







时 间:2010年5月13-16日   May 13 to 16, 2010

地 点:贵州国际经济技术贸易中心(省展览馆)

Guizhou International Economic & Tech Trade Center (Guizhou Provincial Exhibition Hall)


Letter of Invitation


支持单位:贵州省人民政府                    中国机械工业联合会 

Supported by: The People’s Government of Guizhou Province       

          China Machinery Industry Federation 

主办单位: 中国机械工程学会                   贵州省经济和信息化委员会

Hosted by: Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society      Economy & Information Technology Committee of Guizhou Province                   

         贵阳市人民政府                      贵州省铁道学会

The People’s Government of Guiyang City     Guizhou Railway Society

组织单位:贵州省铁道学会                      贵州省机械工程学会       

Organized by: Guizhou Railway Society        Guizhou Mechanical Engineering Society 

          贵州省机械工业协会                  贵州省自动化学会

Guizhou Machinery Industry Association       Guizhou Society of Automation

          贵州科博展览有限公司                贵阳奥特展览服务有限公司

Guizhou Science & Technology Exhibition Co., Ltd.    Guiyang Aote Exhibition Service Co., Ltd.


     Acknowledgement: enterprises, companies and organizations engaged in engineering and construction of railway and urban rail transit from every corner of China.

全程策划: 贵州科博展览广告有限公司  Planned by:  Guizhou Science & Technology Exhibition Advertisement Co., Ltd.


Media supporters: Media from various levels covering the central media and those in Guizhou Province, Guiyang City, as well as administrative prefectures and regions of Guizhou Province

官方网站: (贵州制博会)Official website: www.gzblh.cn (GZ Manufacturing Expo)



      目前,我国快速铁路、城市轨道交通正处于快速发展时期。随着国家西部大开发战略的实施,我国已经逐步开始把快速铁路、轨道交通建设重心转向西部地区。贵阳市作为贵州省政治、经济、文化中心,是西南地区交通枢纽和区域中心城市之一。快速铁路、轨道交通建设迎来了黄金时期。按照省委、省政府确定的2至3小时通达周边省会城市,4至7小时通达我国经济发达区的战略构想,自2008年10月贵广快速铁路开工建设以来, 去年3月、7月和12月,贵阳至重庆快速铁路、贵阳至昆明及贵阳至长沙快速铁路、贵阳至成都快速铁路相继又获国家批准立项.目前我省还在加快开展贵阳至南宁快速铁路和毕节经水城至兴义、铜仁至玉屏、织金经水城至攀枝花等城际铁路前期工作。这对全面建成以贵阳为中心,连接周边各省会城市及长三角、珠三角、京津冀等发达地区快速铁路系统,支撑省会贵阳通往全国七小时快铁交通圈的宏伟蓝图正在加快变成现实。

       根据中国各城市轨道交通发展规划图显示,至2016年我国将新建轨道交通线路89条,总建设里程为2500公里。我国已成为世界{zd0}的城市轨道交通建设市场,近万亿元的商机,备受海内外轨道交通制造企业的青睐,纷纷抢占市场份额。我国轨道交通建设未来发展有着巨大潜力。   根据《贵阳市城市轨道交通建设规划》,2010至2020年建设城市轻轨1、2号线,总长度56公里,总投资239.72亿元。2010年是贵阳铁路、城市轻轨工程开工建设最关键的1年。




◆报  到:2010年5月10-12日       ◆布展:2010年5月11-12日

◆开幕式:2010年5月13日          ◆展览:2010年5月13-16日      ◆撤  展:2010年5月16日

















2、会刊广告征集:有意在本届制博会会刊上刊登广告的企业,请将有关材料在2009年3月20日前报送组委会办公室,须提供版面设计样稿,为保证印刷质量,须统一按照 210×297 mm的规格制作成电子文档,寄光盘或压缩电邮到组委会办公室,文件格式:AI、EPS、CDR均可,不得提供印刷品。收费标准为:封面12000元,封底8800元,封二6800元,封三5800元,扉页5800元,彩内5000元,黑白2000元页。

3、入场券广告: 0.4元/张,2万张开印,规格为:20×7(cm)。



(三)平面广告:巨幅广告20000元/2块.展期,12(宽)×18(高) (m)室外喷绘材料












■参展单位在收到参展确认书后十个工作日内,需将参展费用的50%作为预定金汇入指定帐号,以落实展位,参展费余额应不迟于 2010年4月25日汇付。欢迎一次性付清全部款项。




电话:0851-6894453  6894258  6894461   6894451  6852878

传真:0851-6892223   6852878  E-mail:yaogan888@126.com 

网站:,  联系人:姚正刚   13885111528




China (Guizhou) International Equipment Manufacturing Exposition (hereinafter referred to as “Guizhou Manufacturing Expo”), held annually in May at Guiyang, is the largest exposition for industrial brands in Southwest China, which has grown up under the macro-background that the Central Government has provided policy support to vitalizing the domestic equipment manufacturing industry and with the great supports from authorities / organizations including China Machinery Industry Federation, the People’s Government of Guizhou Province, Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, Economy & Information Technology Committee of Guizhou Province, the People’s Government of Guiyang City, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Guizhou Province, Guizhou Machinery Industry Association and Guizhou Mechanical Engineering Society.

At present, the domestic express railway and urban rail transit are right in the times of rapid development. With implementation of the State’s strategy of developing the western regions, China has gradually shifted her focus on construction of express railway and rail transit to the western regions. Guiyang City, being the political, economic and cultural center of Guizhou Province, has been playing the role as one of the traffic hubs and regional central cities in Southwest China. Therefore, Guiyang has ushered the golden age for construction of express railway and rail transit. According to the strategic initiative to reach any adjacent provincial capital within 2 to 3 hours and any economically developed region within 4 to 7 hours decided by the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, following commencement of construction of Guiyang – Guangzhou Express Railway Project in Oct. 2008, Guiyang – Chongqing, Guiyang – Kunming & Guiyang – Changsha and Guiyang – Chengdu Express Railway Projects were approved by the State respectively in Mar., Jul. and Dec. 2009. Now, our province is working tensely to speed up preparations for Guiyang – Nanning Express Railway and Bijie – Shuicheng – Xingyi, Tongren – Yuping and Zhijin – Shuicheng – Panzhihua Inter-city Railways. Through all of these efforts, our magnificent blueprint to construct an express railway traffic circle with Guiyang as its center, connected with the express railway systems in the adjacent provincial capitals and the developed regions such as the Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl River Delta and Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei etc, and enabling to reach any city in China within 7 hours from Guiyang – the Provincial City of Guizhou, is coming true with faster and faster pace.

As shown on the Map for Rail Transit Development Planning in Cities of China, 89 new rail transit lines, with mileage amounting to 2,500 km, will be set up in China by 2016. The world’s biggest market for construction of urban rail transit has come into being in China, with market value reaching as high as trillion RMB, attracting the manufacturers engaged in rail transit both at home and abroad to win over the market share one after another. In one word, construction of rail transit in China sees a giant development potential in the near future.

According to the Plan for Construction of Urban Rail Transit of Guiyang City, Construction of Light Rail Transit Line 1 & 2, with total length 56 km and gross investment RMB23.972 billion, will be started from 2010 and completed by 2020. Year 2010 plays the most important role for commencement of construction of the urban rail transit system of Guiyang and the express railways originating from Guiyang.

Therefore, to host “2010 China (Guizhou) International Exhibition of Express Railway & Urban Rail Transit Technologies and Equipment” will greatly drive rapid development of express railways and urban rail transit in Guizhou. This Exhibition, by bringing Guiyang’s position as a traffic hub in Southwest China and numerous advantages into full play, is to make an extensive exhibition of the sophisticated railway, light rail and urban transit technologies and equipment both from China and any other country, and provide an excellent show & trading platform for both domestic and foreign manufacturers / suppliers to show their new technologies, new equipment and enhance their enterprise image at Guiyang, meanwhile, offer a perfect platform for the many enterprises who are undertaking / will undertake development and construction of the railway / urban rail transit systems in Southwest China as well as in Guizhou to exchange their technologies and procure / supply their equipment and materials here.

2010 China (Guizhou) International Exhibition of Express Railway & Urban Rail Transit Technologies and Equipment , as the theme exhibition of 2010 the 5th China (Guizhou) International Equipment Manufacturing Exposition, will be operated under the general framework of “Guizhou Manufacturing Expo” and hosted at the same time with the said manufacturing exposition. Herewith, you are kindly invited to attend China (Guizhou) International Exhibition of Express Railway & Urban Rail Transit Technologies and Equipment, show your technologies and equipment, see what’s going on, open up / extend your market and tap business opportunities here!


◆ Checkin: May 10-12, 2010       ◆ Setting: May 11-12, 2010

◆ Opening Ceremony: May 13, 2010 ◆ Exhibition: May 13-16, 2010  ◆ Evacuation: May 16, 2010【Exhibition Scope】

● Railway & rail transit locomotive: assembled railway carriage, passenger train, freight train, rolling stock, subway & light rail vehicle etc; accessories and components: mechanical & electrical equipment, control device and inner decoration etc;

● Operation equipment and platform facilities: motive power system, power supply system, escalator, lift, water supply & drainage and fire fighting system, communication system, signaling system, environmental control ventilation system, automatic ticketing & fare collection system, disaster-prevention & alarming system, equipment monitoring system, integrated information management system, passenger information and indication system, operation control center system, depot and integrated base system etc;

● Prospecting equipment and apparatuses for construction of light rail, subway and express railway: construction equipment, machinery, steel structure, building materials, decoration materials, testing equipment and apparatuses;

● Urban intelligent traffic system: traffic control and communication system; traffic signals and signs, marking equipment; management system for traffic facilities; traffic information service system; specialized equipment and materials related to traffic; machinery, equipment and materials for road construction, maintenance and servicing; vehicle inspection / testing equipment; vehicles & management; special vehicles and related equipment; training system for drivers; urgent rescue service;

● Technologies and equipment for tunnel, bridge and underground works: tunnel monitoring, prospecting and surveying apparatuses, engineering and waterproof materials etc; tunneling equipment, bridge construction equipment, rock crushing equipment, foundation piling equipment, non-excavation equipment and technologies, concrete equipment and materials, underground loading & transport equipment, traction & lifting equipment, equipment for anchoring and shotcreting, bridge wind-prevention and shock resistance, engineering anti-corrosion materials, de-dusting equipment and materials, special chemicals, geological prospecting, special lighting, inspection and safety protection, associated tunnel products, mechanical & electrical works for bridge and tunnel, and bridge & tunnel operation management etc;

● Investigation and design institutes, engineering consulting companies, construction companies, operation management companies and financing institutions.

【Participation Fee】

1. Standard booth: RMB5,800/9 m2 booth, RMB5,000/6 m2 booth, and additional 10 % for any booth opened at two sides. Notes: every booth is provided with lighting, erection of one exhibition stand, fabrication and mounting of one header board, two chairs, one desk, and one 220 V power socket.

2. Indoor specially-decorated space: RMB600/m2; indoor raw space: RMB580/m2 (minimum requirement 36 m2), subject to setting of the exhibition space by the participator himself (The above rate doesn’t include the management fee etc for special decoration provided at the exhibition spaces).

3. Outdoor raw space: RMB420/m2 (minimum requirement 36 m2), subject to setting of the exhibition space by the participator himself.

4. Participation fee: RMB380/person, including provision of lunch, drinks, souvenirs, certificates and documentations to the participators. Any purchaser / supplier who is to attend the friendship reception party will be charged an additional fee at RMB500/person.

5. Technical exchange activity: A. RMB4,800/2 hours/session (one conference room accommodating 180 persons); B. RMB3,800/2 hours/session (one conference room accommodating 60-80 persons). Note: The organizer shall be responsible for provision of the conference room, with the room setting including the rostrum, audience seats and audio devices. The organizer may invite the relevant participator to be engaged in setting and provide assistance.

【Advertisement Fee】

A. Advertisement printout

1. Publication of the exposition bulletin free of charge: Every participator is kindly asked to provide a profile about 300 words, with contact information indicated and send to the Organizing Committee Office at email yaogan888@126.com before Mar. 20, 2010.

2. Advertisements on the exposition bulletin: Any enterprise wanting to have its advertisement appeared on the bulletin of 2010 Guizhou Manufacturing Exposition is kindly asked to provide a CD or compressed file containing the relevant information to the Organizing Committee Office before Mar. 20, 2010. In order to ensure the printing quality, it is required to provide a sample file which has been typeset in size A4, in electronic version and in AI, EPS or CDR format. No printout information is acceptable. Rate: RMB12,000 for cover advertisement, RMB8,800 for back cover, RMB6,800 for cover II, RMB5,800 for cover III, RMB5,800 for head page, RMB5,000 for inside color page, and RMB2,000 for black & white page.

3. Advertisement on admission ticket: RMB0.4/sheet in size 20×7 cm, minimum requirement 20,000 sheets.

4. Advertisement on gift bag: RMB8/bag in size 10×26×32 cm, minimum requirement 1,000 bags.

B. Air advertisement: During the exhibition period, RMB12,000/pair of inflatable ornamental columns, RMB8,000/flying boat, RMB2,800/rainbow door, RMB2,000/ balloon, RMB1,500/banner,RMB100/color flag (minimum requirement 80 pieces).

C. Plane advertisement: During the exhibition period, giant advertisement RMB20,000/2 pieces in size 12 (W)×18 (H) m each, made of spray painting material outdoor.

【Mode of Exhibition】

Activities covering exhibition of enterprise image (physical products, pictures), showcase, marketing & selling, economy & trade exchange and cooperation, promotion of new technologies and new products so on and so forth.

【Publicity & Promotion】

1. Significant publicity work:

■ Full media coverage and reporting by more than 100 media organizations; ■ 20,000 copies of exhibition brochure to be sent to key specialized buyers; ■ direct publicity & presentation through more than 20 relevant exhibition sessions; ■ 100,000 admission tickets to be sent nationwide; ■ federation, associations and members to be encouraged to participate the exhibition;■ Through all the commercial organizations and the embassies set up by foreign countries in China.

2. Exhibition publicity is to be carried out through many channels, covering all the aspects with the best efforts and having clear purpose.

It is to distribute 200,000 admission tickets through channels including professional magazines, newspapers, Internet, TV stations, radio stations, mobile phone messages, direct mailing of advertisement, emails, advertisement foldouts, rehearsal before exhibition, special reporting and telephone communication so on and so forth, thus to make the exhibition fully known to the public.

3. More than 100,000 audience will provide powerful guarantee for close contact with the key purchasers in Southwest China.

It is to make use of the database of industrial enterprises and purchasers containing more than 100,000 entries of information, invite the professional audience and buyers from all walks of life in China, especially the key purchasers in Southwest China to attend the exhibition, create face-to-face contact opportunities for the vast participators, and bring business opportunities to you. The purchasers / professional audience to be invited are: organizations engaged in railway construction, commanding departments for subway construction, railway & subway planning authorities, design institutes, research institutes, contractors for Guizhou railway and rail traffic projects, companies for bridge engineering, construction engineering companies, construction companies for infrastructure traffic facilities, consulting & engineering companies, electric power companies, construction companies for roads and bridges, administration organizations, commercial organizations, relevant chambers for commerce and associations so on and so forth. In addition, audience will be organized to attend the exhibition through means of invitation, post & mail and exhibition bulletin etc.


■ Please fill out the Exhibition Agreement as required and send to the organizer. After receipt, the organizer will confirm by providing the official seal on the Exhibition Agreement and send the letter of confirmation for exhibition booth to you.

■ In order to make proper arrangement for the exhibition booth needed, the participator shall pay 50 % of the participation fee as deposit to the specified bank account within ten working days after receipt of the letter of confirmation and pay off the balance by no later than Apr. 25, 2010. The organizer would be very indebted if you pay off the participation fee by one lot.

■ After having confirmed the exhibition booth, the organizer will mail the Participators’ Manual, covering the relevant information such as transport of exhibits, booth design and erection, traveling and accommodation arrangement, renting of necessary items and services, how to apply for advertisement and certificates, and safety instructions etc to you.

【the Organizing Committee Office】

Add.: F/5, Training Center of Economy & Information Technology Committee of Guizhou Province, Zhonghua North Rd. #181m Guiyang City, Guizhou Province, P. R. China 550004

Tel.: 0086 851 6894453, 6894258, 6894461, 6894451, 6852878

Fax: 0086 851 6892223, 6852878  Email: yaogan888@126.com 

Website: ,  Contact: Yao Zhenggang, Mobile 0086 13885111528


郑重声明:资讯 【2010中国(贵州)国际快速铁路、城市轨道交通技术装备展览会....火暴报名中】由 发布,版权归原作者及其所在单位,其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经(企业库qiyeku.com)证实,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若本文有侵犯到您的版权, 请你提供相关证明及申请并与我们联系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在线投诉】,我们审核后将会尽快处理。
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