一种合金锯片的制作方法及专用模具An manufacture method and a ...
一种合金锯片的制作方法及专用模具An manufacture method and a special tooling for Alloy Saw-blade [原创 2010-01-29 15:56:59]   

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An manufacture method and a special tooling for Alloy Saw-blade

公 开 (公告)号:

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Publication Date:




王俊全  0416-5680199

Junquan Wang

地          址:


121418 辽宁省黑山县姜屯镇镇政府王俊才转

Jnncai Wang (forward to Junquan Wang), Government of Jiangtun Zhen, 121418, Heishan Xian, Liaoning Province, China

发 明 (设计)人:


王俊全;王明志;王 兴;刘玉铭

Junquan Wang, Mingzhi Wang, Xing Wang and Yuming Liu

国 际 申 请:

International Application:


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专利 代理 机构:

Patent Agence:


Liaoxi Patent Office of Jinzhou

代   理   人:

Patent Agent:

李 辉

Hui Li







A method for an alloy saw blade, and the technical resolution is: the raw plate material should be stamped to the pre-shape of saw blade firstly, and then modify the tension, after that fix the saw blade to a lathe with a special tooling to get camber flute. And the next step is using a toother to make dentition and calibrate them, and then weld two ends and polish it. The special tooling includes a base plate with a fixed axis in the center, there is a ring slot on one side of the base plate and also a against ring plug plate fixed by some bolts, and there is a ring bulgy wall on one side of plug which is against to base plate, besides, there is a push cover and locking nuts as well. The advantage of this method is: firstly, you can get a higher material density of alloy and a stronger saw body, this will let the saw blade has a higher resist deforming performance, secondly, there will be not only a smaller contact friction area which leads a smaller cutting resistance when working, but also it has a better cooling performance and longer life-time, besides, it can be used for various functions and also can be used to cut all wooden and alloy structure material.

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