Auto water pump for the best time? « China trip 中国行

three years I opened the car 60,000 kilometers, and the performance has been very good, a few days ago to do maintenance, for a lot of things, friends said that some things do not need to change, such as pumps Is this you?

6 million km of car maintenance to be comprehensive and needs to be replaced timing belt, tensioner pulley, water pump three-piece suit for the timing, drive-for-oil filter, antifreeze, is the importance of not more than when the belt that the belt once damaged, the engine completely finished. Timing belt tensioner pulley is the belt tensioner, tensioner pulley bearing bad, round hair belt Shibuya will be damaged. Pump is driven by timing belt, if the pump leak (antifreeze), antifreeze foam belt will be worse. Therefore, I advocate for three together, so as not to open another 20,000 kilometers belt, tensioner pulley is not a bad water pump is leaking, and will have to change (may have to change a belt). At the same time can be changed for antifreeze water pump, water pump for fast, if only to add some antifreeze, but if you use antifreeze with 4S different shops will not be able to add in the 4S shop.

if tanks only, so long as there is no need for non-leakage, and may be changed only antifreeze and water, the premise is already too old antifreeze and water solution of the rust, etc.2006-01-03



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