百维特钓鱼仿生饵铅鱼铅坠假饵虾阿泼漂等等阿里巴巴baiweitefishing的 ...

The Anhui Province Jieshou hundred content fish have limit the company are produce and develop fishing equipment's specialized enterprise.
The company mainly produces and sells each kind of specification the biological modelling bait, the lead fish, the plumb-bob, a lead hook as well as the lead zinc falls spurts models, diving counterweight plumb-bob and so on. Soft bait series: Each kind of specification: False bait, lead plating fish, soft insect, shrimp, Guang Zhaner, frog. And so on. The biological modelling artificial lure plants flowers the chroma to plant respectively. This company just developed the fish to float, Arab League sprinkles floats the product. Arab League sprinkles floats is uses Japan to fish grinds the joint-stock company to introduce the advanced shore fishing to float floats the production equipment, is new product which Japanese fishing celebrity Mr. Tanaka Rong instructs to organize.
The company has the specialized technique of manufacture and the advanced large-scale production equipment, suits the local soft and hard bait series for the customer design and the production. The product has sold in distant markets Europe and America, Australia, areas and so on Southeast Asia, excellent in quality and reasonable in price product depth customer high praise.
We believed: Quality promotion value!

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