Nikon 公布全新S系及L系相機

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S3000 - 1,200涓囧儚绱犮€?鍊嶅厜瀛﹀彉鐒︺€?.7瀵?30,000鐐?LCD锛屽敭浠?USD$149銆?br />S4000 - 1,200涓囧儚绱犮€?鍊嶅厜瀛﹀彉鐒︺€?瀵?60,000鐐?LCD锛屽敭浠?USD$200銆?br />S6000 - 1,420涓囧儚绱犮€?.7瀵?30,000鐐?LCD銆佹敮鎸?720p 褰辩墖锛屽敭浠?USD$250銆?br />S8000 - 1,420涓囧儚绱犮€?0鍊嶅彉鐒︺€佹敮鎸?720p 褰辩墖銆?瀵?21,000鐐?LCD锛屽敭浠?USD$299銆?br />

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