买新鲜的鱼菜皮肤不知道该怎么做,请朋友帮忙介绍如下。谢谢您 ...



皮肤是海鲜中的宝藏。 “螃蟹鱼皮为”南通“四新”之三。明?王分析“三才”设想的是:“在沙不能轻,居民减少肉类,他们与汤泡网的皮肤,可以链为脍。”新鲜皮肤是明代,“现在是切断在燃烧”获得原甜美的清新之美。和现代因为原产地,运输,储存等诸多因素,往往皮肤所用菜,厨师内地的{zh1}手段。新鲜皮肤间隙水饱和度,胶质蛋白,没有任何变化,是非常清楚的皮肤,泡沫和灵活,并保持其海鲜,果汁杰维斯,美味异常顺利,再加上蟹肉,黄瓜背景,色彩悦目,品尝新鲜的鱼蟹肉蔬菜的皮肤通常晚餐头。

Buy fresh fish dish skin do not know what to do, ask a friend to help introduce the following. Thank you!

buy fresh fish dish skin do not know what to do, ask a friend to help introduce the following. Thank you!

[Ingredients accessories]
fish leather 1,000 grams, ginger 10 grams, 50 grams of vegetable Heart 3, l000 g of chicken broth, parsley 4 grams, cooked chicken oil 25 grams, monosodium glutamate l g, Shuzhu You l00 grams, 15 grams of ginger, crab 100 grams, 100 grams of Shaoxing wine, white pepper 0.5 gram, 5 grams of salt, water, starch 50 grams, 15 grams of onion knot, sesame oil 25 grams, 10 grams of onion did not,
[cooking methods]

1. the fish skin were immersed in boiling water for a moment, astringent sand , rinsing, remove and change the prism cut into 5 cm pieces; to Xiucheng Each species of parrot beak-shaped vegetables, and then changed into a four knives. Set fire pan, ladle one Shuzhu You, Zhi Sicheng burning heat, releasing the oil to the emerald green vegetables, the pouring Lek oil stand-by.
2. to stir the pot set, scoop into Shuzhu You 30 grams, put ginger, green onions stir-knot out fragrance, the release Shao liquor 50 grams, 500 grams of chicken broth, fish skin, after the transfer of small Shaofei Fire Wu pure and soft, picked up stand-by.
3. an alternative set each on a pan, ladle one Shuzhu You 70 grams, till the Qicheng hot, put onion, ginger is not a slight speeding, will release partial fried crab meat, add Shao liquor 50 grams, one scoop of chicken soup 50 grams, release the fish skin, green vegetables Shaofei, add salt, monosodium glutamate, starch, water hook-Ying, pouring oil and sesame oil were cooked chicken, withdrawal of self-pepper, throw in some coriander leaves Serve.
[craft key]
crab meat that is rich roe with fresh crab, are stripping are available, so-called “crab meat Subway light on the seats,” crab superior.
[flavor characteristics]
skin is the seafood in the treasure. “Crab fish skin” for “Nantong four fresh” ter. Ming? Wang Analysis of “Sansai Zue,” in mind are: “Light in the sand can not go, people cut their meat, their skin with the soup bubble net, can strand as kuai.” Fresh skin is the Ming Dynasty, “is now cut off is burning” obtaining the original sweet, fresh beauty. And modern because of origin, transport, storage and many other factors, often used for skin were dishes, cook the Mainland were a last resort. Fresh skin interstitial water saturation, glial protein, there is no variability, it is crystal clear skin, foam and flexible, and to maintain its seafood, juice Jervis, delicious smooth anomalies, coupled with crab meat, cucumbers background, color pleasing to the eye, taste very fresh crab meat fish vegetables skin generally head for dinner.05-09-28

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