时安装可拆卸的活动连接件。法兰连接有法兰连接和夹持式连接两种,连接法兰的公称直径应与控制阀的接管直径一致。法兰也有不同耐压等级,法兰的耐压等级应与控制阀耐压等级一致。法兰内径应与管道内径相等。法兰面与管道轴线的垂直度允许偏差为l°。法兰密封面应平齐。法兰与管道的同轴度允许偏差t应满足: t ≤0.015D(1/β) (6—27)    式中,D是管道内径;夕是工作条件下节流件内径与管道内径之比。法兰连接时应受力均匀合适,避免局部受到过大压力。   尽量避免采用焊接连接,焊接连接时必须同时安装可拆卸的活动连接件。   控制阀连接时,不应使连接管道内部引成新的凸出物。例如,密封垫片、焊接缝等不应在管道内凸出。   (4)控制阀与上、下游切断阀、旁路阀的连接 控制阀上、下游切断阀和旁路阀应与控制阀同时安装。上、下游切断阀与控制阀之间的管段长度应考虑管路阻力和对流体流动状态的影响。直管段长度长,有利于流体经切断阀后的稳定,可使流体流动平稳,减少紊流影响,降低噪声;直管段长度短,流体经切断阀后还未稳定就进入控制阀,使噪声增强,但管段长度短有利于降低管路阻力,提高控制阀两端压降,使流量特性的畸变减小,有利于控制系统的稳定运行。因此,应权衡和综合考虑。通常,上游侧应有10D~20D的直管段,下游侧有3D~7D的直管段。D是管道公称直径,必要时应设置整流装置。   1.连接方案的选择。控制阀与上、下游切断阀的连接有多种方式,图6—10是几种常用的连接方案。图中,方案A的结构布置紧凑,占地面积小,容易维护和操作,系统的放空或排液容易。但常常不能够满足足够的直管段长度,造成噪声增强。方案B的结构占地面积较大,控制阀位置可安装在下部或上部,容易适应操作要求,但直管段长度不易保证。方案C的结构适用于角形控制阀,可减少弯头数量,占地面积较小。对底进侧出的流向,可有较长的上游直管段长度。方案D的结构与方案B类似,占地面积较大。方案E的结构适用于角形阀,与方案C比较,上游侧的直管段长度缩短,不利于流体的稳定。方案F的结构是最常见的连接结构。它占地面积大,管路阻力较小,但操作和维护空间较小。   2.泄放阀、放空阀、排污阀的连接,为便于控制阀拆卸,应在拆卸前进行阀前和阀后压力的泄放,泄放阀应安装在控制阀与上、下游切断阀之间。   放空阀、排污阀用于排放流体中夹带的不凝气体和冷凝液。安装时,被控流体,是气体或蒸汽时,为便于冷凝液排放,排污阀宜安装在控制阀组的{zd1}处。被控流体是液体时,为便于不凝气体的放空,放空阀宜安装在控制阀组的{zg}处。   3.旁路阀。控制阀拆卸维修时,可用旁路阀对生产过程进行操作。当被控流量过大,           图6—10 常用连接方案    用控制阀无法正常调节时,作为应急措施,也可用旁路阀作为控制阀的并行连接方案,对过程进行控制。为降低成本,大口径控制阀安装手轮执行机构,可代替旁路阀进行操作。旁路阀的安装应便于操作,它与控制阀上、下游切断阀一起组成控制阀组,因此,安装时应与它们配套,并同时完成施工安装。旁路阀公称直径与管道公称直径相同,耐压等级也与工艺耐压等级一致。   (5)执行机构的安装 通常,执行机构与控制阀阀体直接连接,但液动执行机构、长行程执行机构等执行机构与控制阀阀体分开时,安装执行机构时应注意,执行机构的连杆和机械活动部件应灵活,无松动或卡扭等现象。连杆长度应在全行程范围内动作稳定、灵活可靠。当与工艺管道有热位移的控制阀阀体连接时,应保证执行机构与控制阀阀体之间相对位置保持不变。手轮执行机构有侧装和顶装两种,安装时应留有操作空间。手轮操作应灵活,没有卡死或扭转现象。应有手轮转动方向与阀开度关系的标注。限位装置应调整合适,起到保护作用。液动执行机构应低于控制器安装,如果必须高于控制器时,其高差应不超过1.0m,并且应在管路集气处安装排气阀,靠近控制器处安装止逆阀或自动切断阀。   (6)阀门定位器的安装 阀门定位器的阀位检测装置与控制阀阀杆或阀轴直接连接,因此,安装时应保证反馈信号能够正确、及时反映阀位信号和变化。通常,阀门定位器与控制阀配套供应,由制造厂完成两者的连接。当生产过程控制需要添加阀门定位器时,应保证阀门定位器阀位检测装置动作的正确、可靠和灵活。反馈杆支点的机械间隙应尽量小。阀门定位器的信号管线应正确连接,气源管线和输出管线、输入管线应标记铭牌。阀门定位器的阀位显示信号应有利于操作和维护人员观测。   (7)其他附件的安装 其他附件包括阀位传感器、电磁阀、限位开关、继动器、电气转换器等,安装应符合产品说明书有关规定。小流量控制阀宜在上游安装过滤器。紊流严重时,应在上游侧安装整流装置。   (8)连接管线的安装 连接管线的安装应注意下列事项。   1.信号气管和气源管线一般采用聚氯乙烯护套的铜管缆,管径为sL6Xl或g18Xl    2.气源管线应靠近控制阀。   3.信号管线和液压管线应尽量短,用于缩短信号时滞和系统时间常数。   4.管线应有足够伸缩余度,且不应妨碍执行机构动作。   5.管线焊接时不应将焊渣落人管内。连接管线应在安装前进行清洗,去除油污、水和锈蚀等污物。连接管线的配管应整齐、美观。   6.液压油管线应远离高温设备和管线,与热表面的距离应大于150mm。   7.在安装前,应对与管线连接的排污阀、放空阀进行清洗,去除油污,并进行检查和试验。   8.液压和气压管路系统应进行耐压试验,并符合规定。   9.连接信号的电线、电缆应穿管敷设,在设备侧用金属软管连接。需防爆的设备应采取相应防爆措施,对全部被保护的系统应采取密封。   10.管线的敷设不应妨碍操作人员的操作及维护人员的维护。   11.连接的管线应标记铭牌。必要时可用支撑架固定连接的管线,防止控制阀拆卸后连接管线无法固定。   12.连接线应避免水和液体的浸泡和腐蚀或有害气体的侵入。   (9)附加管件的安装 附加管件有缩径管和扩径管。附加管件的安装使管路压损增大,并影响控制阀流量系数。安装附加管件时,应在连接处留有操作空间,便于维修时拆卸连接螺栓。安装管件时应安装支撑架或支座,必要时可加防振垫片或防振弹簧。   (10)控制阀和其他附件的脱月旨、绝热和伴热 需进行脱脂处理的控制阀和其他附件必须按设计规定进行脱脂处理。经脱脂处理后的控制阀、管线等需自然通风或用干燥空气或氮气吹干,经检验合格后封闭保存,在安装时应保持干净无油污。需进行绝热和伴热处理的控制阀和其他附件应进行绝热和伴热处理。伴热用的蒸汽管线或电热带的敷设应符合有关安装施工规定。绝热用的保温层材料和厚度应符合设计规定。安装控制阀和附件的各种支撑架、支座和连接管线需涂漆处理。涂漆前应xx被涂表面的铁锈\焊渣、毛刺和污物。涂漆的颜色和厚度、涂漆操作的条件等应符合有关规定。   (11)自力式控制阀取源部件的安装 自力式压力、差压控制阀取压部件参照压力取源部件的安装规定进行施工。自力式温度控制阀取源部件可参照温包安装规定进行施工。

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Control valve should be installed Note ease, safety and standardization of their consideration. Details are as follows. (1) The location and orientation control valves installed in accordance with design drawings and design documents provided, the installation location should have sufficient operating space for installation, operation and maintenance; its location should be avoided in a vibration, humidity, susceptible to mechanical damage , there is strong electromagnetic interference, high temperature, severe temperature changes and corrosive gases in place; installation should be firm, smooth; installation position should enable the control valve of the upper part of the implementing agencies in the regulation of body, Figure 6-8 shows a straight stroke control valve a variety of mounting positions. Among them, location of 1. Is the preferred location. 2. Is the second best position. If the installation place is not enough space, optional installation location 3. And 4. Necessary, there should be measures to prevent leakage. Try not to use position 5. Only in the vertical pipe when the installation of control valves, has been introduced at this time, should be added boom or support, as shown in Figure 6-9. Stroke control valve angle valve shaft should be level so that the fluid contained in the dirt will not be integrated into the valve shaft rotation Shen bearings. In order to facilitate operation and maintenance, control valve should close to the ground or floor installation. (2) fluid flow control valve within the fluid flow control valve and control valve body shall be marked on the arrow line. Exceptional circumstances may be subject to these restrictions. (3) control valve control valve to connect the connection with threaded connections, flanged and welded connections. Threaded connection for small-bore control valves, installing screw-connected control valves must be installed to connect the activities of removable parts. Flange connection with flange connection and two kinds of gripper-type connection, the connection flange nominal diameter should be the diameter of control valve in line to take over. Flange also have different pressure levels, the flange pressure levels shall be consistent with the control valve pressure rating. Flange diameter pipe diameter should be equal. Pipe flange face and the vertical axis degree of allowable deviation of l °. Flange sealing surface should be flush. Flange and pipe concentricity deviation t be allowed to Met: t ≤ 0.015D (1 / β) (6-27) Where, D is the pipe diameter; Xi is the working conditions, cutting pieces of pipe diameter and the diameter ratio. Flange connection should be subject to force Even appropriate, to avoid too much pressure on local subject. Try to avoid using welded connections, welded connections must be installed to connect the activities of removable parts. Control valve connection, connecting pipes should not be cited as the new internal projections. For example, sealing gaskets, welding seam should not have the inner bulge in the pipeline. (4) control valve and the upstream and downstream shut-off valve, bypass valve control valve connecting the upstream and downstream shut-off valve and bypass valve control valve should be installed at the same time. Upstream and downstream shut-off valve and control valve of the pipe between the length of the pipeline should be considered on the fluid flow resistance and the impact of the state. The length of straight pipe length is conducive to flow through the shut-off valve after the stability of steady fluid flow can reduce the impact of turbulent flow and reduce noise; straight pipe length is short, after the fluid through the shut-off valve has not yet entered a stable control valve, so that the noise increase However, the short length of pipe pipe helps reduce resistance, increase pressure drop across control valves, so that the distortion of reduced flow characteristics are conducive to the stability control system operation. Therefore, we should weigh, and comprehensive consideration. Typically, the upstream side should be 10D ~ 20D of straight pipe upstream and downstream side of a 3D ~ 7D of the straight pipe. D is the nominal diameter pipe, if necessary, should be set up rectifier unit. 1. Connect the options suggested. Control valve and the upstream and downstream shut-off valve connected with a variety of ways, Figure 6-10 is the connection of several commonly used programs. The figure, the program A structural arrangement compact, small footprint, easy to maintain and operate the system shorting or row of liquid easily. But often can not satisfy the sufficient length of straight pipe, resulting in increased noise. The structure covers an area of a larger program B, the control valve position can be installed in the lower or the upper part, easy to meet the operational requirements, but not easy to guarantee the length of straight pipe. C, structure of the program applies to angular control valve can reduce the number of elbow, covers an area smaller. Right at the end of the flow into the side, may have a longer upstream straight pipe lengths. D structure of the program and program B is similar to a larger area. E, structure of the program applies to angular valve, and programs for C compared to the upstream side to shorten the length of straight pipe is not conducive to the stability of fluid. The structure of the program F is the most common connection structure. It covers an area of large pipeline resistance smaller, but less space to operate and maintain. 2. Blowdown valves, venting valves, sewage valve connected to control valves to facilitate the demolition should be carried out before demolition valve pressure before and after the discharge valve, bleed valve should be installed in the control valve and the upstream and downstream of the shut-off valve Inter. Venting valve, the sewage discharge valve for the fluid in the non-condensable gas and entrained condensate. Installation, was charged with fluid, a gas or Steam, when, in order to facilitate condensate discharge, sewage valve should control valve installed in the lowest Division. When accused of fluid is a liquid, in order to facilitate the non-condensable gas venting, venting valve should control valve installed in the highest office. 3. Bypass valve. Demolition control valve repair, bypass valve can be used to operate the production process. When charged with the amount of traffic, Figure 6-10 Common Connectivity Solutions With the control valve can not be the normal adjustment process, as a contingency measure, can also be used as a control valve bypass valve in parallel connection scheme, the process control. In order to reduce costs, large-diameter hand wheel control valve installed enforcement agency can replace the bypass valve to operate. Bypass valve installation should be easy to operate, with control valves upstream and downstream shut-off valve with integral control valve, therefore, the installation should be complete with them, and at the same time to complete construction and installation. Bypass valve nominal diameter and nominal diameter pipe the same pressure level pressure level is also consistent with the process. (5) The executing agency of the installation is usually the implementing agencies directly connected with the control valve body, but the hydraulic implementing agencies, implementing agencies such as the implementation of a long-travel agencies and the control valve body separately, the installation should pay attention to the implementing agencies, implementing agencies of the connecting rod and mechanical moving parts should be flexible, non-twist phenomena such as loose or card. Connecting rod length should be within the framework of action in the whole trip a stable, flexible and reliable. When combined with process piping hot displacement control valve body connection, should ensure that the implementing agencies and control the relative position between the valve body remains unchanged. Handwheel implementing agencies have two kinds of side-loading and top loading, the installation should be left room for maneuver. Hand-wheel operation should be flexible, there is no stuck or reverse the phenomenon. There should be hand-wheel rotation direction and the valve opening marked the relationship. Limit device should be adjusted to fit, has protective effects. Hydraulic controller implementing agencies should be lower than the installation, if the controller must be higher than their height difference should not exceed 1.0m, and shall remain in gas gathering pipelines to install exhaust valve near the controller, to install check valve or automatic shut-off valve. (6) the installation of the valve positioner valve positioner of the valve position detection device and control valve stem or valve shaft directly connected, therefore, the installation should ensure that feedback signals can be correctly and timely to reflect valve position signal and change. Typically, the valve positioner supporting the supply and control valves from the factory to complete the connection between the two. When the production process control valve positioner needs to be added, should ensure the valve positioner valve position detecting device moves the correct, reliable and flexible. The mechanical feedback rod pivot gap should be as small as possible. Valve positioner should be properly connected to the signal lines, gas pipelines and export pipelines source, enter the pipe should be marked nameplate. Valve positioner of the valve position display signal should be conducive to the operation and maintenance personnel observations. (7) Other accessories Other accessories include the installation of valve position sensors, solenoid valves, limit switches, following the actuators, electrical converters, etc., the installation should comply with the relevant provisions of product specifications. Small flow control valve installed in the upstream appropriate filters. Severe turbulence should be installed at the upstream side of fairing. (8) the installation of connecting pipelines to connect the pipeline installation should pay attention to the following. 1. Signal the trachea and gas pipelines commonly used source of copper cable PVC jacket, diameter sL6Xl or g18Xl 2. Gas Pipeline to be close to the control valve. 3. The signal lines and hydraulic lines should be as short as possible and the system used to shorten the signal delay time constant. 4. Pipeline should be flexible enough to redundancy, and should not impede the implementation of agency action. 5. Pipeline welding should not be welding slag from falling tube. Connecting pipe should be installed prior to cleaning, to remove oil, water and dirt, rust and so on. Piping connecting the pipeline to be tidy and beautiful. 6. Hydraulic oil pipeline should stay away from high-temperature equipment and pipelines, and heat the surface of the distance should be greater than 150mm. 7. In pre-installation to deal with the sewage pipe connected to valves, venting valves for cleaning and removing grease and conduct inspection and testing. 8. Hydraulic and pneumatic pressure piping system should be carried out tests and compliance. 9. Connect the signal wires, cables should be wearing a tube laid on the device side of metal hose connection. Be explosion-proof equipment should take appropriate explosion-proof measures, were all protected system should be taken to seal. 10. Should not hamper the laying of the pipeline operator's operation and maintenance personnel maintenance. 11. Connecting pipelines shall be marked nameplate. When necessary, can be permanently connected to the pipeline supporting frames to prevent the control valve can not be fixed after the demolition of connecting pipelines. 12. Connector should avoid soaking in water and liquids and corrosion or the intrusion of harmful gases. (9) the installation of additional pipe fittings add a shrink tube diameter pipe and expanded diameter pipe. The installation of additional pipe to pipe pressure loss increases, and affect the control valve flow coefficient. Installation of additional pipe fittings should be left at the junction operating space, easy maintenance, demolition of connection bolts. Installation of pipe should be installed supporting frames or supports, necessary, to add anti-vibration pads, or anti-vibration spring. (10) control valves and other accessories off on purpose and in need of insulation and thermal degreasing treatment with the control valves and other accessories must be designed to deal with the provisions of fat. After degreasing treatment of the control valves, and pipelines to take natural ventilation or with dry air or nitrogen drying, closed after passing through the test to save the installation should be kept clean without oil. In need of insulation and with heat treatment of the control valves and other accessories should be carried out with insulation and heat treatment. Used with hot steam pipes or heating cable laying installation and construction shall comply with the relevant provisions. Insulation used in insulation material and thickness should be consistent with design requirements. Installation of control valves and accessories for a variety of supporting frames, bearings and connecting pipelines need to paint processing. Should be removed before painting was painted surface rust \ welding slag, burrs and dirt. The color and thickness of paint, painting operation conditions should be consistent with the relevant requirements. (11) Self-control valve to take the source components, installation of self-operated pressure, differential pressure control valve to take pressure component parts of the light source of pressure to take to install the provisions of the construction. Self-operated temperature control valve to take the source components can be installed with reference temperature and the provisions of the construction package.


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