Shavasana (Corpse Pose) with a lift under the torso
[5 minutes]背部支撑的仰尸式5分钟
Fold blankets to create a lift under the back the width of the
torso. Lie back with the spine supported from the lower back to the
shoulders and have an extra blanket for under the head.
Allow the arms and shoulders to tumble to the floor, gently drawing
the chest open。
As the muscles of the chest soften and open, allow the collar bones
to widen and the shoulder blades to drop towards the floor.
Viparita Karani (Upside Down Pose) [8—10
Focus on widening and releasing the hip creases outwards, away from
the pubic bone.
Once the hips begin to release, allow the abdomen to soften in
layers from the skin of the belly, back through the abdominal
muscles, into the organs and the pelvic bowl.
Allow the organs to tumble down out of the pelvis towards the
[8—10 minutes]俯卧仰尸式8到10分钟
Focus on releasing the back body, allowing it to soften and to move
with the breath.
Begin with the buttocks, allowing them to release away from the
pelvic bones.
From there, work your way up to the lower back. Allow the lower
back to soften with the exhalations and expand with the
Next, turn your attention to the lower ribs. Allow them to soften
and expand, opening up around the kidneys. ,
After that, draw your attention up to the back ribs. As you allow
them to release, encourage smooth and even movement, seeking out
any gripped areas and encourage them to free up.
Finally, pay attention to the neck, allowing it to soften as the
head tumbles down off the bolster onto the blanket.
Shavasana (Corpse Pose) focusing on the head and
neck [5—10 minutes]仰尸式专注于头颈部5到10分钟
Lie flat on the back with the head supported by a blanket. If you
find that an unsupported Shavasana is uncomfortable for you, use
any props that will allow you to release completely.
Take a few minutes to become aware of the weight of your head
sinking back into the blanket. Be aware of exactly where the neck
ends and the head begins: the neck goes al the way up behind the
jaw to the level of the ears. Allow the head to release away from
the neck.
Allow the brain to sink towards the floor inside the skull.
After a minute or so, imagine that the brain is tumbling to one
side inside the skull. Allow the head to gently roll to that side.
Stay in this position for several breaths, allowing the neck to
release under the weight of the head.
Imagine the brain now rolling to the other side. Use this image to
gently roll the head to the other side, allowing the neck to
release once again, repeat this several times.
Finally, allow the head to roll back to center and to release away
from the neck once more.