幽灵重现——“世界杯”前夕看南非贩奴灾难- 刘君- 职业日志- 价值中国网 ...






  辛蒂斯娃原本住在Indw e市,她的家庭是Indw e市最穷的一类,这个城市位于南非东开普敦省最穷的地区,而东开普敦省又是南非最穷的省份。在辛蒂斯娃居住的小镇上,95%的居民生活水平在联合国的{zd1}生活标准之下,1/4的人感染了艾滋病,绝大部分要依靠政府救助生存。16岁的时候失去双亲成为孤儿,辛蒂斯娃只能辍学打工自立。去年2月,一个来自邻近小镇的妇女找到辛蒂斯娃,说能为她和她{zh0}的朋友伊丽莎白提供好工作。15岁的伊丽莎白同样来自赤贫家庭,她的姐姐非常暴力总是殴打她,因此她绝望地想离开。





  就在辛蒂斯娃向记者讲述遭遇的时候,她的声音越来越低,然后,把她送到医院的好心人,39岁的基督教牧师阿德·朗巴德(A nd reLom bard)用一只手合上她的双眼。






  美国政府对于解决全球的非法贩奴问题非常重视,资深外交家刘易斯·德巴卡(Luis CdeBaca)是研究扼制人口xx方面的专家,他也被奥巴马总统任命为“自由大使”,专门负责监控并对抗全球的人口xx。去年7月,他在上任后{dy}次出访南非,辛蒂斯娃去世的那天早晨,记者刚刚见过他。刘易斯说在南非的很多大城市,有良知的xx、公诉人和受害者的支持机构正在努力对抗非法xx少女卖淫,但是他们多半是独自作战。他表示,奥巴马总统已经将“在全球xx现代奴隶制”视为其外交政策的首要考虑之一,但是现在美国政府在打击贩毒方面的投入比打击人口xx的投入要多得多。其中主要原因是xx对美国社会的影响深远深刻,从xx中心出来的很多xx最终流到美国街头;但是人口xx对美国本土的影响并不大,这是一个更“遥远”的人道问题,人口xx现象严重的国家都是贫穷落后的,例如东南亚国家柬埔寨,还有印尼、泰国等,当然也包括非洲的很多国家,在这些国家,xx人口的集团还将罪恶控制在国内。不过一个越来越明显的现象是,贩奴集团正和贩毒集团合并,在这样的情况下,贩奴卖淫的资金就有可能进入贩毒的全球资金链,这对于任何一个被xx侵蚀的发达国家,都不能轻易置之不理了。







  祖马的保证对辛蒂斯娃而言来得太晚,对于伊丽莎白来说可能还有机会。那个晚上之后,记者和随行的摄影师开车8个小时将她送回了东开普敦省那个名叫Indw e的城市,那是她和辛蒂斯娃的家乡,一个充满危险和陷阱的城市。上次离开家乡的时候,她和自己{zh0}的朋友还手牵手,现在她带着累累伤痕回来,身边已经没有了同伴。因为担心伊丽莎白会像很多被解救少女一样因为无路可走又重新卖淫,记者特地将她交托给Indw e市最有经验的社工,保证她不会再遇到引诱和诈骗。后来,一对居住在芝加哥的美国夫妇愿意为伊丽莎白提供教育经费,让她能完成高中教育。最关键的是,她还没有感染艾滋病,这意味着这个15岁的女孩还有机会忘记一切,开始新的生命。

  原作/采访记者:E. BenjaminSkinner

Ghost reproduce - "World Cup" on the eve of the Slave in South Africa a disaster
Southern Metropolis Daily 2010-02-07 10:46






The colonial slave trade in human history, the darkest chapter in the evolution of civilization through the centuries, from the surface we seem to have the kind of barbarism and ignorance, but the era of development and cultural progress, could not conceal the human greed will always In the 21st century civilization on Earth, a phenomenon again in South Africa, and the target turned to minor children, the population missing and the phenomenon of trafficking soared, many girls have been trafficked to engage in illegal sexual activity. In June of this year, South Africa will host world-renowned "World Cup", which severely damaged its international image of the evil, the international community has expressed strong concerns, many organizations have begun efforts to prevent a disaster of this new slave.

For the recent slave in South Africa, the victims of crime, the following tragedy is always a common destiny:

In July last year, a cold night, 17-year-old Xindi Si doll (Sindiswa) curled up in Bloemfontein City by the South African government-funded a medical facility, she was desperate dying posture. Issued by the old fluorescent lamps insecticidal dark light, light blue paint is peeling from the walls, Xian Xueran sleep in her bed sheets, rusting bed frame and covered with linoleum on the floor. Xindi Si 3 months of pregnancy has reached the last stages of AIDS baby, while also suffering from tuberculosis. Sweat from her forehead, drops of smoke, the difficult past experiences from her lips Yiziyizi Jiaogan spit it out. Just a few blocks away, in the national freedom stadium, fans for being mad at the football game cheering, and in June this year, so cheers will be held in this country, "World Cup" issue.

Xindi Si Eva used to live in Indw e City, her family was Indw e city's poorest class, the city is located in Eastern Cape Province, South Africa, the poorest regions, while the Eastern Cape Province is the poorest in South Africa provinces. Xindi Si doll living in a small town, 95% of the population living in the United Nations under the minimum living standard, 1 / 4 of people infected with AIDS, most have to rely on government aid to survive. When the age of 16 have lost their parents to become orphans, Xindi Si wa drop out of school to work can only be self-sustaining. Last year, in February, a woman from the neighboring town to find the Xindi Si baby, saying that for her and her best friend Elizabeth, to provide a good job. 15-year-old Elizabeth, also from destitute families, and her sister is always a very violent and assaulted her, so she desperately wanted to leave.

After 8 hour, they came to a place unknown north of Bloemfontein, the two girls were sold to the Nigerian traffickers in drugs and Jude, that woman is with a lie in exchange for 120 dollars and a small piece of cocaine. She told the two little girls had to come here, they will be able to find a good job, but now she was brutal against the two, said: "You must stand on the street to sell themselves." Jude the arrangements of the two girls into the blond side Dan center of a brothel forced into prostitution every day had to work 12 hours. Jude the morning the day will come to collect their earned money, Xindi Si wa earn 40 dollars a day, Elizabeth earn 65 U.S. dollars. Elizabeth had run away three times, once almost succeeded in hiding out for several weeks, but Jude will eventually be able to find her, because he used Xindi Si baby hostage to lure her back. Caught each time came back, Elizabeth always found to be suffered by the flesh, and all of organized prostitution rings as dedicated to a "law enforcement" is responsible for punishing disobedient girls.

Now not sure Xindi Si baby infected with AIDS are being trafficked into prostitution before or after the start, but it can sure, some clients do not use condoms. Condition deteriorated until she was able to stand firm, for Jude and his group has no use value, and she was only thrown into the street. Welfare agencies, found her and sent her check, it was a reporter interviewed her a week before the incident that day, a nurse told reporters that within a few days Xindi Si baby will be passing away.

Over the past 150 years, mankind has developed more than a dozen treaty prohibits trafficking in human beings, but today, the number of slaves in the world than any other time in human history, more. Slaves are those who only get the basic subsistence rations, were forced to engage in unpaid labor of people, or those who have been criminals for profit-making through violence or fraud, trafficking in people. More slaves appeared previously in poor Southeast Asian countries, where the poor because of inability to repay debts, had sold themselves into slavery for life debt, or the forced prostitution of girls from poor families bonded. But now the phenomenon of slavery began to appear in the relatively prosperous areas, like South Africa, Africa's most developed countries. This year will be held in South Africa, "World Cup", eager to understand and recognize its achievements. While South Africa, investing billions of dollars for infrastructure construction in preparation for a time when millions of tourists, there are tens of thousands of children into slave trap, forced into the sex trade or hard labor. Who through abuse, trafficking in children who profit the same preparing for their "championship." Through successive 3-week in-depth investigation, the reporter found to be two gym-based human trafficking group in the abduction of a minor girl into prostitution, particularly on the lucrative profits. A girl sold at 45 dollars, but a night of sex trade, it is possible to "capture" them bring 600 U.S. dollars in revenue. A human traffickers, said: " 'World Cup' during which we certainly can do more business and clients from around the world will cause a huge demand." This person "operate" the new site is located in the port city of Elizabeth, Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium, He has been among the workers at construction sites established stable customer relationships.

Although the newly revised constitution in 1996 to prohibit the slave trade, but in South Africa has not a separate legal restrictions on trafficking in persons. Donor agencies that the current in South Africa there are about 38000 young girls into forced prostitution in desperation, there were a considerable number of boys being trafficked into criminal groups in drug trafficking after the errands, while the manipulation of this "industry" in size up to 500 groups. The Group's major crime members are drawn from foreign countries, Nigeria, China, Russia and India, with their co-operation is a native of South Africa, including the charge of abduction as well as corrupt police and government officials. The main objective of trafficking in the country's destitute families of the girls, 1.4 million AIDS orphans particularly vulnerable. AIDS in South Africa is the world's largest country, has been selling the children enter the sex market, waiting for them to come in advance of most of the graves.

Just to reporters about the Xindi Si baby suffered, her voice getting lower and lower, and then her good-hearted people to the hospital, 39-year-old Christian pastor 阿德朗巴德 (A nd reLom bard) with Hop on the one hand to her eyes.

Lombard priest-depth understanding of slave crime, and hate those who abuse women, crime, alcoholism, and his father regularly beat her mother in the drunken state, which caused the shadow of his childhood. 17 years old, he was baptized a Christian and has since become a born again, followed by special forces in South Africa, serving 11 years.

In April 2006, he became a community pastor, employing more than 60 volunteers around the stadium as the radius of 10 blocks within the context of forced prostitution of young girls as being complimentary food, blankets, clothes and the "Bible." They also preach to their clients and traffickers is not difficult to imagine during the conflict is inevitable. Although the Lombard priest allowed to volunteer time in their sermons to carry guns, but they have never not been shot, they feel goodwill, unwilling to hurt the probation objects. Is the so-called "barefoot shoes for fear of" the contrary, clients or groups of people the slave slaughter, many volunteers were shot and eventually was admitted to a local hospital intensive care center. Lombard acknowledged, where drug trafficking prostitutes, many are not slaves, they are voluntary. He has dozens of prostitutes to buy tickets and send them home on the train, this is called "escape from the streets of movement." The result is the vast majority of them may be in a few weeks later choose to return to the streets. The mainstream anti-slavery organizations often lamented the practice of Lombard priest did not substantive role, as a response, Pastor said: "I am an actor, if you drive through the streets, saw the manipulation of young girls in prostitution are indifferent to them if you are poor oral without the help of action, if you do nothing, it would mean that you recognized the slave acts of prostitution. "

Xindi Si baby has left the world, journalists and priests is time to leave the hospital. They drove away from the hospital eight blocks away, the infamous Maitilande hotel. Local police have been identified, this is not a small-scale hotel is a crime of drug trafficking and human trafficking operation, "base" in the name of hotel, but never have a normal tourist stay. Because many infected with HIV can not continue to "work" after the pandemonium of prostitutes to escape a detailed description of the hotel pastor evil: Up to the 5th floor is designed to make it yield to torture young girls a place, where the new trafficked girls will be gang-raped forced to take drugs, sleep deprivation, or to withstand physical torture, a result of these, after almost no one can stand. 4th floor there is an illegal clinic dedicated to a girl to an unwanted pregnancy abortions, who do not know how many girls and the fetus died in a small surgical bed. The other floors are young girls dormitory overcrowding surprisingly, usually four girls slept on a mattress. They sleep in a limited time only in a very uncomfortable position huddle in a corner of the mattress. The rest of the room was furnished as prostitution, trading places, the primitive and dirty. Bloemfontein the end of 2008, when the police raided the house hotels, and in 2009 forced its closure, it is regrettable that in a few hours before the raid, criminal groups have been aware of the police to take action, they take the prostitutes, weapons, cash and drugs have to flee, police officers kicked in the door of every hotel, the only found a dozen underage girls, they are either already infected with AIDS, or are too young still can not make money for the group, another There are a number of weapons and thousands of dollars worth of drugs.

Now, a year has passed, the situation has not improved, the fate of trafficked girls is still miserable, because Maitilande hotel name, though blocked, but secretly still very active, even busier than before closing. Hotel renovated in the back door, all the clients and the prostitutes are from the back door, so nothing from the front could not tell, of course, there was still a girl in the front street soliciting, it is mainly to attract those unclear on the inside of the passerby. If the parties are willing to trade, they went into the hotel next door to the bar, where has been converted, there are illegal channels to enter the same hotel. Bar the door "gatekeepers" is a group assignment, he was responsible for collecting the Piaozi clients, but also monitor the young girls. For such stealing, the city's law enforcement agencies can not know, but as long as the door to the hotel from the surface is still blocked, the police were there will be a silent visual reasons. And anywhere in the world of organized crime, like prostitution ring in South Africa slave considerable amount of proceeds will be used bribes to local police and government officials, if not the police "support", so that atrocities can not be so "flagrant."

Priests and journalists in the closed Maitilande hotel entrance before the twisted my, in the car preparing to leave, they found that hotels on the side of a street corner there is a shiver of the girl, she was wearing a red coat and pinch slippers. She said his 15-year-old, in the name of the time to say, both shocked. Originally she was Elizabeth, is an hour in the hospital just before the death of the Xindi Si doll during his lifetime best friend. Elizabeth is still unable to shake off the control of Jude, and she desperately needs help. Reporter has studied the illegal trafficking and modern slavery as long as eight years, he was very clear that even if it were taken out of these girls want to scarred both physically and mentally how difficult it is healed. In many cases, the rescue if they are just no other help for the victims, is likely to be placed on a more dangerous situation.

The U.S. government in solving the global problem of illegal slave attaches great importance to the senior diplomat Lewis vaca (Luis CdeBaca) is to study the curb human trafficking expert, he was appointed by President Obama as "free ambassador", dedicated to monitor and combat trafficking in human beings around the world. Last year in July, his first visit abroad after taking office, South Africa, the Xindi Si baby's death that morning, the reporter had just seen him. Lewis said that many major cities in South Africa, there is a conscience police, prosecutors and victim support agencies are working to combat illicit trafficking of young girls into prostitution, but most of them are fighting alone. He said that President Obama has "in the global elimination of modern slavery" as a top priority of its foreign policy is one, but now the U.S. government's input in the fight against drug trafficking, the fight against trafficking in human beings than the input much more. One main reason is the social impact of drugs on the United States have far-reaching and profound, from the many drug-drug center eventually flow out of the streets of the United States; however trafficking on the U.S. mainland is not too great, this is a more "distant" and humanitarian issues, the population the phenomenon of trafficking-hit countries are poor and backward, such as the Southeast Asian countries of Cambodia, as well as Indonesia, Thailand and so on, of course, include many countries in Africa, in these countries, human trafficking will also be the evil control of the group in the country. However, an increasingly obvious phenomenon is that slavery and drug trafficking groups are merged group, in such circumstances, the slave prostitution, drug trafficking, money is likely to enter the global financial chain, which is a drug for any erosion of the developed countries, can not easily be ignored.

Lewis's office assessment of each country the severity of human trafficking, he considered an offense to suspend the modern slave trade, diplomatic pressure is the most effective means. He said: "To host an Olympic away from 'exploitation' of the 'World Cup', not only require substantial resources, but also the South African Government and the international community the political will."

Now the political will is not obvious, at least for the South African Government in combating the crime of trafficking of underage girls on the surface of the reaction is a one-sided; the worst is that many government officials have been criminal syndicates bribe. A research report from the United States shows that in Bloemfontein is that each level of the police are members and co-operation of illegal brothels. In the other will be held in Durban, "World Cup" of the city, this situation is also very common. In view of increasingly strong international pressure, the South African government said that Parliament will in early 2010 passed a law prohibiting trafficking in human beings, we should know that decent police and traffickers confrontation, the law in force can take advantage of the very limited resources . For and trafficking-related crimes, the penalty is usually very light and very few offenders have been imprisoned a few weeks, most simply do not go to jail. No relevant legal protection has also led to a positive humanist who, for example, Lombard priest and his volunteers, often in extremely dangerous and violent work environment, their opponents did not fear anybody.

Elizabeth hope that journalists and pastors can help her get back some clothes and the "Bible," she had received from the volunteers in the hands of these things, but her control of those who cheat Jude She said: he had for her personal use under a spell, once the She then ran away, you can find her by tracking spell. To this end Elizabeth discarded everything went around the streets, only barely able to cover themselves in clothing, even so she still fears. Elizabeth to persuade journalists and priests on the bus, along with the 5-minute drive outside of Jude's residence, which is a secret residence, completely submerged in the surrounding dense buildings. They led by Elizabeth walked into the dark building, accompanied by Chinese martial arts there is an association of volunteers Schadrack Church. Elizabeth knock on the door there is a secret signal, and Jude came to open the door, the door opened a crack in the moment, Schadrack feet kicked the door is completely exposed in the crowd saw was a dim apartment, distribution of the thick taste of drugs. Elizabeth Lombard priest escorted into her room, pick up girls, the limited personal belongings, take advantage of this time, the reporter interviewed Jude. This is a short but strong built man, dressed in elegant, he said that his men the girls are brought from Johannesburg, the city where there is often a young girl abandoned in the garbage near to rely on picking up litter for a living. The abduction of a girl like you want to do the slightest effort. A lot of time by the trafficked girls to know their younger brother, and then to follow it will be able to put some underage boys lured into the group, the little boy usually drug cartels to carry, transport drugs, because they are less likely to arouse suspicion, there are some responsible control of prostitution, girls, and even some were trained thugs. Jude's words obviously untrue, the girl is not his men are "just picked up", like the Xindi Si Eva and Elizabeth is a clear deception come. Afterward, the reporter and his talk about football, asked him if he liked "World Cup", he said: "Of course, too good, we make a killing such a person would take this opportunity."

When a reporter to leave, when a closed room, suddenly heard a woman's screams. Lombard decisively re-broke into the apartment, he followed the screams in the dark and forced open the door to find one. The room there is a robust, naked upper body of a man, then we know through the Elizabeth, he is the group's "enforcer", who was beaten by a woman. That the woman cried to see a pastor come in, at once clever to hide behind him. Lombard said angrily: "You hit her? If you dare to play, it first hit me!" "Law enforcement" to the priest bow priest escaped but was punched, and do not forget that this is not a general pastor, but in the special forces serving 11-year pastor! Can not be found to deal with this agile intruders, "law enforcement," threatened to call brothers to help, Lombard retaliate, said: "I will break their legs." Rescue with a new woman, a pedestrian Fast drilling out the car, chase Jude out, but the car quickly drove off.

South Africa, dubbed "Africa's most developed countries", in the past 150 years, is also one of the fastest growing countries. Historians 100 years ago, also in Cape Town, South Africa's largest city known as "rhino hunting land." But now, it has become a modern, bustling metropolis. However, South Africa is also the world's largest social division between rich and poor differentiation, and one of the countries. Whites dominated the top of the world dominated the country's commerce and wealth, the white standard of living and the enjoyment of the social system is almost the same with other developed countries;, but the black majority of the population seems to live in another country, they are poor, helpless, was enslaved by evil forces with impunity. While 20 years ago, where the law has been lifted in the evil of "apartheid" system, but in fact, the walls of racial segregation was everywhere.

Last year, the newly elected president Jacob Zuma of South Africa in August in a speech to the increasingly serious expressed concern about the phenomenon of human trafficking, he said: "For more and more women being trafficked for forced prostitution, we are deeply worried about even more worrying is that in 2010 the 'World Cup' will provide a good opportunity for the Group of trafficking, which is we do not want to see. We are now efforts to establish a crime prevention system, then when the 'World Cup' Opening , local tourists to come to combat illegal prostitution will be a part of maintaining public order. "

Zuma's assurances came too late in terms of the Xindi Si baby, for Elizabeth is probably an opportunity. After that night, reporters and photographers accompanying her to drive eight hours back to the Eastern Cape Province, the city that called Indw e, it was she and Xindi Si doll's hometown, a city filled with dangers and pitfalls . The last to leave the home, she and his best friend fight back hand, and now she came back with scars, has no peers around. For fear that Elizabeth would like as many young girls have been rescued in prostitution because of nowhere to go once again, reporters specifically entrusted her Indw e City's most experienced social workers to ensure that she will not run into temptation and fraud. Later, a pair of American couples living in Chicago, is willing to support the education of Elizabeth, so she can complete high school education. The most crucial is that she has not infected with HIV, which means that the 15-year-old girl have a chance to forget everything and start a new life.

Original / reporters: E. BenjaminSkinner


[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:本站原创    点击数:196    更新时间:2010-2-7    文章录入:nnb ]


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