Did You Know 3 Companies Were Indicted For Tainted Pet Food That ...

3 companies indicted in pet food case
By DAVID TWIDDY, AP Business Writer
14 minutes ago
KANSAS CITY, Mo. – Two Chinese businesses and a U.S. company were indicted Wednesday in the tainted pet food incidents that killed potentially thousands of animals last year and raised worries about products made in China.
Xuzhou Anying Biologic Technology Development Co.; Suzhou Textiles, Silk, Light Industrial Products Arts and Crafts I/E Co.; and Las Vegas-based ChemNutra Inc. were charged in two separate but related indictments.
The U.S. attorney’s office in Kansas City said the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has received consumer reports suggesting 1,950 cats and 2,200 dogs died after eating food contaminated with the toxic chemical melamine.
U.S. Attorney John F. Wood said authorities haven’t been able to substantiate all those reports, but “as for pet deaths, we think it’s in the thousands.”

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  • * Brown Eyed Girl * 说:

    yeah…i think this is what killed my kitty harley. :( he went missing for the longest time, then we found him snuggled in our hay loft. :’(

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