深入了解Apple iPad | Web工具箱

by on 一.31, 2010, under

本文译自http://goo.gl/lFGd 的 An In-Depth Look at the Apple?iPad。

We’ve been wai-ting, pre-pa-ring and spe-cu-la-ting about this pro-duct for – quite lite-ra-lly – years. Shrou-ded in sec-recy, it’s been the main focus of the Inter-net rumour mill for far too long. Today, Apple fina-lly unvei-led the pro-duct they’ve been wor-king on – The?.

我们为这个产品经历了快一年的漫长等待,准备和猜测。因为处于保密的状态,它已经太长时间成为互联网产品的主要谣言了。(这句不太会翻译)今天,Apple终于把它的神秘面纱揭开了-The Apple?iPad.

In this arti-cle, we’ll be outli-ning seve-ral of the most impo-r-tant and imp-re-ssive fea-tu-res of the device, and getting you fully up-to-speed (complete with some gor-geous pictu-res!). Are you as exci-ted as we are? Read on for all the details!



The iPad itself has a 9.5 inch screen (hei-ght), and looks simi-lar to an over-si-zed iPod. The screen has a 1024-by-768-pixel reso-lu-tion – per-fect for bro-wsing the web and rea-ding eBooks. It comes?bun-dled with either a 16GB, 32GB, or 64GB flash drive, and this deter-mi-nes the diffe-rence in price. It only wei-ghs 1.5 pounds, or 1.6 for the model with?3G.

iPad拥有9.5英寸的触摸显示屏,它看起来像个大号的iPod。触摸屏拥有1024×768的高分辨率。非常适合浏览网页和阅读电子书。它绑定了三种容量的flash drive 16GB,32GB,64GB.决定了它有三种不同的价格。它3G的模式下只有1.5或者1.6磅重。

Though many peo-ple are calling it simply a large iPhone, this rea-lly isn’t the case. The lar-ger screen size has been put to good use in appli-ca-tions across the board – par-ti-cu-la-rly in Mail, which would seem to be far more user frien-dly than the iPhone ver-sion. The large software keyboard appears easy to type on, and is almost the size of a stan-dard laptop keyboard.


Other har-dware fea-tu-res include an acce-le-ro-me-ter, digi-tal compass, built-in spea-kers, an ambient light sen-sor, and a mic-ro-phone. As you’d expect, it’s very envi-ron-men-ta-lly friendly.



This was the main unde-ci-ded factor sur-roun-ding the iPad, and one that remai-ned a mystery until its unvei-ling today. It isn’t run-ning OS X as we know it, and rese-mbles the iPhone OS we’ve come to know and love. This means that all appli-ca-tions will be dist-ri-bu-ted through the App Store, in the same way as the iPhone. Good or bad news for deve-lo-pers, depen-ding upon how you look at?it.

这是围绕着iPad最主要的悬而未决的因素,另一个直到今天它推出仍然是个谜。我们知道它并不运行OSX,并且类似于我们喜欢的iPhone OS。这意味着所有的应用程序都是通过apple store发布的,和iphone的发布是一样的。对于开发者而言是好是坏,依靠你自己的看法。

It’s capa-ble of run-ning almost every iPhone appli-ca-tion cur-ren-tly avai-la-ble – either in a sca-led down mode, or resi-zed to fit the full screen reso-lu-tion. Hope-fu-lly this will mean than an app pur-cha-sed for one device will also work on the?other.



The iPad has a stan-dard iPod dock con-ne-ctor, so you’ll be able to con-nect it to sync with iTu-nes as nor-mal. Two diffe-rent ver-sions are avai-la-ble with wire-less con-ne-ctivity – one solely with Wi-Fi, and ano-ther with the addi-tion of 3G. The model with 3G is sli-g-htly more expen-sive, does not require a con-t-ract, is unlo-cked for any micro-sim, and will be shi-pping 30 days later than the Wi-Fi only?model.

ipad有一个标准的ipod dock连接(Dock是图形用户界面中用于启动、切换运行中的应用程序的一种功能界面。)因此你将很容易的连接并且和iTunes同步。它有两种不同的版本来适应无线连接,一种是只适应wifi,另一种包含了3G的连接。3G模式略贵,不需要合同,不需要任何迷你sim卡锁定,将比wifi版本推迟30天运送。(貌似和我朝没任何关系,我朝来肯定是个太监版本)

Data plan pri-cing for the USA has been announ-ced as $14.99 for up to 250mb per month (a see-mingly awful deal, aimed at those just rea-ding books), or $29.99 for unli-mi-ted data. These are with AT&T, though you’ll be able to use any data package from any car-rier. The iPad also con-tains Blue-tooth, which will let you con-nect to wire-less hea-dpho-nes, or a wire-less Apple keyboard.


The iPad also has a 3.5mm hea-dphone jack, and a VGA ada-pter will allow you to con-nect it to an exter-nal display.



Battery life is quo-ted as 10 hours, though this is likely a “best case” sce-na-rio. It will vary dra-ma-ti-ca-lly depen-ding upon what you’re using the device for – pla-ying games will obviou-sly drain it faster than rea-ding an?eBook.


If you don’t use the iPad at all, it will last for one month in stan-dby?mode.


One of the major new fea-tu-res int-ro-du-ced today was the iBook Store, and the asso-cia-ted iBooks appli-ca-tion. This is Apple’s eBook rea-der software, and it looks exce-llent (with seve-ral design cues taken from?:


The acco-mpan-ying book store will allow you to pur-chase and down-load eBooks dire-ctly onto the device. It’s crea-ting a direct compe-ti-tor to the Kin-dle, and adds welcome compe-ti-tion to the mar-ket. The app has nume-rous options to change the font and layout of your?book.

附属的书店允许你支付和下载电子书到你的设备。它和Kin-dle(亚马逊的电子书设备)形成直接的竞争关系,并且加剧了这个市场 的竞争。程序有很多选项允许你改变字体和布局为你的电子书。

Apple also announ-ced a comple-tely rede-si-g-ned ver-sion of iWork, crea-ted spe-ci-fi-ca-lly for the iPad. It’s capa-ble of vie-wing, crea-ting and edi-ting docu-ments crea-ted in Numbers, Key-note and Pages. Ever-ything is done through drag-and-drop multi-touch, setting a new stan-dard for what can be achieved with a touch interface.

Apple也宣布为ipad重新设计了一版iwork。特性包括浏览,创建和编辑文档为Numbers, Key-note and?Pages.都可以多触点的拖拽,为触摸设备提供了一个新的标准。

These apps are pri-ced at $9.99 each, and will be avai-la-ble through the App?Store.

这些程序的价格是9.99美元,允许通过apple store下载。


It does ever-ything you’d expect. Mobile bro-wsing with Safari, gor-geous multi-column email in Mail, Maps, iTu-nes music and video, Pho-tos, a stun-ning inter-face to You-Tube, Maps, Notes, a comple-tely rede-si-g-ned Calen-dar, and Spo-tli-ght sea-rch across the whole device.


Apple have a? that I’d reco-mmend watching to gain an overview of how the device works, and what the inter-face of each app looks like. You can also read an in-depth look at each fea-ture on the? page.



A number of diffe-rent acce-sso-ries are avai-la-ble, most nota-bly a keyboard dock, and a case. The for-mer is a dock for cha-r-ging your iPad, inte-g-ra-ted with a full-size keyboard. This will make typing on the device a far more enjo-ya-ble expe-rience – par-ti-cu-la-rly impo-r-tant con-si-de-ring the iWork suite is avai-la-ble for the?iPad.

一些不同的配件允许使用,最引人注目的就是键盘dock。前者是一个为iPad集成了一个全尺寸键盘.这将使设备能有一个更愉快的使用体验 — 特别适合为ipad提供的iWork套件。

The case also looks inte-re-sting, pro-te-cting the iPad and holding it in a posi-tion that’s more appea-ling for typing.



The iPad has come in at an une-xpe-cte-dly low price, sta-r-ting at only $499. This price inc-rea-ses if you’re loo-king for more sto-rage, or would like 3G connectivity:


The iPad with Wi-Fi only will be shi-pping in around 60 days, with an addi-tio-nal 30 day wait if you’d like the 3G ver-sion. This is fai-rly rea-so-na-ble, and hope-fu-lly Apple will be able to meet these shi-pping dates (and the asso-cia-ted demand!)



As with any pro-duct announ-ce-ment, we’re bound to feel hard done by in a few areas. These would seem to?be:


  • No camera or video conferencing
  • 没有拍照或是视频会议功能
  • No multi-tasking
  • 不支持多任务处理
  • No super-cool fin-ger-p-rint secu-rity (I can hope, can’t?I?!)
  • 没有超级指纹安全系统(我希望能有,你也一样吗?)

个人感觉作者提出的没有摄像头和多任务处理确实可能是以后ipad要改进的地方,但谁知道呢?iphone刚出来的时候谁也不知道这小子突然就风靡全世界了。也许乔布斯压根就不担心ipad的销量,我觉得apple强就强在它有围绕它开发的大量第三方的优秀程序,比如textmate,iwork,things等等远超过win下程序的优秀程序了。这些程序可能捆绑了大批的用户不能脱离apple的产品(因为不同设备间需要同步),所以老乔压根就不在意别人的看法。apple store确实很牛X。个人感觉失去比尔盖茨的微软确实老了,不知道前进的 方向在哪里了?

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