11. Disaster in Oil石油海难

11. Disaster in Oil石油海难

11. Disaster in Oil石油海难

1. The huge tanker Torrey Canyon went thundering through the 25--mile channel between the Scilly Isles and Landls End, Cornwall, at full speed. She carried 118,285 tons of crude oil from Kuwait in the Persian Gulf to Milford Haven in Wales. 1.在康沃尔群的锡利群岛和地角之间的海峡全长25英里,巨大的托雷峡谷号油轮带着巨大的轰鸣声,正在此间全速前进。这艘巨轮装载着118,285吨原油,从波斯湾的科威特运往威尔士的米尔福德港。

2. At her stern waved the Liberian flag; aboard was a 36-man Italian crew; she was under charter to a British company from a tanker corporation of Los Angeles. 2.油轮尾部飘扬着利比亚国旗,船上有36名意大利船员,该船是由洛杉机的一家油轮公司包租给一家英国公司的。

3. The Cornish coast was noted for off shore rocks and its fine, white beaches. Otherwise Cornwall, over the centuries, had suffered a gradual economic decline. Tin mining had left the peninsula rather 1ike the craters of the moon. Agriculture was not much and it took the single, fast train from London eight hours to reach Penzance, made famous by Gilbert and Sullivan. 3.康沃尔海岸以其近海礁石和白色细砂海滩而闻名。可是在别的方面,该城市在过去几百年中经济上已逐渐衰退。锡矿的开发使这半岛城市搞得坑坑洼洼,酷似月球坑地。该地区农业也不发达,只有一趟直快火车,从伦敦到彭赞斯(因吉尔伯特和沙利文而出名)需8个小时。

4. Tourism was Cornwall's lifeblood and the Easter vacation period was at hand. 4.旅游业是当时康沃尔的经济命脉,而且复活节假期即将来临。

5. On May l8 the tanker Torrey Canyou smashed full-speed (cause undisclosed) onto the Seven Stones, l5 miles west of Land's End. From her ruptured tanks poured a reddish-brown gusher of oil that roiled and boiled and gradually spread a vast slick over the greyblue waters. 5.5月18日托雷峡谷号油轮正全速前进,驶往距地角以西匕英里七岩礁的地方时,触礁破裂(原因尚未披露)。从破裂的油轮里,喷涌出一股股红棕色的原油,汹涌澎湃,渐渐地在蔚蓝色海面上形成了一层巨大的油膜。

6. It soon became apparent this was no ordinary shipwreck. The ship itself-- 974 feet long, 125 feet wide, worth $16.8 million -- was huge, but the devastation its 35 million gallons of crude oil could wreak on Britain's seacoast was staggering. The biggest oil invasion ever to ruin a coast was l700 tons from a tanker wrecked off the Kent shore: thousands of birds died and some of the coast still showed signs of the blight two years later 6.很快,事情就清楚了,这次不是一次普普通通的海难事件。这条船本身长974英尺,宽125英尺,价值1680万美元,十分庞大,可是从油轮中喷涌出来的3500万加仑原油对英国海岸造成的毁坏将是触目惊心的。有史以来,由于原油泄漏而造成对海岸的{zd0}一次的灾难,是在肯特郡海岸触礁的油轮泄出了1700吨原油:该次事故死亡鸟类数以千计,而且两年后这一带海岸仍留有摧残痕迹,寸草不长。

7. British undersecretary for the Navy Maurice Foley was dispatched instantly to Plymouth to conduct the war against Torrey Canyon's oil. The Navy mine-sweeper Clarbeston was first to the fray with 1000 gallons of detergent, which gallon-for-gallon would make the oil soluble in the seawater -- but itself left an unwholesome scum. 7.托雷峡谷号出事后,英国海军副司令莫里斯·弗里立即被派往普利茅斯去指挥一场xx托雷峡谷号油轮泄漏的原油的战斗,海军扫雷舰克拉贝斯顿号载着1000加仑的清洁剂首先赶赴出事海区清洁原油,这种清洁剂能以1:1的比例使原油溶解在海水里棗但溶解后所产生的浮垢也是有害的,令人作呕。

8. The destroyer Barrosa and sea tug Giant scurried in with 3500 gallons of detergent; it was like trying to douse a 4-alwi fire with a water pistol. But the British persisted bravely. The detergent plant at Grangemouth, Scotland, was put on an emergency basis to produce and ship detergent. 8.驱逐舰巴罗萨号和海上拖船巨人号载着3500加仑清洁剂紧急驶往出事海区。这就像企图用一把水枪去扑灭一场四级火情警报的大火一样。但英国人坚韧不拔,勇敢无畏。位于苏格兰格兰杰模斯的清洁剂厂成了紧急生产和运输清洁剂的基地。

9. A manufacturer of auto seats was ordered to whip up 130 blocks of foam rubber 30 feet long and 42 inches wide. These, with a canvas skirt added, later were floated out to encircle the wrecked tanker Hopefully it would help contain the oil in a small area. 9一家汽车座椅制造厂奉命制造130块泡沫橡胶板,每块30英尺长42英寸宽,这些橡胶板扯上风帆,后来被送出漂浮在海上,使其紧紧围住撞毁的油轮。希望这一做法能将原油包围在一个小的海域内。

10. A Dutch salvage master kept trying to work the Torrey Canyon off the Seven Stones, but by last week heavy seas had pounded the tanker into three parts and she was beyond salvage. An estimated 80,000 tons of oil had boiled out of her tanks and spread a giant slick over more than l000 square miles of sea. 10.一艘荷兰海上救护船船长一直在努力将托雷峡谷号油轮拖离七岩礁,但直至上周,狂暴的海浪袭击其残骸,将其劈成三段,使它无法脱险。据估计,有8000吨原油从油轮滚滚流出,扩散成一大片油股,覆盖着1000多平方英里海域。

11. The Cornwall coast was a pitiful sight to behold. The tiny, once-beautiful Porthleven harbor was a solid mass of brown, gooey oil. 11.康沃尔一带诲岸让人触景生情,十分惋惜。这个小巧玲成,曾经是风景如画的波斯利文港如今包围在一大片棕褐色粘乎乎的原油块之中。

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