
using System;

 public class TreeNode
  public int data;//节点数据
  public TreeNode LeftNode;//左子女
  public TreeNode RightNode;//右子女
  /// 构造函数,初始化左右子女为空
  public TreeNode()
   LeftNode = RightNode = null;

 public class Node
  private TreeNode root;//根节点
  bool temp = false;//默认查找不存在
  /// 构造函数
  public Node()
   root = null;
  // 获得该节点最小左子女,用于删除元素使用
  TreeNode Min(TreeNode parent)
   TreeNode temp = parent;
   while(temp != null)
    if(temp.LeftNode == null)
     return temp;
     temp = temp.LeftNode;
   return null;

  /// 删除元素
  public void Remove(int data)
   if (root == null)
   if(root.data == data)
    TreeNode tmp = Min(root.RightNode);
    if(tmp == null)
     root = root.LeftNode;
     root.data = tmp.data;
   else if(root.data!=data)


  public TreeNode Remove2(int data)
   TreeNode p,f,s,q;
   if(p==null) return root;
    else if(f.LeftNode==p)

   return root;


  /// 删除元素递归
  private void Remove(TreeNode parent,TreeNode cur,int direction,int data)
   if(cur.data == data)
    if(cur.LeftNode == null)
     if(direction == 0)
      parent.LeftNode = cur.RightNode;
      parent.RightNode = cur.RightNode;
    else if(cur.RightNode == null)
     if(direction == 0)
      parent.LeftNode = cur.LeftNode;
      parent.RightNode = cur.LeftNode;
     TreeNode tmp =Min(cur.LeftNode);
     cur.data = tmp.data;
   else if(cur.data > data)

  /// 查找是否存在该元素
  public bool Search(int data)
   bool temp = false;
   if(root.data == data)
    temp = true;
    temp = Search(root,data);
   return temp;
  public bool Search(TreeNode node,int data)
   if(node.data == data)
    temp = true;
    if(node.data > data)
     if(node.LeftNode != null)
     if(node.RightNode != null)
   return temp;

  public void Search2(int data)
  /// 插入元素
  public  void Insert(int data)
   if( root == null)
    root = new TreeNode();
    root.data = data;
  public  void Insert(TreeNode node,int data)
    if(node.LeftNode == null)
     TreeNode temp = new TreeNode();
     temp.data = data;
     node.LeftNode = temp;
    if(node.RightNode== null)
     TreeNode temp = new TreeNode();
     temp.data = data;
     node.RightNode = temp;

  public  void PrintTree(TreeNode node,int layer)
   PrintTree(node.RightNode, layer+3);
   for(int i=0; i<layer; i++)
    Console.Write(" ");
            PrintTree(node.LeftNode, layer+3);
  public  void PrintTree2()

class myApp
 public static void Main()
  int z=0;
  string buff;
  TreeNode first = new TreeNode();
  Node Tfirst = new Node();
    Console.WriteLine("please intput a int");
    Console.WriteLine("if input -1 then break");
    buff= Console.ReadLine();
    z= Convert.ToInt32(buff);
        Console.WriteLine("please intput a int which you want to search");
        buff= Console.ReadLine();
  z= Convert.ToInt32(buff);
  Console.WriteLine("please intput a int which you want to remove");
  buff= Console.ReadLine();
  z= Convert.ToInt32(buff);


郑重声明:资讯 【【Study】【C#】递归与全局变量的案例2-二叉树_雪人丢丢_新浪博客】由 发布,版权归原作者及其所在单位,其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经(企业库qiyeku.com)证实,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若本文有侵犯到您的版权, 请你提供相关证明及申请并与我们联系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在线投诉】,我们审核后将会尽快处理。
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