
<p>原文:<br />
A short time after I posted the original article, the filter itself was edited and "gay" was removed. This coincided with a thread being created on the discussion forum by user "rpmmatt" referencing the GayGamer.net article. I have no way of knowing what was the reason the filter was changed, as I have still not received any replies from Valve corporate <a href="http://www.cshst.com/en/gate_valves.html">Resilient Seated Gate Valves</a>
or the volunteer moderators I have contacted at any point.
Unfortunately this appears to be a Pyrrhic victory. While the filter was changed, it doesn't look like anyone on the forum staff will be backing that change up with an appropriate response towards policing the forums to improve the atmosphere. When the aforementioned discussion roamed the world of off-topic everywhere from "gay people are abnormal" to "gay people are selfishly hurting humanity because they won't pass their genes down via reproduction" it's <a href="http://www.cshst.com/en/automatic_control_valve.html">Automatic Control Valves</a>
obvious that there is need of a culture shift that won't happen whether three letters are turned into pink hearts or not. It's disappointing that LGBT discussions aren't allowed because of their potential to be volatile conversations, and it's disappointing that the preferred response by the moderating staff is to lock and delete these threads instead
In the end, as I said in the previous entry, Valve and Valve's forum moderators are absolutely allowed to moderate their forums however they choose. As a private <a href="http://www.cshst.com/en/butterfly_valves.html">Butterfly Valves</a>
company they don't need to justify or explain anything to anyone. However, as a long time customer and huge advocate of Steam, I find this whole experience very disheartening and ultimately saddening.
<br />
原文来自:  http://gaygamer.net/2009/12/update_on_valve_censorship.html</p>
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