Why should we eat less rice after pregnancy « Industry info 工业信息

Category:catering food

Why should we eat less rice after pregnancy

1, after pregnancy due to the increase of uterine and endocrine changes, pregnant women likely there indigestion,

always fart like you is for this reason. Because the rice easier to acid, for pregnant women to digest the negative, the

to eat is not recommended. Of course, if your digestion is normal, like to eat rice, it is possible.

2, pregnant 5 months fetal movement should be more than 3 times / hour. Every expectant mother to the fetal movement feel is different, with the

the pregnancy months of increase, the feeling of fetal movement will become increasingly strong, the number of fetal movement if you are countless

, you are advised to pre-natal consult the doctor when the examination.

during pregnancy, baby organs of the body constant development, the need for adequate nutrient supply, so my mother itself to increase the variety of different food intake, so that access to the normal development of babies, and the storage of nutrients for future breast-feeding purposes. If during pregnancy focus on balanced nutrition, not only stunted fetal growth retardation, postpartum mothers and more frail, and some worry that an increase in nutrition of pregnant women, the fetal growth is too large, resulting in obstructed labor, and limitation of diet, in fact this is wrong concept by increasing the nutrient is not sharpen more, but the importance of food in a balanced diet.
early stages of pregnancy (one to three months): At this time fetal brain cells and body organs are rapidly proliferating and development, adequate supply of nutrients is the first to the table, especially the B group vitamins and folic acid, nicotinic acid. Pregnant women often nausea and vomiting at this point could not eat anything, then how should we do? Do not want to eat should not be forced, and not be confined to have to eat three meals a day had to eat, but should be Shaoliangduocan, eat eat, eat contain protein, vitamin-rich foods, such as: fresh fish, meat, eggs, milk, soy products, fruits and so on. Missed early pregnancy nutritional supplement for future growth and development of infants will have a negative impact.
pregnant the medium term (four to six months): to overcome the discomfort of early pregnancy, pregnant women, this time more comfortable, while the uterus is not too large, the stomach from oppression and loss of appetite also changed for the better, and fetal development are also faster than the previous point, Pregnant women should be more intake of protein, calcium, iron and lecithin (egg yolk)-rich food, millet and other grains contain more vitamin B1, as rice, pasta will have to moderate, as starch, sugar more easily gain weight.
advanced stage of pregnancy (seven to ten months): a rapid increase in late pregnancy, fetal weight, pregnant women also increased appetite, this time in order to light the main diet, do not eating too much salt so as not to increase the limbs, edema, pregnancy induced hypertension, in addition to pregnancy, early and mid-term the balance of food, the vegetables and fruits to eat to avoid constipation, poor appetite, some mothers are still at this time, you can Shaoliangduocan to correspond to avoid eating too much sweet cakes, resulting in difficulties in post-partum figure is difficult to restore.

diet during pregnancy Precautions

have a lot of pregnant women to eat during pregnancy without any restraint. In order to mother and baby’s health, pregnancy diet should be more attention to what life, in particular, pay attention to controlling calorie intake and maintain nutritional balance. In order to childbirth without trouble, we should know the time when she was pregnant to reconsider the daily diet.

attention to the prevention of excess calorie intake

overweight mother and baby would bring many dangers, for example, susceptible to pregnancy-induced hypertension, and diabetes; uterus, pelvis and birth canal accumulation of fat around the birth process would be extended or cause her mother giving birth. Morning sickness is gone, appetite surge, my mother always wanted to eat out of your baby’s share of such thinking is wrong. Generally speaking, as long as more than pre-pregnancy intake of 1463 kJ of heat on it.

positive nutrient intake below the belly of the baby

development of the required nutrients have to rely on her mother to get from food, pregnancy diet and more important than quantity.
in particular, to ensure a balanced intake from food, iron, protein and calcium. One requirement of 900 mg of calcium is 1.5 times the pre-pregnancy; iron requirement of 20 mg, is 1.6 times the pre-pregnancy. However, excessive intake of iron-rich liver, vitamin A excess may lead to disease, which is not to be neglected.

excessive salt intake can cause edema and pregnancy-induced hypertension!

It has been recognized to control salt intake for the prevention of lifestyle-related diseases is very important for pregnant women, this point is more important. Excessive intake of salt is caused by edema, pregnancy-induced hypertension, pregnancy-induced hypertension of the important reasons. Pregnancy diet should be based on the principle of light. In the food, or adding some vinegar parsley, spices in order to achieve the purpose of low salt. Light on the production of complementary feeding and infant food is also necessary for their own health, fathers should also be getting used to diet.

how to look at convenience foods, and hobbies food?

normally eat convenience foods may inadvertently hinder the absorption of calcium, while calcium during pregnancy is essential. For some people, so completely quit convenience food is very difficult, and can start to reduce the number of start to eat, try to cook their own food to eat. Response in the event of early pregnancy, and physical discomfort, we might try to make my father cooking. Best to eat normally eat, easily fattening, sweet fruit juices and snacks.


diet during pregnancy, pregnant women need more than the pre-pregnancy nutrition. Because pregnant women should not only maintain its strong metabolic needs, but also the supply of fetal growth and development needs, We would also like for their own birth and breast-feeding period, consumption of high energy and nutrient reserves do a good job. Therefore, pregnant women throughout pregnancy to strengthen the nutrition, scientific and reasonable arrangements for diet during pregnancy.

nutritional needs of pregnant women at different stages of pregnancy is somewhat different. Therefore, the different stages of pregnancy should be based on the nutritional needs to arrange the catering.

early pregnancy, many pregnant women will have nausea, vomiting, anorexia and other pregnancy reaction, pregnant women may thus result in less consumption, malnutrition. However, this is precisely the period of fetal differentiation of various organs in the formative stage, a higher demand for protein and vitamins. Therefore, this period of pregnant women to eat Eat small meals often through the adoption of methods to ensure adequate feeding. Arranging recipes must pay attention to the nutritional quality of diet, eat contain protein, vitamin-rich food such as fish, meat, eggs, dairy products, soy products, fresh fruits and vegetables.

second trimester, early pregnancy loss reaction, increased appetite. This period is the rapid fetal growth and development stage, especially brain development. Catering arrangements for this period, we must attach importance to quality of nutrition, but also ensure that the amount of nutrients, eat all you do. Should pay attention to more food rich in protein, vitamins of food, at the same time eat calcium, iron and other trace elements in food such as fish, meat, liver, eggs, kelp, dried small shrimps, dried bean curd and so on.

third trimester of pregnancy, fetal growth more rapidly, combined with late pregnancy, pregnant women, but also as a birth, breast-feeding adequate reserves of energy. During this period, in addition to ensure that protein, vitamins, sugar and other nutrients added, but also pay attention to increase iron, calcium, zinc and other trace elements to add. Pregnant women should pay attention to this period, eat liver, fish, meat, egg yolks, kelp, seaweed, dried dried small shrimps, black fungus, tofu, peanuts and other foods.

Reference:Baidu know

during pregnancy, baby organs of the body constant development, the need for adequate nutrient supply, so my mother has to be a increase the variety of different food intake, so that access to the normal development of babies, and the storage of nutrients for later use in breast-feeding. If during pregnancy focus on balanced nutrition, not only stunted fetal growth retardation, postpartum mothers and more frail, and some worry that an increase in nutrition of pregnant women, the fetal growth is too large, resulting in obstructed labor, and limitation of diet, in fact this is wrong concept by increasing the nutrient is not sharpen more, but the importance of food in a balanced diet.
early stages of pregnancy (one to three months): At this time fetal brain cells and body organs are rapidly proliferating and development, adequate supply of nutrients is the first to the table, especially the B group vitamins and folic acid, nicotinic acid. Pregnant women often nausea and vomiting at this point could not eat anything, then how should we do? Do not want to eat should not be forced, and not be confined to have to eat three meals a day had to eat, but should be Shaoliangduocan, eat eat, eat contain protein, vitamin-rich foods, such as: fresh fish, meat, eggs, milk, soy products, fruits and so on. Missed early pregnancy nutritional supplement for future growth and development of infants will have a negative impact.
pregnant the medium term (four to six months): to overcome the discomfort of early pregnancy, pregnant women, this time more comfortable, while the uterus is not too large, the stomach from oppression and loss of appetite also changed for the better, and fetal development are also faster than the previous point, Pregnant women should be more intake of protein, calcium, iron and lecithin (egg yolk)-rich food, millet and other grains contain more vitamin B1, as rice, pasta will have to moderate, as starch, sugar more easily gain weight.
advanced stage of pregnancy (seven to ten months): a rapid increase in late pregnancy, fetal weight, pregnant women also increased appetite, this time in order to light the main diet, do not eating too much salt so as not to increase the limbs, edema, pregnancy induced hypertension, in addition to pregnancy, early and mid-term the balance of food, the vegetables and fruits to eat to avoid constipation, poor appetite, some mothers are still at this time, you can Shaoliangduocan to correspond to avoid eating too much sweet cakes, resulting in difficulties in post-partum figure is difficult to restore.

diet during pregnancy Precautions

have a lot of pregnant women to eat during pregnancy without any restraint. In order to mother and baby’s health, pregnancy diet should be more attention to what life, in particular, pay attention to controlling calorie intake and maintain nutritional balance. In order to childbirth without trouble, we should know the time when she was pregnant to reconsider the daily diet.

attention to the prevention of excess calorie intake

overweight mother and baby would bring many dangers, for example, susceptible to pregnancy-induced hypertension, and diabetes; uterus, pelvis and birth canal accumulation of fat around the birth process would be extended or cause her mother giving birth. Morning sickness is gone, appetite surge, my mother always wanted to eat out of your baby’s share of such thinking is wrong. Generally speaking, as long as more than pre-pregnancy intake of 1463 kJ of heat on it.

positive nutrient intake below the belly of the baby

development of the required nutrients have to rely on her mother to get from food, pregnancy diet and more important than quantity.
in particular, to ensure a balanced intake from food, iron, protein and calcium. One requirement of 900 mg of calcium is 1.5 times the pre-pregnancy; iron requirement of 20 mg, is 1.6 times the pre-pregnancy. However, excessive intake of iron-rich liver, vitamin A excess may lead to disease, which is not to be neglected.

excessive salt intake can cause edema and pregnancy-induced hypertension!

It has been recognized to control salt intake for the prevention of lifestyle-related diseases is very important for pregnant women, this point is more important. Excessive intake of salt is caused by edema, pregnancy-induced hypertension, pregnancy-induced hypertension of the important reasons. Pregnancy diet should be based on the principle of light. In the food, or adding some vinegar parsley, spices in order to achieve the purpose of low salt. Light on the production of complementary feeding and infant food is also necessary for their own health, fathers should also be getting used to diet.

how to look at convenience foods, and hobbies food?

normally eat convenience foods may inadvertently hinder the absorption of calcium, while calcium during pregnancy is essential. For some people, so completely quit convenience food is very difficult, and can start to reduce the number of start to eat, try to cook their own food to eat. Response in the event of early pregnancy, and physical discomfort, we might try to make my father cooking. Best to eat normally eat, easily fattening, sweet fruit juices and snacks.


diet during pregnancy, pregnant women need more than the pre-pregnancy nutrition. Because pregnant women should not only maintain its strong metabolic needs, but also the supply of fetal growth and development needs, We would also like for their own birth and breast-feeding period, consumption of high energy and nutrient reserves do a good job. Therefore, pregnant women throughout pregnancy to strengthen the nutrition, scientific and reasonable arrangements for diet during pregnancy.

nutritional needs of pregnant women at different stages of pregnancy is somewhat different. Therefore, the different stages of pregnancy should be based on the nutritional needs to arrange the catering.

early pregnancy, many pregnant women will have nausea, vomiting, anorexia and other pregnancy reaction, pregnant women may thus result in less consumption, malnutrition. However, this is precisely the period of fetal differentiation of various organs in the formative stage, a higher demand for protein and vitamins. Therefore, this period of pregnant women to eat Eat small meals often through the adoption of methods to ensure adequate feeding. Arranging recipes must pay attention to the nutritional quality of diet, eat contain protein, vitamin-rich food such as fish, meat, eggs, dairy products, soy products, fresh fruits and vegetables.

second trimester, early pregnancy loss reaction, increased appetite. This period is the rapid fetal growth and development stage, especially brain development. Catering arrangements for this period, we must attach importance to quality of nutrition, but also ensure that the amount of nutrients, eat all you do. Should pay attention to more food rich in protein, vitamins of food, at the same time eat calcium, iron and other trace elements in food such as fish, meat, liver, eggs, kelp, dried small shrimps, dried bean curd and so on.

third trimester of pregnancy, fetal growth more rapidly, combined with late pregnancy, pregnant women, but also as a birth, breast-feeding adequate reserves of energy. During this period, in addition to ensure that protein, vitamins, sugar and other nutrients added, but also pay attention to increase iron, calcium, zinc and other trace elements to add. Pregnant women should pay attention to this period, eat liver, fish, meat, egg yolks, kelp, seaweed, dried dried small shrimps, black fungus, tofu, peanuts and other foods.
References: Baidu know


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