  • 这个不推荐买2手的,除非是用来当摆设。不过虹吸壶本身的设计就够古典了,:)

    市场上日本的Hario算是最有名,还有台湾的Yama和Yami。 Hario在Tangs里面有买。

    Read this to get some key word for ebay, :D

    Nowadays, there are only few companies that still manufacture vacuum brewers, only two of them in Europe: Bodum and Cona. E-bay and antique shops still sell the traditional Sunbeam, Silex or Cory, at prices ranging $20 to $50. A new Bodum ranges from $50 to $100; a Cona is more expensive, the lowest price being $150. See more details on vacuum brands here.


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