

2010-02-01 16:23:36 阅读0 评论0 字号:

哈电集团哈尔滨电站阀门有限公司1000MW超超临界机组配套阀门近日通过了{gjj}技术鉴定和产品鉴定,标志着该项目成功跻身国内先进行列。 受国家能源局委托,中国机械工业联合会在哈尔滨组织专家,对哈电集团阀门公司研制的1000MW超超临界机组配套全量型安全阀进行技术鉴定,并对汽水系统截止阀、止回阀、水压试验堵阀进行了产品鉴定。 由哈尔滨工业大学秦裕琨院士领衔的鉴定委员会,对新产品的有效性、可靠性及技术水平进行了鉴定和评价。哈电集团阀门公司研制成功的超超临界机组配套截止阀、止回阀、堵阀分别获得中国机械工业科学技术特等奖。此次通过1000MW超超临界机组配套阀门技术鉴定和产品鉴定,为科技成果转化为生产力提供了契机,对提升我国阀门设计、制造水平、提高我国超超临界机组配套阀门国产化率具有重要意义。

“ HEC ultra-supercritical units and valve accessories through the identification of”是由提供的国际阀门新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国调节阀网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。


HEC Group, Harbin Power Station Valve Co., Ltd. 1000MW Ultra-supercritical units supporting the valve has passed a national technical appraisal and product identification, marking the success of the project among the ranks of the domestic advanced. Commissioned by the State Energy Bureau, China Machinery Industry Federation experts in Harbin, the HEC Group, valves developed 1000MW Ultra-supercritical units supporting the whole amount of type safety valve for technical appraisal, and water system cut-off valve, check valve, hydraulic pressure test plug valves product identification. From the Harbin Institute of Technology led by Academician Yu-Kun Qin evaluation committee for new products, validity, reliability and skill levels were identified and evaluated. HEC Group, the company successfully developed the valve ultra-supercritical units matching cut-off valve, check valve, plug valves were given China Machinery Industry Science & Technology Grand Prize. The 1000MW Ultra-supercritical units by matching valve technology identification and product identification for the scientific and technological achievements into productive forces and provides an opportunity for enhancing our valve design, manufacturing standards, and enhance ultra-supercritical units in China with a localization rate of matching valves significance.


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