啤酒? ? ? « City life wiki 城市百科

高品质的麦芽啤酒苦味应该大还是小? ?













Beer? ? ?

high-quality malt bitter beer should be small or large? ?

high-quality malt bitter beer should be a great buy beer

The following is the method:

beer, cool and refreshing, it contains many essential amino acids and rich in vitamins, deeply loved the people .

vast number of consumers in the purchase, drinking beer products, should pay attention to the following:

1, consumers in the purchase of beer products, should be first choice of national brands and medium-sized production. Brand of beer quality, sensory quality, physical and chemical indicators of superb.

2, advised consumers not to buy Tag IDs are not standardized, the use of bundled package or B symbol glass bottles of beer, glass bottles in order to avoid explosion, endangering human health.

3, you can adopt the “look at the dates, smell aroma, taste” approach to determine the quality of the pros and cons.

look at the dates: Check whether more than shelf life of beer. Decline in the quality of beer is expired, not even drinking.
Wen Odor: high quality of beer, should have significant fragrance of malt and hops aroma characteristic; inferior quality of beer, malt and hops aroma fragrance was not obvious; quality times, often not only deprived of malt and hops aroma of and, in some wine smells of Health, aging, and other abnormal smell different aroma.
taste: beer should have come from Jiuye carbon dioxide in the smell and the refreshing bitterness from the hops and the unique flavor. High quality beer, drinking has a very refreshing mouth feel, there is no odor, astringent taste, etc.; brewing good beer quality times, not only taste bland, but also with a bitter taste, astringency, and some even with a yeast odor, premature taste of beer, and other abnormal smell.
4, the best beer drinking temperature 8-10 degrees Celsius. Beer is the solubility of carbon dioxide contained in the level of change with temperature, the optimum temperature can make the coordination of various ingredients of beer balanced, giving an optimal taste.

5, beer must not be stored frozen. Beer freezing point of-l.5 degrees Celsius, frozen beer not only tastes better, but will destroy the nutritional content of beer, so that the proteins Jiuye decomposition, free. At the same time, prone to burst the bottle, causing injuries.

six and avoid over-drinking beer. Excessive drinking of beer, make the amount of blood lead increased, prolonged, will lead to fat accumulation and blocking RNA synthesis, resulting in “beer heart”, “the general belly”, thus affecting the normal function of the heart, also inhibit, affect cell the normal activity.

7, not to eat while drinking beer, smoked foods. Smoked foods containing organic amine and having cooking parties arising from polycyclic hydrocarbon, benzopyrene, and amino acid derivatives. When drinking heavily Er Shi blood lead levels increased, the above materials and their combination can induce gastrointestinal diseases, impair health.

sure it will be big呀!!05-11-16

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