

关键词: 人体脉搏信号,单片机,频率测量

The Design of the Instrument of Pulse Wave
Abstract:The shape, intensity, speed, and rhythm of pulse signals mostly reflect the physical and pathological characters of heart-blood system in human bodies. According to the characteristics of the human pulse signals, a pulse fluctuation frequency measurement system is designed. The system uses a pulse sensor to output the voltage of the pulse signals, and uses an amplification circuit to enlarge it, and then, uses an addition circuit in phase to low the scale of the voltage, and then, inverts the analog signals to impulse signals by a circuit compared with zero, then uses AT89S51 to deal with it to get the pulse fluctuation frequency, and last use LED to display. Tests show that the system can measure and display the pulse fluctuation frequency, providing an objective basis for doctors to diagnose and having certain clinical value. At the beginning of the paper, the integral notion of the device design is brought out. Afterwards, the detail information of each part is narrated. At last part, some suggestions for improving the device are provided.

Key words: Pulse signal of human body, Microcontroller, Frequency measurement

目    录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 中医脉象研究的意义 1
1.2 中医脉诊客观化研究的概况 1
1.3 主要完成的任务及设计思想 1
1.4 论文的结构组成 1
第2章 脉搏波动频率测量系统总体方案设计 1
2.1 系统硬件电路方案 1
2.1.1 脉搏传感器的选择 1
2.1.2 信号放大电路的选择 1
2.1.3 单片机的选择 1
2.2 系统软件方案选择 1
2.2.1 脉搏波动频率测量方案的选择 1
2.2.2 单片机工作方式的选择 1
2.2.3 显示电路方案的选择 1
2.3 本章小结 1
第3章 脉搏波动频率测量系统硬件电路设计 1
3.1 信号放大电路部分的设计 1
3.2 电压基准变化电路的设计 1
3.3 过零比较器的设计 1
3.4 单片机微处理系统的设计 1
3.5 LED显示硬件电路的设计 1
3.6 本章小结 1
第4章 脉搏波动频率测量系统软件设计 1
4.1 脉搏频率测量原理 1
4.2 系统主程序的设计 1
4.3 脉搏波动频率测量子程序的设计 1
4.4 本章小结 1
第5章 系统调试及结论 1
5.1 脉搏波动频率测量系统的调试 1
5.1.1 脉搏传感器信号调试 1
5.1.2 信号放大电路部分调试 1
5.1.3 电压基准变化电路部分调试 1
5.1.4 系统综合调试 1
5.2 本章小结 1
结论 1
致谢 1
参考文献 1
附录1(硬件电路原理图) 1
附录2(硬件电路实物图) 1
附录3(主要程序) 1

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