




1)You have to read a lot and "store" a great amount of words and expression_r_rs, so as to be able to use them readily in conversation. Good conversational skills come through extensive reading and much writing (which is good for developing the art of thinking).

2)If you want to learn how to swim well, you need to spend as much time as possible in the water. If you want to learn a language well, you need to swim in it as long as possible. To become perfect in a language, you need to swim in it as a fish in a river. One learns to swim not by merely staying in the water, but by moving through it: and it's indeed swimming against the stream. If you stop, the current will take you back to where you started.

3) You might need to relax and just swim. Read more, take notes, ask questions if need be. Feel like a child listening to grown-ups and picking their language. Immerse yourself in the language and one day you won't even know how you've learned it.

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