VCD to XviD Converter to Convert Videos_srtrgavk_新浪博客

Fast, easy to use VCD to XviD Converter to Convert Videos, DVD to DivX, DVD to Xvid, DVD to AVI, DVD to MP4, DVD to iPod MP4, DVD to PSP MP4 with great quality.

Holy Robe of Shaolin Temple

Synopsis: Tian Yuan is a mercenary tasked to destroy the Shaolin Temple... from the inside. Disguised as Liao Kong, a Holy Monk of the Golden Light Temple, Tian Yuan challenges the High Priest of Shaolin for complete control of the Temple. While Tian Yuan is defeatingf the high priest, the Royal Guard of the Emperor Tang overrun the Shaolin Temple, killing all in their path. But a small group of Shaoling disciples escape with the Holy Robe. Without the Robe, Tian Yuan will never rule Shaolin. Trule spectacular battle scenes and authentic training sequences make the quest for the Holy Robe an unforgettable journey. This is the full uncut original release of this classic. Newly Remastered! YTX20091124DVD


 Step1. Importing source video file;
 Step2: Set start position and end position ;
 Step3: Edit in file list;
 Step4: Output Setting;
 Step5: Start Conversion;





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