冶金钢铁行业英文词汇(一) - 草长莺飞- 伊贺- 和讯博客
冶金钢铁行业英文词汇(一) [原创 2009-02-20 12:28:01]   

希望对从事冶金翻译行业的朋友有所帮助 0 && image.height>0){if(image.width>=700){this.width=700;this.height=image.height*700/image.width;}}" title="" alt="" src="http://comment.blog.hexun.com/img/emotions/03.gif"> 


1.     indication 缺陷
2. test specimen 试样
3. bar 棒材
4. stock 原料
5. billet 方钢,钢方坯
6. bloom 钢坯,钢锭
7. section 型材
8. steel ingot 钢锭
9. blank 坯料,半成品
10. cast steel 铸钢
11. nodular cast iron 球墨铸铁
12. ductile cast iron 球墨铸铁
13. bronze 青铜
14. brass 黄铜
15. copper 合金
16. stainless steel不锈钢
17. decarburization 脱碳
18. scale 氧化皮
19. anneal 退火
20. process anneal 进行退火
21. quenching 淬火
22. normalizing 正火
23. Charpy impact text 夏比冲击试验
24. fatigue 疲劳
25. tensile testing 拉伸试验
26. solution 固溶处理
27. aging 时效处理
28. Vickers hardness维氏硬度
29. Rockwell hardness 洛氏硬度
30. Brinell hardness 布氏硬度
31. hardness tester硬度计
32. descale 除污,除氧化皮等
33. ferrite 铁素体
34. austenite 奥氏体
35. martensite马氏体
36. cementite 渗碳体
37. iron carbide 渗碳体
38. solid solution 固溶体
39. sorbite 索氏体
40. bainite 贝氏体
41. pearlite 珠光体
42. nodular fine pearlite/ troostite屈氏体
43. black oxide coating 发黑
44. grain 晶粒
45. chromium 铬
46. cadmium 镉
47. tungsten 钨
48. molybdenum 钼
49. manganese 锰
50. vanadium 钒
51. molybdenum 钼
52. silicon 硅
53. sulfer/sulphur 硫
54. phosphor/ phosphorus 磷
55. nitrided 氮化的
56. case hardening 表面硬化,表面淬硬
57. air cooling 空冷
58. furnace cooling 炉冷
59. oil cooling 油冷
60. electrocladding /plating 电镀
61. brittleness 脆性
62. strength 强度
63. rigidity 刚性,刚度
64. creep 蠕变
65. deflection 挠度
66. elongation 延伸率
67. yield strength 屈服强度
68. elastoplasticity 弹塑性
69. metallographic structure 金相组织
70. metallographic test 金相试验
71. carbon content 含碳量
72. induction hardening 感应淬火
73. impedance matching 感应淬火
74. hardening and tempering 调质
75. crack 裂纹
76. shrinkage 缩孔,疏松
77. forging 锻(件)
78. casting 铸(件)
79. rolling 轧(件)
80. drawing 拉(件)
81. shot blasting 喷丸(处理)
82. grit blasting 喷钢砂(处理)
83. sand blasting 喷砂(处理)
84. carburizing 渗碳
85. nitriding 渗氮
86. ageing/aging 时效
87. grain size 晶粒度
88. pore 气孔
89. sonim 夹砂
90. cinder inclusion 夹渣
91. lattice晶格
92. abrasion/abrasive/rub/wear/wearing resistance (property) 耐磨性
93. spectrum analysis光谱分析
94. heat/rmal treatment 热处理
95. inclusion 夹杂物
96. segation 偏析
97. picking 酸洗,酸浸
98. residual stress 残余应力
99. remaining stress 残余应力
100. relaxation of residual stress xx残余应力
101. stress relief 应力释放

A R steel 高温度锰钢
abnormal steel 反常钢; 非正常钢
aluminium-steel cable 钢铝电缆
aluminized steel 涂铝钢
aluminum nickel steel 铝镍钢
anchored steel trestle 锚固式钢栈桥
angle steel ruler 钢角尺
anisotropic steel 各向异性钢片
anisotropy silicon steel 各向异性硅钢片
annealed sheet steel 退火薄钢板
annealed steel 退火钢; 韧钢
anti-creeping angle steel 防爬角铁
anticorrosive aluminium-coated steel wire 防蚀镀铝钢丝
arc-furnace steel 电炉钢
arc-welded steel pipe 电弧焊接钢管
area of steel 钢筋断面面积; 钢筋截面面积
area of structural steel 型钢截面积
Armco aluminized steel 阿姆柯渗铝钢
armco aluminized steel 表面浸镀铝钢
Armco stabilized steel 阿母柯稳定化钢
Armco steel 阿姆柯软钢
armco steel 不硬化钢
austenilic Ni-Cr stainless steel 奥氏体镍铬不锈钢
austenitic alloy steel 奥氏体合金钢
austenitic chromium-nickel steel 奥氏体铬-镍钢
austenitic clad steel 奥氏体复合钢
austenitic heat-resistance steel 奥氏体耐热钢
austenitic manganese steel 奥氏体锰钢; 哈德菲尔德锰钢
austenitic stainless steel 奥氏体不锈钢
austenitic steel 奥氏体钢
automatic steel 易切削钢
automatic(al) steel 易切削钢
axle shaft steel 车轴钢
axle steel 车轴钢

Carbon Steel Plate 碳素钢板; 碳素钢板和型材
Carbon Tool Steel 碳工具钢; 碳素工具钢
Carbon-Containing Alloy Steel 含碳合金钢
Carbon-Free Stainless Steel 无碳不锈钢
Carbon-Free Steel 无碳钢
Carburizing Steel 碳钢
Case-Hardened Steel 表面渗碳硬化钢; 渗碳钢
Bolts & Nuts For Steel Slotted 角钢螺丝
Cast Alloy Steel Piston 合金铸钢活塞
Cast Iron Electrode With Steel Core 钢芯铸铁焊条
Cast Stainless Steel 铸造不锈钢
Cast Steel 铸钢件
Cast Steel Plate 铸钢板
Cast(Carbon) Steel 铸钢
Cast-In Steel Bush 铸入钢套
Casement Section Steel 窗框钢
Cast-Steel 铸钢
Cast-Steel Crossing 铸钢辙叉
Cast-Steel Pipe 铸钢管
Cast-Steel Separator 铸钢隔板; 铸钢横梁
Cast-Steel Shot 钢砂
Cast-Steel Yoke 铸钢轭
Cellular Steel Floor 格型钢楼板
Cement-And-Grouted Steel Bolt 钢筋砂浆锚杆
Cemented Steel 表面硬化钢
Cemented Templet Steel 渗碳样板钢
Centra Steel 球状石墨铸钢
Centrifugal Steel 离心铸钢
Centrifuge(D) Steel 离心铸造钢
Channel Steel 槽钢
Channel-Section Steel 槽形钢
Channeled-Steel Wheel Rim 槽钢制轮辋
Checkered Steel Plate 花纹钢板
Chemical Capped Steel 化学封顶钢
Chilled Cast Steel 冷硬铸钢
Chilled Hardened Steel 淬火钢
Chilled Steel 淬火钢; 淬硬钢
Chisel Steel 凿钢; 凿子钢
Chrome Hardened Steel 铬硬化钢
Chrome Steel 铬钢
Chrome-Carbon Steel 铬碳钢
Chrome-Manganese Nitrogen Steel 铬锰氮钢
Chrome-Manganese-Silicon Alloy Steel 铬锰硅合金钢
Chrome-Molybdenum Steel 铬钼钢
Chrome-Nickel Steel 铬镍钢
Chrome-Plated Steel Nozzle 镀铬钢喷管
Chrome-Silicon Steel 铬硅钢
Chrome-Tungsten Steel 铬钨钢
Chrome-Vanadium Steel 铬钒钢
Chromemanganese Steel 铬锰钢
Chromium Nickel Steel 高强度耐蚀铬镍钢
Chromium Stainless Steel 铬不锈钢
Chromium Steel 铬钢
Chromium-Molybdenum Steel 铬钼钢
Chromium-Nickel Steel 铬镍钢
Chromium-Plated Mild Steel Animal Chain 镀铬软钢动物链条
Chromium-Tungstenvanadium Steel 铬钨钒钢
Chromiummanganese Steel 铬锰钢
Chromiumnickel Austenite Stainless Steel 铬镍奥氏体不锈钢
Chromiumplated Thin-Walled Steel Cylinder Liner 钢质薄壁镀铬汽缸衬套
Chromized Steel 渗铬钢
Circular Steel Support 环形金属支架
Clad Sheet Steel 包层薄钢板
Clad Steel 包层钢; 双层钢; 双金属钢
Clad Steel Plate 复合钢板
Cladding Steel 包覆钢
Cladding Steel Sheet 复合钢板
Clean Steel 纯净钢; 洁净钢
Closed Die Steel 闭锻模钢
Coarse-Grained Steel 粗晶粒钢
Coated Steel 镀层钢板
Coating Steel Pipe 镀锌钢管
Cobalt High Speed Steel 钴高速钢
Cobalt-Chromium Steel 钴铬钢
Coiled Steel 成卷带钢
Cold Forging Steel 冷锻钢
Cold Pressed Steel 冷压钢
Cold Reduced Steel 马口铁卷板
Cold Rolled Ribbed Steel Bar 冷轧竹节钢筋
Cold Rolled Sheet Steel 冷轧薄钢板
Cold Twisted Steel Bar 冷扭钢筋
Cold-Banded Steel Pipe 冷箍钢管
Cold-Drawn Steel 冷拔钢; 冷拉钢
Cold-Drawn Steel Pipe 冷拉钢管
Cold-Drawn Steel Tube 冷拉钢管
Cold-Finished Steel 冷加工精整钢
Cold-Pressed Sheet Steel 冷压薄钢板
Cold-Pressed Steel Plate 冷压钢板

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