
80后的作家一直是文学领域的一个热门话题,下面请你根据以下要点提示并以Famous Writers Born After 1980为题写一篇英语短文,介绍他们的一些相关情况。




Famous Writers Born After 1980

Famous Writers Born After 1980

In recent years, there has emerged many young writers, most of them born after 1980. Standing out in the group of the post-80 writers are, among others, Han Han, Guo Jingming, Yan Ge, Jiang Feng and so on.

Different from other literary works, their works reflect the young writers’ straightforwardness in showing their setbacks and frustrations in life. Also, we can learn from their productions that today’s young people are in the pursuit of true love. Obviously, there have occurred some problems with our current education of this generation in their growth.

The new trend has aroused concern among all walks of life. On the one hand, it is criticized by some famous writers for some reason; on the other, however, it has found many supporters among the young.

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