[2010.02.04] A Netscape moment? 电动汽车:又一个网景时刻? - 商业 ...
本帖{zh1}由 dqzxf 于 2010-2-8 18:47 编辑

Electric cars

A Netscape moment?

Investors get out their chequebooks for electric-car start-ups

Feb 4th 2010 | From The Economist print edition

THE idea of the “Netscape moment”, a fund-raising that signals the spawning of a whole new industry, is dear to Silicon Valley types who think back fondly to the browser firm’s spectacular initial public offering in 1995. So it was not surprising that in late January Shai Agassi, a former software entrepreneur, greeted a $350m investment in his company, Better Place, led by HSBC, in just those terms. Better Place, based in Palo Alto, which hopes to be the leading infrastructure provider for the world’s growing fleet of electric cars, has raised nearly $700m in two years, making it one of the biggest “clean-tech” start-ups. A few days later, lending some weight to Mr Agassi’s claim, Tesla Motors, a pioneering maker of battery-powered sports cars co-founded by Elon Musk, another technology entrepreneur, filed for an initial public offering aimed at raising $100m. There is certainly much discussion of electric cars all of a sudden, although not as much as the internet prompted in 1995 (see chart).

网景时刻”是指催生了一个全新产业的融资活动。对于硅谷型人士(注1)而言,回味这家浏览器公司1995年首次公开xxxx时那种火爆的景象 , 心中总是有那么一种亲切的感觉。沙伊•阿加西以往经营的是软件业,乐土公司(Better Place)是他创办的一家企业。今年1月末的时候,当以汇丰银行为主的3.5亿美元资金注入他的公司时,阿加西的欢迎辞就采用了上述语言,对此人们毫不惊奇。乐土公司位于帕拉阿图市,其目标是成为全球迅速增长的电动汽车用户市场{lx1}的基础设施供应商。该公司在两年的时间内筹集了近7亿美元,使它成为新兴的“清洁技术”领域{zd0}的企业之一。 几天后,阿加西的话又增加了新的分量。特斯拉汽车公司是运动型电动轿车研制的先驱,艾伦·马斯克也是一个技术专家型的企业家,同时又是该公司的发起人之一。他签约进行了该公司股票的首次公开上市发行,目标是筹集1亿美元。虽然没有1995年IT企业上市时的那种轰动(见图表),电动汽车还是很突然就成了人们谈论的热门话题,

Two questions arise. The first is whether Mr Agassi is right in believing that electric vehicles and the industry required to support them are about to enter the mainstream; the second is whether the charge will be led by disruptive innovators like himself and Mr Musk, or whether they will end up being trampled underfoot by the traditional automotive and energy-supply heavyweights.


Investment in electric cars is being driven by tightening emissions regulations, worries about energy security and enthusiasm for the technology in China, already the world’s biggest car market. Industry forecasts suggest that by 2020 about 10% of new cars will be either entirely battery driven vehicles or plug-in hybrids, with accelerated growth thereafter.


Mr Agassi’s achievement is to have shown how it can all be made to work. What impressed HSBC, apart from Better Place’s own technology, was the quality and seriousness of its partners, including Renault-Nissan, which has committed euro4 billion ($5.6 billion) and 2,000 engineers to creating a range of vehicles designed to operate with Better Place’s infrastructure, A123 Systems, a respected battery-maker, the governments of Israel, Denmark, Canada, Japan and California, and big utilities in those places as well.

阿加西取得的成就已经证明这{yt}终会到来。给汇丰银行留下深刻印象的,除了乐土公司的技术实力外,就是它的合作伙伴档次之高,其合作态度之极端认真。在合作伙伴中,雷诺-尼桑公司已经投入了40亿欧元(56亿美元)和2000名工程技术人员进行一系列车辆的开发设计,这些设计都是按照匹配乐土公司的基础设施而进行的;A123 Systems是一家受业内推崇的电池制造公司;以色列、丹麦、加拿大、日本和加利福尼亚州政府也都是其合作伙伴,在这些国家和地区(为电动汽车的使用)建立了庞大的市政设施。

In addition to installing thousands of charging points—up to 20,000 for both Israel and Denmark, the two countries where the project will first go live—Better Place is also building battery-switching stations. Renault says that its cars will do about 100 miles (160km) between charges, which is fine for most commutes but not for longer journeys. To overcome the range problem, Better Place has devised machinery that will swap one battery for another in about two minutes. Customers will buy their cars, but lease the batteries and only pay for the miles they drive.


It all sounds promising, at least for now. But in the longer term, Better Place’s model may prove vulnerable. The utilities providing the electricity are quite capable of rolling out their own charging-point networks. There are also concerns about whether the switching stations will catch on. Oliver Hazimeh of PRTM, a consultancy, doubts whether other car manufacturers developing electric vehicles will be interested in standardising their batteries along lines determined by Renault-Nissan. And building different switching stations for different cars would either be impractical or very expensive.

这项计划至少在目前看来似乎xx无缺,前景广阔。但从长期的角度看,乐土公司的模式也许还存在软肋。这些提供充电服务的企业xx可能自行扩张服务网络(从而摆脱其母公司)。也有人担心这种电池交换站模式能否流行开来。柏亚天管理咨询公司的咨询师奥利弗•哈兹梅(Oliver Hazimeh)就提出疑问,难道其它开发电动汽车的汽车制造厂商会有兴趣按照雷诺-尼桑制定的标准确定他们的电池使用规格?而各型汽车都建造自己的电池更换站成本过高,也难以实行。

Tesla’s prospects are even more uncertain. The firm’s prospectus brags about the technological innovations that have made its Roadster sports car a showcase for the potential of battery-driven cars to match the performance and (eventually) the range of the best conventional cars. But its next vehicle, the Model S, a five-door luxury saloon priced to compete with BMW’s 5-series that is meant to go on sale in 2012, is a far more ambitious undertaking and one that is fraught with risk.

泰斯拉公司的前景更不明确。该公司在简介中自我吹嘘其技术发明使它的运动型跑车成了未来电池驱动轿车的样板车型,与{zyx}的常规动力轿车相比其性能毫不逊色,(最终)其车型种类也能与之相媲美。该公司即将推出豪华型四门电动轿车Model S,其定价瞄准打算在2012年进入销售市场的宝马5系列轿车,与之展开竞争。这真是一个雄心勃勃的目标,但同样充满风险。  

Tesla has about $100m in cash and a $465m loan from America’s Department of Energy, but production of the Roadster will cease next year to allow retooling of the factory, and neither the design nor the production arrangements for the Model S have been finalised. Mr Musk’s plan to make 20,000 Model S saloons a year is a huge step up for Tesla (which has built about 1,000 Roadsters to date), but a tiny number for an industry that demands scale like no other.

泰斯拉公司自己投入了1亿美元,从美国能源部xx4.65亿美元。为了重新规划工厂的布局其跑车的生产明年将暂停。但Model S车型的设计与生产线的布局还都还没有最终敲定。泰斯拉目前的跑车年产量约1千台,马斯克的计划是使Model S轿车的年产量达到2万台。对于泰斯拉公司而言这是迈了极大的一步,但对于一个需要其它行业难以企及的生产规模作支撑的产业而言,这个数字还是太小了。

Mr Musk believes that Tesla’s focus and Silicon Valley agility give it an advantage over incumbent carmakers. But those incumbents are now taking electric cars very seriously indeed, and have huge engineering and financial resources, as Renault-Nissan is demonstrating. Tesla has a close relationship with Daimler, which took a 10% stake in the firm last year. It may end up a skunk works for the German manufacturer rather than a carmaker in its own right. After all, where is Netscape now?

本帖{zh1}由 dqzxf 于 2010-2-8 17:50 编辑


沙伊•阿加西(Shai Agassi)

艾伦·马斯克 (Elon Musk)

注2:臭鼬工厂(skunkworks,Skunk Works)

这一词是在第二次世界大战期间由洛克希德马丁(Lockheed Martin)公司的工程师首次使用。这个名字是从卡通系列片《Li'l Abner》中的月光工厂得来的。洛克希德马丁公司已经注册了臭鼬工厂这一商标,更正式名称为“高级开发计划”(ADP)。
根据Lockheed Martin的定义,臭鼬工厂的14常规是:
1.  臭鼬工厂经理必须在所有方面xx控制他的计划。他也应该向部门总经理或更高领导报告。
2.  必须由军工业提供很强但又很小的项目办公室。
3.  与该项目有关的人的数量必须以一种几乎恶性的方式来限制。使用少数善良的人(占所谓的正常系统的10%到25%)。
4.  必须提供一个非常简单并且具有很大的更改灵活性的绘画和绘图发放系统。
5.  必须有一个{zd1}数量的报告要求,但重要的工作必须彻底记录。
6.  必须有一个月费用审查表,不仅包括已经花费和交付的,而且还包括完成该计划的预计费用。不要拖欠账单90天,不要突然告诉客户他超支。
7.  承包商必须委派和承担比平常更多的责任以获得好的供应商来投标分包的项目。商业投标程序往往比军事程序要好。
8.  臭鼬工厂(skunkworks)目前使用的检查系统,已经在空军和海军中应用,它符合现有的军事要求。臭鼬工厂也应在新的项目上应用。给分包商和供应商更多的基本检查责任。不要重复检查。
9.  承包商必须授权检测最终产品。而且必须在最初阶段测试它。如果承包商不这样做,他马上就会失去设计其他车辆的机会。
注3:Netscape 网景

1993年,美国伊利诺州的伊利诺大学的NCSA组织发表了{dy}个可以显示图片的浏览器,命名为MOSAIC。马克•安德生和Silicon Graphic公司的创始人吉姆•克拉克设立了「MOSAIC Communication Corp.」,1994年11月改名为「Netscape Communication Corp.」,中译为网景。网景公司1994 年推出互联网浏览器,至1995 年,网景浏览器所占市场份额超过80%。1995 年8 月9 日,网景登陆纳斯达克。由于投资者狂热追捧,公司股价{zg}冲至每股120 美元。但就在1995 年,微软也推出IE 浏览器,并通过在操作系统中免费捆绑IE,仅仅3 年后,就击垮网景,垄断了浏览器市场。1999 年,网景被时代华纳并购。2007年12月28日,据 Netscape 官方博客消息,网景 (Netscape) 浏览器将在2008年2月1日停止更新并且不再提供任何技术支持,这就意味着于1994年问世的Netscape正式退出历史舞台。Netscape 官方博客推荐用户使用 Mozilla Firefox 浏览器。有先发优势的网景最终失败了。
注4. A123 Systems

A123于2001年在麻省理工学院(MIT)成立,3位创办人之一是MIT的材料科学与工程学华人教授Yet-Ming Chiang(蒋业明),1位是MIT的商业研究顾问Ric Fulop,另1位则是担任技术长的康乃尔大学材料科学博士Bart Riley。A123刚成立时,总员工数只有5人,资金来源只有美国能源部的科技项目经费10万美元。到2007年初,A123的资本额激增到1.02亿美元,员工人数超过250人,来自Fortune前500大企业的订单超过1亿美元。
A123的营运总部设在美国麻州的Watertown。在常州设立的生产基地自2006年启动工,2008年的产能为100万颗26650 cell。
注5:Disruptive Technology Innovation  突破性技术创新

Disruptive technology and disruptive innovation are terms used in business and technology literature to describe innovations that improve a product or service in ways that the market does not expect, typically by being lower priced or designed for a different set of consumers.
Disruptive innovations can be broadly classified into low-end and new-market disruptive innovations. A new-market disruptive innovation is often aimed at non-consumption (i.e., consumers who would not have used the products already on the market), whereas a lower-end disruptive innovation is aimed at mainstream customers for whom price is more important than quality.
Disruptive technologies are particularly threatening to the leaders of an existing market, because they are competition coming from an unexpected direction. A disruptive technology can come to dominate an existing market by either filling a role in a new market that the older technology could not fill (as cheaper, lower capacity but smaller-sized flash memory is doing for personal data storage in the 2000s) or by successively moving up-market through performance improvements until finally displacing the market incumbents (as digital photography has largely replaced film photography).
In contrast to "disruptive innovation", a "sustaining" innovation does not have an effect on existing markets. Sustaining innovations may be either "discontinuous"[1] (i.e. "revolutionary") or "continuous" (i.e. "evolutionary"). Revolutionary innovations are not always disruptive. Although the automobile was a revolutionary innovation, it is not a disruptive innovation, because early automobiles were expensive luxury items that did not disrupt the market for horse-drawn vehicles. The market remained intact until the debut of the lower priced Ford Model T in 1908.
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