ACAC ARJ-21 Main wheel, carbon brake, nose wheel and brake control ...
ACAC ARJ-21 Main wheel, carbon brake, nose wheel and
brake control system overview
版本号October 2008
描述The information contained in this document is the property of Meggitt Aircraft Braking Systems Corporation and is
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ARJ-21 overview
MABS supplied components
Main wheel, 90004162
Nose wheel, 90000581
Carbon brake, 90004163
Brake control unit, 90004183
Dual brake control module, 90004060
Shutoff valve, 90004061
Pedal position transducer, 90004328
Check valve, 90004924
Pressure transducer, 90004340
Hydraulic fuse, 90004066
Dual park emergency valve, 90004062
Brake temperature sensor, 6007300
Shuttle valve, 90004065
Drive cap, 90004068
Wheel speed transducer, 90004329
Accumulator, 90004293
Park emergency cable/handle, 90004064/90004063
Autobrake select switch, 90004361
Accumulator pressure transducer, 90004925
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