长春外语培训-Agreeing and disagreeing赞成与反对_楼上的可费劲_新浪博客

Linda and Jack talk about the Women's Liberation Movement.

W: What do you think about the Women's Liberation Movement?
M: I'm not in favor of it[1]. I think women should accept their traditional role of being housewives.
W: I really disagree with you. Women should enjoy the same rights as men. Why can't a woman have her own career?
M: Women and men have different advantages. Women are generally tender and considerate, so are suitable for caring for[2] kids and so on. But because they're oftentimes too emotional, they're not likely to be as successful in the professional world[3].
W: Those are stereotypes[4]. There are many cases that prove that women are just as competent[5] in fields of law, management and so on.
M: There are some, but not many.
W: That's because there are still too many prejudiced[6] men. And too few women have woken up to their rights[7]. That's where the Women's Liberation Movement comes into play[8].




W: 你如何看待妇女解放运动?
M: 我不赞成。我认为妇女应当接受她们传统的角色,做家庭妇女。
W: 我很不同意你的看法。女性应当和男性享有同样的权利。为什么一个女人不能有她自己的事业呢?
M: 女人和男人有各自不同的优势。女性通常温柔体贴,所以适合照顾孩子等等。但是因为她们常常感情用事,她们不太可能在职场上取得同样的成功。
W: 这些都是老一套了。有很多例子可以证明女性在法律、管理等领域里和男性一样有能力。
M: 有一些,但不多。
W: 那是因为现在仍然有很多持有偏见的男人,而且太少的女人意识到她们(拥有的)权利。那就是为什么会产生妇女运动。

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