101个浪漫的点子2_tears in prince's eyes_百度空间
IDEA # 60

Speak to your partner's family and find out what her favorite book was when she was a little girl.
Buy a copy of the book and read it to her in bed.


IDEA # 61
Write an email story with your partner. Start the ball rolling with an email that says something like:
Chapter 1:
This is the story of Pete and Kate who met at a friend's engagement party one summer afternoon.
The email can then continue to develop the beginnings of a story which can be completely fictitious or a combination of fiction and reality.
Finish your email by saying, "And now for Chapter 2, its over to you..."


IDEA # 62
Buy a kite and on a windy day find a park and fly the kite with your partner.
If you can afford it, buy a large kite that you control with two hand lines. These kites are great fun.

IDEA # 63
When you and your partner are planning to go out for dinner, suggest that you have an 'Adventure Dinner'. Here's how it works
Set the timer on your stopwatch to count down twenty minutes. Next, ask your partner to choose a number between 5 and 10. Lets say she chooses 7.
Give your partner a coin and tell her that at every 7th intersection, she has to flip the coin. If it is heads you will turn left. If it is tails you will turn right. When your watch timer goes off you have to both keep a look out for the nearest place to eat.
This is a fun way to get out and about and try new places to eat.

当两人计划出去就餐时,建议你们进行一次“冒险晚餐”活动。 以下是如何进行
给对方一个硬币,然后告诉她每过七个十字路口仍一次硬币。 如果结果是正面头像,左转,如果似乎反面,右转。当你的计时表
时间走完,你们要寻找最近一处就餐。 这是一个具有娱乐的出去寻找不同地方就餐的方法。

IDEA # 64
点子 64
When you and your partner are going somewhere special, get your camera, buy a new roll of film and wait for her to come out of the house.
When she appears, act like a professional photographer and go wild taking pictures of her with the flash. While you are taking photos, bombard her with questions as though she was a famous actress and you are trying to get a scoop for the magazine you represent.
Not only is this fun but you will also get some great photos to look back on together.
IDEA # 65
When your partner is sick at home, take a day off to look after her.
Rent some videos, make her some soup, wrap her up in a blanket and just be with her.
IDEA # 66
When you are having dinner one night, ask your partner about the things she has always wanted to do.
Later on, write these things down so you don't forget them and over time try and help make them happen. For example she may say that one thing she has always wanted to do is swim with dolphins. Find out where she can do this and organize it for her as a special surprise.
之后,将回答写下来,这样你就不会忘记,以后来实现它们。 例如,她也许说她希望有{yt}能和海豚游泳。 查阅以下能实现的地方,安排这项活动作为一个特别的惊喜。
IDEA # 67
Rent the video, "An Affair To Remember". Buy some popcorn, champagne and chocolate covered strawberries and have a special film night at home.
租影碟 “An Affair To Remember”,买些爆米花、香槟和加草莓巧克力,一起在加度过一个电影之夜

IDEA # 68

Go to the drive in but instead of sitting in the car, spread a picnic blanket on the ground. Light a candle and buy popcorn. Cuddle your partner and enjoy the film.

IDEA # 69

Create a personalized magazine cover for your partner. To do this, get hold of a good quality photo of her and a copy of a popular entertainment magazine.
Take these two items to a print shop or graphic design agency. Ask them to scan your partner's photo and develop a magazine cover with the lead story being, "The 30 most beautiful women of 2003".
When you get the cover, stick it on the front of a real magazine and ask your local shop owner whether you can place it in the magazine rack. Organize to meet your partner at the shop before going out. When she arrives, tell her that you are just looking for a magazine. Let her browse the rack and discover her magazine.

为对方制作一份个性化杂志封面。 为二次,要有她的一张高质量照片和一份流行娱乐杂志。
将两件东西带到打印店或图形设计公司。 请他们将她的照片扫。用“xxx年度最美丽女性”的头条新闻来制作一份杂志封面。
等她来时, 告诉她 你在寻找杂志。让她在架子上寻找,从而发现“自己的杂志”

IDEA # 70

Fill the trunk of your car with helium balloons. Drive to a romantic spot in the country to go for a walk. The ideal spot is somewhere up high with a clear view of the surrounding countryside.

Get out of the car and act as though you are about to set off for your walk. Make sure your partner is closer to the car than you and then throw her the keys and ask if she can get your jacket from the trunk while you tie your shoelace.
When she opens the boot the balloons will be released. You can also place a sign saying, "I Love You" on the inside of the trunk so that it will be revealed when the trunk opens.

在车箱内装满氦气球。开车到一个浪漫地点去散步。 这个理想地点应该在高处,对四周乡间有一个清晰视野的地方。
走出汽车,装作似乎你们要开始散步。 一定让对方里车近,然后扔给她一把钥匙,问一问是否她能帮你从车厢内拿一件夹克衫,你在一边系鞋带
IDEA # 71

On a special occasion create a unique present for your partner by buying two white t-shirts and some fabric paint. Draw half a heart and the letters LO on one t-shirt and the half a heart and the letters VE on the other t-shirt.
When you walk down the street holding each other close, the heart will be made whole and your message of love revealed.
An example is shown below.

在特殊的场合下,给对方一份独特的礼物。买两件白色衬衫、和一些油漆。 在一件画上半颗心和字母LO,另一件画上另半颗心,和字母VE

IDEA # 72

On a hot summers day, buy two large water pistols and take them to the beach with you.
Pull them out and throw one to your partner and then have a huge water fight.

IDEA # 73

Share your food with your partner. When you go out for a meal, hold a forkful up to her mouth and say, "You've got to try this."
Sharing your food and even feeding each other is a great way to become closer as a couple.


IDEA # 74

Compliment your partner in public. If you are talking in a group and it is appropriate to the conversation say something like, "Kate makes the most incredible roast." Squeeze her hand while you are talking about her.

在公众场合下赞美对方。 如果你们在一群人中交谈,那么可是说:"Kate做的烤肉很在行“ 在说她的时候,握紧她的手。

IDEA # 75

Arrange a special day off from work. Start with breakfast, go for a walk in the park, go shopping, have afternoon tea in a cozy cafe and finish off with a romantic dinner.


IDEA # 76

Buy a gift voucher for a facial at a local beauty clinic and place it in a card accompanied by the message,
A special treat for
someone special


IDEA # 77

Even if you are just going down the road to buy some milk, act as though you are returning home after a major adventure.
Say something like, "Well it was touch and go there for a while with the snow and the wolves but I made it!" and then give your partner a huge bear


IDEA # 78

Send your partner a thank-you note. For example:
Dear Bec,
Thanks for helping me move house.
Having you there made a huge difference.
I really appreciate your help and your love.


IDEA # 79

If you have kids, organize for them to stay at their grandparents for the weekend.
On Friday evening, announce that the weekend is yours and start planning how you are going to spend your special time together.


IDEA # 80

Give your partner a magic gift box. Every month, place a new small gift in the box for her to discover.

给对方一只专门的魔力礼物盒。 每个月,在里面放入一件小礼物,等待她去发现。

IDEA # 81
Research your partner's favorite hobby and identify a gift that is really useful for her. The more specialized the gift the more impact it will have. Talk to her friends and family and use the Net to find the information you need.
调查对方的嗜好、买一件对她真正有用的礼物。 礼品越是特别,影响力就越大。 告诉她的朋友和家人,并用网找你需要的信息。
IDEA # 82
Go to a masquerade ball. Send an invitation to your partner telling her to meet you at a specific spot at the stroke of eight.
Wear a mask and when you meet her, don't say a word. Just take her hand and lead her on to the dance floor.
参加化装舞会。 给对方发请帖,让她在八点整去某个地点见面。
带上面具后去见她,不要说一句话。 只要牵住她的手,带她到舞池。
IDEA # 83
On Thursday, ask your partner to pack a bag for the weekend. Tell her she'll need casual clothes and walking shoes but don't tell her what you have got planned.
Pick her up after work on Friday and drive to a romantic bed and breakfast for a romantic weekend of relaxation.
周五下班后去接她。 去一个浪漫的小客栈,度过放松的浪漫xx
IDEA # 84
When you are relaxing at home one night, take two large sheets of paper and some pencils or crayons. On each piece of paper, draw the outline of a large crystal ball sitting on a stand.
Tell your partner to look into her crystal ball and draw what she sees five years in the future. Do the same thing yourself and then come together to share and discuss your drawings.
当你们{yt}晚上在家放松时,拿来两大张纸,和一些铅笔或蜡笔。 在每张纸上,画出一只放在台子上的巨大的水晶球。
让对方看着"水晶球",画出五年后看到的东西。 自己也同样这么做,然后放在一起分享和讨论你们的画。

IDEA # 85

Create a loving nickname for your partner. This could be the name she was called by her family when she was a little girl or something that is special just for the two of you.

为对方取一个浪漫的绰号。 它可以是她家里人对她小时候的称呼或者对你两都特别的名字。

IDEA # 86

If you are musically inclined, write a love song for your partner. Call it something like "Natasha's Song".
Produce a professional looking manus-c-r-i-p-t, print it out and get it framed. Record your song onto CD and take a photo of your partner and get a print shop to create a CD cover if you can’t create one on your computer.
Place the framed manus-c-r-i-p-t and the CD in a box and give it to your partner as a special gift.

如果你们都偏爱音乐,那么为对方写一首歌。 取名类似为”Natasha之歌“

IDEA # 87
Pick your partner up for a date and blindfold her before driving to a special destination.
Try to make the destination something really unexpected like a table set up at the top of a cliff or a dinner on a boat or old-fashioned ship. It needs to be something that will have an impact when she removes the blindfold.
让目的地xx出乎意料,例如:在悬崖边摆一张桌子,或在老式船上共进晚餐。 需要是在她拿去眼罩后能给她带来冲击力的地方。
IDEA # 88
Have a really big pillow fight. Set up for it by buying two pillows that are filled with feathers. Put holes in the pillows so the feathers will start to fly and then attack your partner when you feel the time is right.
进行一次”枕头大战“。买两个大内填满羽毛的枕头。 使枕头上有些孔,这样羽毛就会飞扬。然后在你感觉时机合适的情况下”袭击“对方。

IDEA # 89

Get out into the great outdoors. After a day of hiking, build an open fire. Sit by the fire with your partner, toast marshmallows and watch as the embers of the fire climb into the night sky.
去户外。 在{yt}远足后,建立一个篝火。 两人坐在一起,烤蘑菇、看着篝火的灰烬冉冉升向夜空。

IDEA # 90
If your partner uses a computer, take a photo of the two of you and get it scanned at a print shop (or scan it at home) and store it on disk as a .bmp file.
Transfer the file onto your partner's computer and set the image as the computer's wallpaper.
To do this on a Windows machine, select Start / Settings / Control Panel / Display. Choose the Background tab and click the Browse button to find your .bmp file.
点击开始/设置/控制面/显示。 选择背景页签,点击浏览按钮定位那张bmp格式的文件。

IDEA # 81

Research your partner's favorite hobby and identify a gift that is really useful for her. The more specialized the gift the more impact it will have. Talk to her friends and family and use the Net to find the information you need.

调查对方的嗜好、买一件对她真正有用的礼物。 礼品越是特别,影响力就越大。 告诉她的朋友和家人,并用网找你需要的信息。

IDEA # 82

Go to a masquerade ball. Send an invitation to your partner telling her to meet you at a specific spot at the stroke of eight.
Wear a mask and when you meet her, don't say a word. Just take her hand and lead her on to the dance floor.

参加化装舞会。 给对方发请帖,让她在八点整去某个地点见面。
带上面具后去见她,不要说一句话。 只要牵住她的手,带她到舞池。

IDEA # 83

On Thursday, ask your partner to pack a bag for the weekend. Tell her she'll need casual clothes and walking shoes but don't tell her what you have got planned.
Pick her up after work on Friday and drive to a romantic bed and breakfast for a romantic weekend of relaxation.

周五下班后去接她。 去一个浪漫的小客栈,度过放松的浪漫xx

IDEA # 84

When you are relaxing at home one night, take two large sheets of paper and some pencils or crayons. On each piece of paper, draw the outline of a large crystal ball sitting on a stand.
Tell your partner to look into her crystal ball and draw what she sees five years in the future. Do the same thing yourself and then come together to share and discuss your drawings.

当你们{yt}晚上在家放松时,拿来两大张纸,和一些铅笔或蜡笔。 在每张纸上,画出一只放在台子上的巨大的水晶球。
让对方看着"水晶球",画出五年后看到的东西。 自己也同样这么做,

IDEA # 85

Create a loving nickname for your partner. This could be the name she was called by her family when she was a little girl or something that is special just for the two of you.

为对方取一个浪漫的绰号。 它可以是她家里人对她小时候的称呼或者对你两都特别的名字。

IDEA # 86

If you are musically inclined, write a love song for your partner. Call it something like "Natasha's Song".
Produce a professional looking manus-c-r-i-p-t, print it out and get it framed. Record your song onto CD and take a photo of your partner and get a print shop to create a CD cover if you can’t create one on your computer.
Place the framed manus-c-r-i-p-t and the CD in a box and give it to your partner as a special gift.

如果你们都偏爱音乐,那么为对方写一首歌。 取名类似为”Natasha之歌“

IDEA # 87

Pick your partner up for a date and blindfold her before driving to a special destination.
Try to make the destination something really unexpected like a table set up at the top of a cliff or a dinner on a boat or old-fashioned ship. It needs to be something that will have an impact when she removes the blindfold.

让目的地xx出乎意料,例如:在悬崖边摆一张桌子,或在老式船上共进晚餐。 那应该是一个

IDEA # 88

Have a really big pillow fight. Set up for it by buying two pillows that are filled with feathers. Put holes in the pillows so the feathers will start to fly and then attack your partner when you feel the time is right.

进行一次”枕头大战“。买两个大内填满羽毛的枕头。 使枕头上有些孔,这样羽毛就会飞扬。然后在你感觉时机合适的情况下”袭击“对方。

IDEA # 8 9
点子8 9

Get out into the great outdoors. After a day of hiking, build an open fire. Sit by the fire with your partner, toast marshmallows and watch as the embers of the fire climb into the night sky.

去户外。 在{yt}远足后,建立一个篝火。 两人坐在一起,烤蘑菇、看着篝火的灰烬冉冉升向夜空。

IDEA # 90

If your partner uses a computer, take a photo of the two of you and get it scanned at a print shop (or scan it at home) and store it on disk as a .bmp file.

Transfer the file onto your partner's computer and set the image as the computer's wallpaper.

To do this on a Windows machine, select Start / Settings / Control Panel / Display. Choose the Background tab and click the Browse button to find your .bmp file.


要设置桌面,点击开始/设置/控制面/显示。 选择背景页签,点击浏览按钮定位那张bmp格式的文件。

IDEA # 91

If you are artistically inclined, do a life drawing course, practice until you are confident and then ask your partner to pose for you.

如果你有艺术倾向,参加写生画培训班, 不断练习,知道你有了信心,然后,请对方为你摆造型。

IDEA # 92

Take your partner to a carnival or festival. Try the following:
(1) Food festival
(2) Jazz festival
(3) Wine festival
(4) Music festival

带对方参加一次狂欢节或欢庆活动。 例如:

IDEA # 93

Develop a video time capsule. Start with the two of you sitting together on a couch introducing the video. Say something like, "It is currently July 14th 2002. We have decided to make this video so that we can watch it together on our 25th wedding anniversary."

Then have a section where you talk to the camera by yourself, telling the camera how you feel about your partner and why you love her. Get her to do the same thing. When you are done, place the video in a bank vault and on your 25th wedding anniversary you will be able to look back in time and reminisce about everything that you have shared.

做视频记录。 一开始,你们两人坐在沙发上,对视频做说明,例如:“现在是xxxx年七月14日。我们决定录制因为这样就能在结婚25周年纪念日时欣赏”

然后,在录制时一部分是你独自讲述,告诉摄像机你对对方的感觉,为什么爱她。 同样,她也完成这一过程。 录完后,把录像放在一个银行保险箱中,


IDEA # 94

If you are in a secluded spot near a beach or lake and the weather is warm, go for an impromptu skinny dip with your partner.


IDEA # 95

This one is great for long distance relationships. It takes a bit of organization but if you can pull it off, it is sure to be a surprise that your partner will never forget. Organize to catch up with her regularly over the internet using either a chat room or an Instant Messenger program. Then arrange a secret trip to meet her without telling her that you’re coming.
When it comes time for your usual chat over the Net, arrange for a close friend back home to log on using your nickname while you position yourself outside her door. Phone your friend on your mobile and be speaking to him in real time. Tell him to type in the following sentence, “I really miss you honey, I wish I could be there and just reach out and knock on your door.” As soon as he has sent the message, knock on the door!

对于两地分居的爱情来说这一条极好。 需要一些准备,但是,如果你能成功的话,那么肯定会是一个叫对方永远难以忘却的惊喜。和她经常在互联网上用聊天室或即时聊天工具保持{zx1}联络。然后,在不通知你将去的时候秘密去探望她。


IDEA # 96

Buy your partner a gold fish in a bowl and give it to her with a card saying,
“Of all the fish in the sea,
you're the fish for me!”


IDEA # 97

Go for a drive either early in the morning or at dusk. Get a CD/tape that contains sounds of nature such as Sounds Of the Rainforest and play it as you hold your partner's hand and drive.

在清晨或黄昏时去开车兜风。 买一张拥有自然声音的CD/磁带,如《Sounds Of the Rainforest》,边握着对方的手边听着歌曲。

IDEA # 98

The day before your partner's birthday buy some helium balloons, streamers and flowers and hide them in a closet.
When your partner has fallen asleep, string the streamers around the room and bring out the balloons and flowers. Place them around the bed so that your partner wakes up to a real birthday surprise.

当对方入睡之后,在房间内挂上彩带,取出气球和花。 放在床边,这样等对方一醒来就能得到一个真的惊喜。

IDEA # 99

Spend a leisurely afternoon with your partner in a large book shop such as Borders where you can browse the shelves, share a coffee and sit down to peruse your purchases.


IDEA # 100

If you can afford it, hire a sports car for a weekend. Pick up your partner and give her a long white cashmere scarf to wear with her sunglasses. Go for a drive along the coast with the top down.

如果可行,xx租一辆跑车。 带上女友,送给她一条长白羊绒披巾和太阳镜。 开敞篷,沿着海滩驾驶

IDEA # 101
Serve your partner breakfast in bed. Try the following:
(1) A poached egg in the shape of a heart - you can pick up a heart shaped poacher at most shops that sell kitchen wares.
(2) French toast with cinnamon and maple syrup.
(3) Cereal.
(4) Fruit juice.
(5) A fresh flower


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