Online Armor Personal Firewall ++ v4.0.0.15双杀引擎防火墙免费正版 ...

Online Armor ++ (Anti-Virus and Firewall Protection)

January 29, 2010Online Armor ++ Defeats Threats That Antivirus Apps Miss!

Have you got a virus?

If you ever scanned your PC and find a virus you should asked yourself these three questions

  • How did it get on there?
  • When did it get on there?
  • What damage has it already done?

Anti Virus software is reactive – it needs to know the virus before it can detect it.

Be Proactive – Get a Firewall!
However, if you had a top class firewall like Online Armor then you may never have needed to ask them in the first place. Online Armor controls what comes and out of your PC. Even if you download something yourself, Online Armor will know if it trying to access the internet or we will automatically block or allow it by referring it to our “white list” of known software’s and files. Either way you are in control and better protected.

Firewall and Anti-Virus in one Product
With Online Armor ++ you can have both. Online Armor is known to one of the best if not the best desktop Firewall’s available and so it made sense to combine it with a leading Anti-virus scanning engine provided by Emsisoft. As well as virus you will be able to scan, detect and delete Malware and Rootkits.

Online Armor ++ has been awarded a 5 star rating from PC Security Labs. It was also tested by Malware Research Group and when tested against 78,120 viruses resulting in a detected rate of 99.98%.



官方下载 英文 [国内有汉化]

Online Armor v4.0.0.15 (Release Version. Windows XP,

Vista, Windows 7 32 bit only)


获取免费key [一用户一年key] 0130 16:00前有效

If you have questions please use our and we will be more than happy to assist you.

Easy to Use - Light on Pop-Ups - Great Support - No Risk: 30 Day Money-Back Guarantee

What is the offer?
We are giving a $59.95 discount on all purchases made today, meaning you can get Online Armor ++ FREE, or a HUGE discount on any of our other products.

How do you get this offer? [0 $订购,邮件收key]

  • Choose which product you want the discount to apply to this will take you to the shopping cart.
  • Enter the promo code GOTD-813-EMU if prompted
  • You must use the checkout process to get your licence key.
  • Your licence key will be emailed to you in a few minutes.
  • You must use your real email to register. Registrations from disposable email addresses will be canceled.

"Nobody should be connected to the internet today without a credible firewall and antivirus program installed on their computer. Not to install such programs is seeking danger." Alastair MacGibbon, Founding Director of the Australian High Tech Crime Centre, former head of Trust & Safety, eBay Asia Pacific.

Terms & Conditions

  • Online Armor supports Windows XP and Windows Vista and Windows 7 (32-bit)
  • YOU DO NOT NEED TO INSTALL TODAY. We are giving away normal commercial licences as part of this promotion. 可以以后需要的时候再安装本软件。今天放出的key等同正常商业授权[可以认为没有xx时间限制,从在线xx时刻才开始计时]
  • Paid licences can be activated at any time; subscription starts from date of first activation
  • 64bit operating systems are not supported.
  • FREE licences not activated within 30 days will be disabled. 免费key 30天内不xx则作废。


and our techs are working on it right now.


Comment by —

Hi All,

A brief update – we’ve had a hardware failure on one DNS, which has caused a problems when combined with heavy server load.

We have already provisioned a VPS with our pals at slicehost (under 2 minutes to get a server online!) and are restoring the backup DNS configuration to it ASAP.

I’m monitoring the situation and as soon as its completely resolved, will let you know.

Nobody should miss out on the offer because of this. Sorry for the inconvenience.


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