Sales Manager(密封件行业),Kunshan 浏览职位全部职位Beasom - 面向 ...
1.    Sales to high technological companies primarily in the area from Zhejiang Pro., Shanghai, Guangdong Pro. and so on .
2.    It involves technical sales and advising that demands a thorough knowledge of polymeric materials and sealing functions. A project can last form 1 to several months
3.    The customers will be to a high extent be foreign companies with English as the concern language.
4.    After ended training you must be able to manage these sales as well budgeting and calculation with close cooperation with team both in Denmark and China on tactical and operational level.

1.    university graduate with mechanical degree.
2.    5~10 years working experience with technical sales and project sales.
3.    Best experience from sales of component and equipment for food Industry
4.    Technical experience from TP IM and mould market
5.    good spoken and written English



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