Skyrocketing property prices in Shenzhen and Shanghai municipal ...

Wen Wei Po

news, the past few months, property prices in Shanghai and Shenzhen were skyrocketing trend. The municipal government introduced two measures of their respective departments, Shanghai second-hand housing land value-added tax levy will be officially on the 15th to curb property speculation; Shenzhen promulgated a series of cut-ordering, rectifying and standardizing the property market transactions.

Shenzhen City Land Resources and Housing Authority, the Administration for Industry and Commerce, on the 13th Price Bureau jointly issued a “further standardize on commercial sales practices in our city,” which prohibit the real estate private sales, internal identification chips, the internal register , for “VIP card” is scheduled to receive any payments, such as acts of nature. “Notice” also provides access to “real estate pre-sale permit”, the housing must be within 10 days of public sale, and must be clearly price.

receive certification within 10 days of the pre-sale available for sale

“notice” provisions of real estate development enterprises in obtaining “real estate pre-sale permit” before prohibit private sales, internal identification chips, the internal register for “VIP card” and so on, to prohibit dissemination of the project sales of advertising, the nature of the prohibition is scheduled to receive any money; achieve “real estate pre-sale permit”, you must within 10 days, to take public , fair and just manner sales, not permitted to hoard housing, cover plate Hard Trading in a Dream. “Shenzhen City Land Real Estate Board public housing system” in the sale of houses shall not be unreasonably refused to sell.

In addition, the housing project must be clearly price. Real estate development enterprises in obtaining “real estate pre-sale permit” after售房must be eye-catching spots in the sales offices or posting “commercial rates” and “Real Estate in Shenzhen City Bureau of Homeland public housing system” in explicit price.

hoard ban the sale of the Housing Code disc cover price

“notice” also provides that the Housing real estate development companies and home buyers to sign the “offers”, “Real Estate Sale” should be used in Shenzhen unified model text, and through “Shenzhen一手房online sales system,” the download, not allowed to use hand-written text. “Offers”, “real estate contract for the sale of” after the signing are not free to change or dissolve.

Meanwhile, Shenzhen will also be prohibited “speculative” behavior, real estate agencies can not act for the sale has yet to apply for “real estate certificates” of second-hand housing and other conditions incompatible with the sale of housing.

According to the briefing, “notification” of Shenzhen is also the second-hand property to a more detailed market management. Which expressly provides that second-hand housing in Shenzhen engaged in the sale of real estate brokers should be completed as soon as possible the work of second-hand price of commercial housing codes. Include the following: express the properties for sale to consumers should be the name, type, direction, decoration, the building area (inside the construction area), unit price and total price and other related content, at the same time, business premises, in its eye-catching location marked intermediary services and other The charges related charges, fees or charges the amount of proportion. Various real estate development companies, real estate brokers must be in strict accordance with the laws and regulations to engage in business activities, and offenders will be punished according to law.

Shanghai second-hand housing land value-added 0.5%

According to “the Oriental Morning Post” reported that July 15, Shanghai will be levied on non-ordinary housing secondary residential transfer of land value-added tax, the tax rate 0.5%. Since the rate is not high, coupled with a one-month grace period, Shanghai second-hand housing market is not a result of the tax situation led to the concentration of transactions. However, coupled with the new land value-added tax, currently under the age of 5 years in Shanghai trading a variety of non-ordinary secondary residential rates are close to the total amount of 9% of total transactions.

6 13, the official website of Shanghai taxation “on the personal transfer of non-ordinary housing land value-added征免notice the problem.” Its specific content is: from July 15 onwards, the transfer of personal non-ordinary housing, the implementation of approved land value-added tax: Where to live under the age of 3 years, according to the transfer of 0.5 percent income levy, a residency requirement of 3 years under the age of 5 years half of the levy.

Shanghai non-ordinary second-hand housing transaction tax requirements, including payment of the principal 5.55% (sales tax) +1.5% (deed) +2% (personal income) +0.5% (land value-added tax) = 9.55% , In addition, there are stamp duty, a variety of fees. Second-hand housing transaction tax has become the largest item of expenditure process.

6 on second-hand house price index rose 4.16%

Shanghai Office of the recent second-hand housing index second-hand housing index released report shows that in June, Shanghai second-hand housing index in May rose 4.16 percent and the volume has been increasing steadily, prices rose significantly enlarge. Among them, more than second-hand housing prices七成regional or more than 3%. Jingan District, second-hand housing prices rose 5.02 percent overall, the region at the beginning of a new house price from 2.5 yuan / square meter rose to nearly 3 yuan / sq m, or even higher. Other regions of second-hand housing prices are also more obvious, and some second-hand housing plate to maintain the average 9,000 yuan / square meters.

trade said that the introduction of land value-added tax, it is expected that this part of the cost of the landlord will be passed on to the buyers. In addition to Shanghai, the Mainland secondary residential land value-added tax levy of the city of Beijing, Hangzhou, Wenzhou. As the land value-added tax rates as a result of the smaller, the overall market is not too great.

Chinese version:深圳上海的楼价疯涨 两市政府部门各自出招压价


















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