
冬防工作开展以来,贵州省平塘县委、县政府高度重视,先后制定下发通知,召开专题会议,及时安排部署,采取有力措施扎实推进了冬防工作的深入开展。为切实做好今冬明春消防安全工作,平塘县政府结合本县实际,紧紧抓住农村防火工作这一薄弱环节,从加强农村消防设施建设和灭火救援装备配备,全面提高火灾扑救能力的高度出发,在县财政极为困难的情况下,采取资金匹配的方式为全县19个乡(镇)统一采购了一大批消防手抬机动泵和水枪、水带,并于1月19日上午在平塘县消防大队举行配发仪式后纷发各乡(镇),这是平塘县委、县政府高度重视消防工作的结果,更是平塘县抓冬季防火工作的又一重要举措。 据了解,平塘县位于贵州省南缘中部,下辖19个乡(镇),241个村1831个村民小组及6个居民委员会,居住着15个少数民族30.135万人口,是典型的少数民族农业县,同时也是{gjj}贫困县,有的乡(镇)和村寨距离县城上百公里,县内共有100户以上自然村寨有6个,50户以上自然村寨有123个,旅游村寨有3个,农村村寨木房较多,人口密集,是黔南州农村火灾的高危地区;特别是每年进入冬季后,农村火灾事故频发,火灾形势极为严峻,除牙舟镇政府已自行购置两台手抬机动泵外,其余乡(镇)均未配备,加之平塘又无消防中队,农村火灾扑救工作一直困扰着历届党委政府领导。为切实解决农村火灾扑救难度大这一难题,黔南州平塘县消防大队领导班子在深入调研的基础上,不断加强请示汇报,充分发挥参谋助手作用,积极为党委政府献言建策,引起了平塘县委、县政府的高度重视,抓住冬季防火工作的有利时机,及时促请县政府采取资金匹配(即各乡(镇)出资1万元,县政府匹配1万元)、政府集中采购的方式,共投入近40万元经费为全县每个乡(镇)分别配购了两台手抬机动泵、10盘水带和水枪,从而为农村火灾扑救工作打下了坚实基础。经统计,此次共集中采购消防手抬机动泵35台、水带180盘3600米、水带接口180副、水枪18支。为使新配购的手抬机动泵能尽快发挥效能,1月19日上午,县政府组织全县19个乡(镇)政府负责人在平塘县消防大队举行了消防手抬机动泵配发仪式暨现场培训会,县政府领导还到会对手抬机动泵的管理、维护及其培训工作作了重要讲话,要求各乡(镇)政府要严格按照《消防法》的要求,认真履行职责,着力抓好义务消防队建设,搞好训练,掌握手抬机动泵的使用技能,确保一旦发生火灾后,能随时拉得出、打得赢、灭得下。至此,全县19个乡镇均已完成了两台消防手台机动泵的配备任务,从而进一步加强了乡(镇)消防装备建设,夯实了基础,全面做好了火灾扑救准备,为平塘县今冬明春消防安全工作画上了浓浓的一笔。

“Pingtang 400,000 to buy the fire motorized pumps dispensing hand-carried the townships”是由提供的国际水泵新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国隔膜泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。


Since the launching of preventive measures and work, Guizhou pingtang county, the county government attaches great importance, has formulated and issued a notice to convene a special meeting to make arrangements for a timely manner and take effective measures to promote the preventive measures and a solid work in depth. In order to truly do a good job this winter and next spring fire safety work, pingtang county government with the county reality, firmly grasp the weak link in rural fire prevention work, from the strengthening of the rural fire service facilities and is equipped with fire fighting and rescue equipment, and comprehensively improve the fire fighting capabilities perspective, in the county treasury is extremely difficult circumstances, adopt the way for county matching funds of 19 townships (towns) a unified procurement of a large number of hand-carried mobile fire pumps and water guns, water zone, and on the morning of January 19 pingtang County, a fire brigade after the ceremony held at the allotment Fun Fat communes (towns), which is pingtang county, the county government attaches great importance to the results of fire control work, but also grasp the winter fire protection work pingtang County, another important step. It is understood that pingtang County is located in Guizhou Province, southern edge of Central has jurisdiction over 19 townships (towns), 241 villages and 1831 village groups six neighborhood, inhabited by 15 ethnic minority population of 301.35 thousand is a typical minority agricultural counties, but also state-level poor counties, some township (town) and villages hundreds of kilometers from the county, the county a total of 100 natural villages with more than 6 months, 50 more than 123 natural villages, tourist villages there are three rural villages Kibusa are more densely populated, is Qiannan rural fire-risk areas; in particular, after a year into the winter, rural fire, accidents, fire situation is extremely serious, in addition to dental boat has its own town government to purchase two hand - lift motor pump, the remaining township (town) were not equipped with, combined with pingtang nor fire squadron, the rural fire fighting and rescue work has been plagued by successive leadership of party committees and governments. To effectively solve the rural fire fighting difficult this problem, Qiannan pingtang county fire brigade leadership on the basis of an in-depth investigations and studies continue to strengthen consult reports, give full play the role of staff assistants, and actively Hsien-party committee and government made Kensaku aroused pingtang county, the county government have attached great importance to seize the favorable opportunity of the winter fire-prevention work in time to urge the county government to take matching funds (ie, various townships (towns) invested 10,000 yuan, the county government match 1 million), the Government centralized procurement way, invested a total of nearly 40 million in funds for each county, township (town) were purchased with two hand-carry mobile pumps, 10 water-belt and gun, and thus for rural fire fighting and rescue work has laid a solid foundation. The statistics, the total of centralized purchasing hand-carried the fire pump motor 35 sets of 180 with 3600 meters of water, water with a port 180, water gun 18. In order to purchase a new hand-carried with motor pumps as soon as possible effective, January 19 morning, the county government organizations, the county 19 townships (towns) in pingtang County Government is responsible for the fire brigade fire hand-held motorized lift pump dispensing Ceremony and on-site training sessions, the county government leaders have to be carried rival motor pump management, maintenance and training made an important speech urging the townships (town) Government should strictly follow the "Fire Act" requirements, conscientiously perform their duties, focus their efforts on duty fire-building, do a good job training, to master the use of hand-carried pump motor skills, to ensure that the event of a fire, we could always pull out a victory, and destroying was the next. So far, 19 county towns have completed two units of mobile fire pump is equipped with hand-tasks, thus further strengthening of the township (town) fire equipment, strengthening the foundation for a comprehensive fire fighting is well prepared for the pingtang County fire safety work this winter and next spring painted on the thick stroke.

郑重声明:资讯 【平塘40万购消防手抬机动泵配发各乡镇_隔膜泵_新浪博客】由 发布,版权归原作者及其所在单位,其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经(企业库qiyeku.com)证实,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若本文有侵犯到您的版权, 请你提供相关证明及申请并与我们联系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在线投诉】,我们审核后将会尽快处理。
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