Creating a sis file_hermitage_百度空间

Once you have created a GCCE UREL release build of the application, you need to create a Symbian Installation file (.sis) for the application. In this example, the application sis file creation process uses the helloworldbasic_gcce.pkg file , which is located in the example application's \sis folder.

S60 3rd Edition and later SDKs include mandatory .sis file signing, which means that all .sis files must be signed before you install them on a device. The HelloWorldBasic example is a self-signed application because it uses no capabilities.

To create the sis file:
In the command prompt, switch to the folder that contains the helloworldbasic_gcce.pkg file:
cd <S60_SDK_installation_directory>\S60ex\helloworldbasic\sis, where <S60_SDK_installation_directory> is the directory that contains your SDK.
If you installed the S60 C++ 3rd Edition SDK, Feature Pack 1 in its default folder, the path is C:\Symbian\9.2\S60_3rd_FP1\S60EX\HelloWorldBasic\sis.
Enter the following command:
createsis create helloworldbasic_gcce.pkg
The tool creates the helloworldbasic_gcce.sis file, generates a self-signed certificate, and signs the sis file. The tool places the sis file in the same directory.
If you installed the S60 C++ 3rd Edition SDK, Feature Pack 1 in its default folder, the path is C:\Symbian\9.2\S60_3rd_FP1\S60ex\helloworldbasic\sis\helloworldbasic.SIS.
For information on the createsis command, see CreateSIS - Wrapper for MakeSIS, SignSIS and MakeKeys syntax in the Symbian OS Library.

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