America blog revealed that Apple's Tablet PC No ...

previously there are many rumors that Apple's tablet PCs will have a web camera, but Graber said: "I heard that it does not have cameras, network cameras,, or other similar devices."

> Related reading: Analysts predict Apple's Tablet PC sales this year, three million partnership that Apple will release the next few days the hospital staff to sell Apple's Tablet PC Tablet PC Hon Hai Group will carry Apple's Tablet PC assembly

SAN FRANCISCO January 13 morning news, according to foreign media reports, the United States well-known technology bloggers blog Daring Fireball,, John? Graber (John Gruber) Tuesday said that Apple's Tablet PC does not have the camera.

the industry said that although Graber last fall, the iPod Touch will have a forecast of the camera ultimately proved to be wrong, but he has been predicted that the Apple product features have good "track record" . Analysts pointed out that for the smaller iPhone (mobile Internet) and the iPod is equipped with cameras is meaningful,, but it was larger than the Tablet PC is not the case may be, in particular Apple's tablet PCs have learned about 10-inch display. (Tang)


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