


2010-02-01 09:41:42 来源: (广州) 














































(本文来源:时代周报 )Hundreds of HIV-infected hemophiliacs drug claims no solution Decade
(2010-02-01 09:41:42)
2010-02-01 09:41:42 Source: Times Weekly (Guangzhou)
Decade of HIV-infected hemophilia claim no solution

Suffering from hemophilia has been very unfortunate, even more unfortunate is that, in order to ease the use of blood products for hemophilia disease actually infected with HIV. At present, known to the crowd as many as over a hundred of these unfortunate people, some of them around since 2000, that began to production, the supply of blood products, coagulation factor VIII, Shanghai Institute of Biological Products claim compensation. However, the two sides divided and disputes since the claims remain unresolved.

By the end of December 2009, Zhichun Road, Haidian District, Beijing Pharmaceutical Group of China Tower, more than 40 HIV-infected hemophiliacs and their families, with the Group's Shanghai Biological Products Institute (hereinafter referred to as the student is) personnel took place "physical confrontation . "

These infections are considered as still in use after 1995 on the hygiene of the illegal sale of coagulation factor Ⅷ (commonly known as blood coagulation factor VIII), resulting in self-infection with HIV. However, the student is denied the bears legal responsibility.

According to Die Zeit reporter has learned that the current nation-wide known as many as hundreds of hemophiliacs were HIV-infected persons. By the end of 2009's "physical confrontation" and is not the first time the two sides dispute. This significant contamination of blood products began to appear in 1998, the Ministry of Health also after 2000 to address this issue. However, those claims were infected with 10 years of incomprehensible.

8 Factor's "Poison"

"These years I have cried many times." Early in January, the Friends of blood from Heilongjiang families of HIV-infected persons Li-Yin Lin (a pseudonym) to the weekly Times reporter described the bitterness of their own.

Li-Yin Lin's son suffers from hemophilia, a child started to use health as the clotting agent Factor 8, 2000, he was found to be infected with HIV, such as the nearly 30-year-old son, legs are pus spots, people could not bear to head subject.

After years of repeated screening and petitions, Lin found that the health of the sale of eight non-inactivated clotting factor leading to the root causes of son infected with HIV.

Hemophiliacs Because of its lack of some blood coagulation factors, often lead to a natural result of a small bleeding wound, while about 80% of patients in the input after the coagulation factor VIII, can quickly ease the condition.

In 1982, the student is developed clotting factor VIII preparations and begin production (Wei system 82 Shanghai (6) 13).

In 1987, the Ministry of Health, Customs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs jointly issued a document to prohibit the importation of foreign blood products (other than albumin). From then until taking a great risk of smuggling, the domestic hemophilia are able to use only produced in China without the viral inactivation of eight factors. And then a longer period of time, the eight factors on the health of the monopoly product on the market.

Until July 14, 1995, the Ministry of Health promulgated the "on the prohibition of the production and clinical use is not removed or inactivated virus, type of blood coagulation factor products notice", and ordered: the relevant units of blood products in December 1994 31 recently received clotting factor type agent production approval number is void and immediately stop production and sales. At this point, the student is about 20 million bottles produced eight factors, the customer is about thousand people.

In 1998, Shanghai has found hemophilia infected with HIV cases. Then Shanghai to lead a student is on the use of clotting factor products, hemophilia who were checked were found to be infected with HIV 66.

Some infected persons alleged that: "Although the student is to stop the production, it is still illegal to sell their products."

Name of one weeks from Zhejiang infected with the view that the student is and the relevant government departments in the Ministry of Health issued a document after the ban, especially in someone known to the use of such blood or blood products infected with HIV, the failure to take positive remedial measures, recall have been manufactured products, inform the user of the product and their spouses to the hospital for HIV testing, etc., resulting in increased harm.

Infected themselves, according to statistics, the survival of those infected are still a total of 124 people, all over the country 14 provinces and municipalities. Others fear, refuse to do hemophiliacs HIV examination. Are infected with speculation that the actual number of infections may be thousands of people around.

In accordance with the Ministry of Health AIDS Expert Advisory Committee of the Li Dun, "the number of people injured by this incident, impact is so bad, not mine, and environmental pollution under serious accidents."

Ministry of Health obscure

Around 2000, the use of blood products for hemophiliacs infected with HIV and their families begin to production, the supply of blood products on the health of the claim for compensation.

In response, the student is argued that there is no direct evidence, "July 14, 1995 after the fault of the sales practices led to the blood of patients infected with HIV, and the acts of production and sales prior to that date there is not the fault of the law."

Serving in the Ministry of Health Zhuo Xiaoqin is the Friends of the HIV-infected blood with the Chinese Medicine Group bargaining agent. He said that under the "Product Quality Law" 第四十一条 states that: "due to product defects caused by physical, defective products other than property damage, the producer should bear the liability."

Thus he believes, "on the health of the product failed, the Ministry of Health to withdraw the case of registration of their products are still sold to consumers, causing consumers to infections incurable AIDS, according to law shall be liable for compensation."

Significant differences between infected and their families were also claims of action is unusually difficult.

In 2001, the Shanghai Changning District Court has made over the supply of blood products production enterprises shall compensate hemophiliacs or their families, 100,000 yuan's decision. Accordingly, the Shanghai Municipal Government put forward a proposal to deal with the Shanghai Red Cross Society came forward to give a Shanghai residence registration hemophilia 100,000 yuan per person per one-time compensation, and compensation for monthly living expenses, hemophilia, AIDS, hepatitis B, hepatitis C I am no longer afford the cost of treatment, but "losses are handled." It is understood that the student is to assume some of these costs.

After 2003, many years since the issue is not resolved, Shanghai outside of infected persons and their families, many gathered in Shanghai, Shanghai Institute of Biological Products of compensation required.

The Ministry of Health in 2003 and 2005 the two issued a document requiring the relevant provinces and cities to be "good treatment of hemophiliacs infected with AIDS-related issues", the latter again in 2006 on the issue of solutions have been proposed, the basic idea is to give " certain amount of economic compensation "(40000 -10 million), the central a policy, local government money.

At present, all known infected people received anti-HIV drugs, free medical treatment, and life relief except Shanghai, Suzhou and other places, most places are not yet implemented.

The talks in Beijing in accordance with infected persons and their families say, the local government took place, not local, responsible and predictable reasons, refuse to treat those infected and living assistance. Simple AIDS "Four Frees and One Care", also "does not address the difficulties of life." Li-Yin Lin told reporters.

March 22, 2007, at the Ministry of Health Bureau of Disease Control agreed to participate in coordination meetings, the student is the money to carry out parts of their lives subsidies borne by the Red Cross issued a specific management of the funds.

But then the delay is too long, hemophilia and their families gathered on many occasions in Beijing, Shanghai.

In 2008, the student is issued a salvage agreement, but asked to give up legal proceedings in patients with hemophilia HIV. Infection has told reporters: "because life has forced a small number of infected persons accepted on the health of the condition."

Hardship claims or Xian Shuguang

The negotiations for years and not resolved, an infected person's judicial claim, also feel hard way. "One view even think that with the blood products-related enterprises through government intervention in the judiciary." The entire process involved in this incident, the Ministry of Health experts told reporters.

It is understood that after 2003, local courts in such cases and holding "will not be accepted without trial, non-judgment" attitude. Followed by those infected sought through letters and visits to resolve the issue of compensation.

November 24, 2008, the State Petition Office Reply petitioners infection: visiting matters, which shall be sequentially proceedings, to the people's court.

Li-Yin Lin told reporters, "In reply the State Letters and Visits Bureau, the blood of Friends of the HIV-infected people across the country a total of nine lawsuits filed, but still no progress, the District Court asked the parties to court over the mediation."

Although Li Dun in September 2009 submitted to the District People's Court of Guangdong Foshan, said in a testimony: "after 2006, the Ministry of Health's attitude is positive, the Ministry of Health advocates through judicial settlement. I have ministries or departments have seen the Ministry of Health officials were in support of judicial settlement. "

However, infected family members still think that: "China Pharmaceutical Group and even the Ministry of Health officials have accepted the District Court to intervene."

In September 2009, on the health of their former groups into China's biotech China Medical Group, has served as the deputy director of Health, the former Chinese Wang Feng, general manager of Bio-Technology Group, as party secretary of China Pharmaceutical Group.

Infected persons aware of a new opportunity, once again gather in Beijing to ask China Pharmaceutical Group to resolve the issue of compensation and responsibility.

By the end of December 2009, at the China Medical Group Building of negotiations, the student is the current Director YANG Zhong-dong and the party secretary of China Pharmaceutical Group, Li-feng said that the country is being introduced policy and we hope you return to the provinces to resolve dependencies. China Pharmaceutical Group, general manager of She Reuling in the negotiations, acknowledged that "Prior to 1995, corporate irresponsibility, but after 1996, enterprises have done wrong."

Infected person's attempt to claim the issue, interviews YANG Zhong-dong, its reporters that this issue needs to consult the views of China Pharmaceutical Group. The Li-feng, declined interview requests.

January 7, according to Xinhua News Agency, the Ministry of Health decided to hemophilia patients in the country and one by one registration system. Request ", the provincial health administrative departments shall designate a medical institution as a case of hemophilia at the provincial level information management center responsible for collecting and reporting information in this area in patients with hemophilia and coagulation factor Ⅷ and prothrombin complex supply and demand situation."

Li-Yin Lin believes that to solve the problem may be the dawn is coming.

(This article Source: Times Weekly)

[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:本站原创    点击数:197    更新时间:2010-2-1    文章录入:nnb ]


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