苏打水是很难喝? « City life wiki 城市百科


苏打水? ?


















Soda water is difficult to drink?

to a point on soda recipe

soda water? ?
I have heard that only a woman to give birth to a boy So you want to think of ways to have a soda water recipe it!

If it is really for this reason, I give you to help bar:
in choosing a good two months before the pregnancy began to strictly observe the days go on.

eat food ______

Beverages: tea, coffee, fruit juice, cola, soda water; Meat: Eat more bacon; cooked meat; bacon;

fish: eat all you want to eat tuna; dairy products: In addition to cheese, do not eat outside; bread: eat less;

food: cereal , rice, noodles; vegetables: potatoes, mushrooms, celery, kidney beans, peas, soybeans, corn;

fruit: bananas, dates, apricots, oranges, peaches, cherries; nuts: chestnuts, plums and dried, dried apricots, no dried flowers and fruits;

Other: sugar, honey, colored plastic coagulum, jam, dark chocolate, vegetable oil, sour cucumber, olive brine, Om fish, canned

against the food you eat ________

drinks: milk and all milk drinks, mineral water; seafood: snails, shrimp, clams, crabs;

eggs: any eggs; food: milk cake; vegetables: lettuce, beans, spinach,

nuts: walnuts, almonds, peanuts, hazelnut;

Other: dairy desserts, ice cream, milk chocolate, ice cocoa.

I heard soda crackers, Do you want to eat. Hee hee

secretary and accounting
breakfast: a bowl of fat yogurt, 200 grams of fruit and a wheat bran bread.
Lunch: an oil-free vegetable ? ?, 2 wheat bran bread, fruit.
Dinner: no oil, barbecue with the right amount of pasta or vegetables, no oil, salad, drink soda water, drinking water and tea.
soda is not only taste good, according to the latest findings of soda also helps relieve symptoms of indigestion and constipation. However, researchers are not sure whether the reason for this phenomenon is due to air bubbles or soda water with higher levels of minerals can there be such a role. Stomach with soda water has been a hundred years of history, but the soda water affects the gastrointestinal tract has never been been systematically studied. In this latest study, from Italy, Federico II University of Rosario Cuomo, who selected the 21 individuals with constipation and dyspepsia, compared the role of soda water and tap water. During the two-week study period, subjects had been drinking tap water or soda water. Cuomo in an interview with Reuters, he explained that the subjects of this study exist in this indigestion is common, not because of any specific diseases caused by, known as functional dyspepsia, patients with the disease often feel after eating a small amount of alcohol has been full.

researchers “European Journal of gastrointestinal and liver diseases,” the study published report that, in this end of the study, drinking soda water, a group of subjects significantly improved symptoms of dyspepsia. Similarly, drinking soda at the end of the study subjects with constipation has also been reduced. In contrast, the subjects of dyspepsia drinking tap water to drink no improvement in symptoms of constipation. Why soda water will help relieve symptoms of indigestion and constipation is unclear, it may be the role of soda in the water bubbles, but also may be due to soda water contains more minerals’s sake. Subjects after drinking the soda water is no longer easy to eat quickly, in addition, subjects of the gallbladder emptying is also faster than the beginning of the study, such subjects are likely to alleviate symptoms of dyspepsia . But while after drinking the soda, constipation symptoms improved, but the soda water on the metabolic rate of stomach emptying of waste through the colon is not affected. Cuomo told Reuters: “We concluded that moderate drinking of water containing carbon dioxide help to improve gastrointestinal function, especially for those States in which the individual symptoms of indigestion and constipation effect more visible.” But she at the same time warned that drinking water must be with the right combination of eating habits, these eating habits, including eating foods rich in fiber and fruits and vegetables. Cuomo said: “In many patients the presence of symptoms of dyspepsia and constipation only in the the help of a doctor in order to alleviate these patients need a proper evaluation of their symptoms and to give appropriate treatment. “

Reference: Global Health Week

no flavor, there is this gas.05-11-11

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