网络广告发布合同Network advertisement Release Contract - Windows Live

网络广告发布合同 Network advertisement Release Contract


Network advertisement Release Contract


(Reference Text)


Contract Number:


Network Advertisement Operator (Party A):


Advertisement Customer or Agent (Party B):


In accordance with “Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China”, “Advertisement Law of the People’s Republic of China”, and other relevant laws and regulations, the Parties have, based on the principles of equality, willingness, fairness, honest and credit, entered into the Contract concerning issues related to release of network advertisements and agreed as follows:

{dy}条 合同标的

Article 1 Subject Matter



Specific advertisement type and position shall be referred in the appendix “Order for Network Advertisement Release”, which shall be an integral part of the Contract.

第二条 合同价款

Article 2 Contract Price

乙方应支付广告费人民币(大写)______________ 元整。

Party B shall pay the advertisement rate of RMB __________.

第三条 支付方式及期限:____________

Article 3 Payment and Term: __________________.

第四条 广告内容

Article 4 Contents of Advertisements


1. The contents of advertisement in the Contract shall be provided by Party B 3 days prior to release of the advertisement, the specification and size of which shall meet the Party A’s specification requirements.

2.乙方委托甲方对其提交的广告内容进行技术处理,使广告适合在 网站发布,且不会对 网站产生计算机病毒感染等妨碍。

2. Party B entrusts Party A to conduct technical treatment to the provided contents, to make it suitable for release at the website of, which will not cause computer virus and other interference with the website.


3. Party A shall be entitled to examine the contents of advertisements provided by Party B, and request Party B to accomplish modification of the advertisement within 3 days as of receiving Party A’ s notice of modification in writing in case of advertisement not in compliance with laws and regulations or those advertisements, the release of which may, upon Party A’s reasonable discretion, bring negative effects; before the modification by Party B in accordance with Party A’s requirements, Party A shall be entitled to refuse to release the advertisement, and will undertake no liability for delay in advertisement release.

第五条 广告监测及广告发布监测报告

Article 5 Advertisement Monitoring and Monitoring Report of Advertisement Release


Except as otherwise stipulated, all advertisements released by Party A for Party B shall be monitored by the independent third party as agreed by both Parties.

在收到第三方提供的广告发布监测报告后,如任何一方有异议的,应当在收到广告发布监测报告之日起 个工作日内以书面形式提出。若未在上述期限内提出书面异议的,则视为认可广告发布监测报告。

Any discrepancy from each Party shall, after receiving the advertisement release monitoring report provided by the third party, be raised in writing within working days after receiving the report. If no discrepancy in writing has been raised within the above term, it shall be deemed as recognition of the advertisement release monitoring report.

第六条 保密条款

Article 6 Confidentiality


Without approval of the other Party, any party shall not disclose to any third party (except as required by relevant supervision department, as well as legal consultant, accountant, commercial and other accounts and employees) any information of stipulations contained herein and signing and performance thereof, or obtain any information on the other Party or affiliates thereof through signing

and performance of the Contract.

本合同有效期内及终止后 年内,本保密条款仍具有法律效力。

The confidentiality conditions shall remain effective within term of validity of the Contract and years upon termination.

第七条 违约责任

Article 7 Default Liabilities

1.任何一方迟延履行的,应按每日 ________标准向对方支付逾期履行违约金。

1. Any Party with delay in performance of the Contract shall pay the liquidated damages to the other Party as per __________.


2. Within the term of release, any Party shall not, without approval of both Parties, replace contents and format of the advertisement; otherwise it shall eliminate the unfavorable effects and compensate for any loss incurred to the other Party.

3.除另有约定以外,未经对方事先书面同意,一方不得擅自使用、复制对方的商标、标志、商业信息、技术及其他资料,否则应按 _________标准承担违约责任。

3. Except as otherwise stipulated, without prior approval in writing by both Parties, any Party shall not, at its own will, use and copy the trademark, label, commercial information, technical and other materials of the other Party; otherwise it shall undertake the default liabilities as per ___________.


4. For the normal operation of website, Party A needs a halt of the server regularly or irregularly for maintenance. If such condition causes any failure of advertisement release as scheduled, Party A shall have the obligation to minimize the downtime, and shall after end of the condition affecting release of advertisements, release the original advertisements in the positions stipulated in accordance with the original plan as much as possible, and the term shall extend correspondingly for the downtime due to above reason; or Party A shall determine other reasonable solution through consultation with Party B; otherwise it shall compensate for any loss incurred to Party B.

5.乙方保证其提供的广告内容以及与乙方网站的链接不违反任何法律法规并且不构成对第三方任何权利的侵犯,包括但不限于侵犯第三方的著作权、名誉权、肖像权 / 其他知识产权,亦不会使甲方或广告发布网站的所有者、经营者对任何第三方承担任何责任。若乙方违反此保证导致任何争议,乙方应负责解决,并赔偿由此给甲方造成的损失。

5. Party B pledges that the contents provided and the link at Party B’s website will not violate against any law or regulation and will not infringe upon any right of the third party, including but not limited to copyright, right of reputation, right of portraiture, and/or other intellectual property rights, and will not cause Party A or owner and operator of the website where advertisements are released to undertake any liability to any third party. Any dispute arising from Party B’s failure in observing the pledge shall be settled by Party B, who shall compensate for any loss incurred to Party A.


6. Party B pledges the trueness, legitimacy, sufficiency, and continuous effectiveness of relevant qualification documents displayed to Party A for performance of the Contract. Any dispute arising from Party B’s failure in observing the pledge shall be settled by Party B, who shall compensate for any loss incurred to Party A.


7. Other stipulations: ___________.

第八条 不可抗力

Article 8 Force Majeure


In case of any force majeure or emergency such as natural disasters and key epidemic situations, liabilities may, upon verification, be exempted wholly or partly; however, it shall be notified to the other party in time, measures shall be taken to minimize the loss, and effective certificates shall be provided within a reasonable time. In case of failure in performance of the Contract due to force majeure, the Parties shall settle the advertisement release rate according to actual number of days of release.


第九条 争议解决方式

Article 9 Settlement of Disputes

本合同项下发生的争议,由双方当事人协商解决,或向有关部门申请调解解决;协商或调解解决不成的,按下列第 _______种方式解决。

Any dispute arising from or in connection with the Contract shall be settled by the Parties through consultation, or may be submitted to relevant department for mediation; failing the same, of the following ways shall be adopted.

1.依法向 ______________人民法院起诉;

1. File a lawsuit to _______________People’s Court in accordance with laws;

2.提交 ________________仲裁委员会仲裁。

2. Submit the dispute to _____________Arbitration Committee for arbitration.

第十条 其他约定: ___________________________

Article 10 Miscellaneous: .

本协议由双方法定代表人或授权代表签字盖章后生效,本合同一式 ___份,甲乙双方各执 _____份。合同签订地: _______

The Contract shall become effective when it is signed and sealed by the legal representatives or duly-authorized representatives of the Parties at ______, and shall be served in ___________copies, each party holding _____copies.


Supplement agreement may be entered into between the Parties through consultation for issues not settled in the Contract as appendix thereof, which shall have the same legal force with the Contract.



Party A (Seal):


Legal Representative:






Postal Code:






Opening Bank:


Bank Account Number:





Party B (Seal):


Legal Representative:






Postal Code:






Opening Bank:


Bank Account Number:








Order for Network Advertisement Release


Party A:

指定代表: 电话: E-mail

Representative: Tel: E-mail:


Party B:

指定代表: 电话: E-mail

Representative: Tel: E-mail:




___ ____ ____日至 ____ ____ ____日。

The term of advertisement release shall start from _____________and end on ____________in accordance with the Main Contract.

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